Thursday 28 January 2016

The Prestitutes at it Again. Now the State of Uttrakhand Police..........

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On last Sunday, overweight constables were summoned to the police lines. In the presence of SSP Udham Singh Nagar, they were made to go through some physical tests. Constable Manoj Kumar, posted at Kunda police station of the district was found weighing 97 kg. 

So he ordered the overweight constable Manoj Kumar to carry a Darogaji on his back in fireman lift, a very normal drill being done by army every day in the morning after Physical Training parade, because this fireman lift is most essential to ensure that a wounded soldier can be carried away from the battle field by his colleagues. For police it is even more important in the case of fire at a place or somebody wounded has to be removed from the danger. He also found many of his constables overweight and unfit, the reason for the training/ tests the SSP conducted.
Due to Negative prestitute reports and the social media, DGP Uttarkhand, Mr. B S SIDHU instead of lauding the SSP and giving him a pat on the back for a good start, treated the Physical Training/Physical Tests as harassment of constables under his Command. He stated to the Times of India "Constabulary forms the backbone of the police department and it is not right to insult a constable publicly. Yet the PhysicalTraining/Tests were carried out in the presence of the SSP UdhamSingh Nagar, on a police Training Ground which is not public. The  DGP Uttarkhand Mr. B S Sidhu also told TOI, that strict action will be initiated if it is found that the constables were "harassed." He added that the action would be taken as per the report of DIG Kumaon. 

Why the Director General of Police Mr. BS Sidhu found the need to interact with the prestitutes and to put the good work of the SSP under cloud instead of telling them, "Its an internal Police matter of Training and Administration this is not a tamasha so please fu** of "

That means the media aka TOI was kind of given liberty to decide and sit in judgment  about this Training an internal matter of the Uttarkhand Police being harassment of cops?
According to the SSP Udham Singh Nagar Keval Khurana, "Some of the policemen who were overweight have been advised to shift to armed police and reduce their weight. On the occasion, we gave lessons on lathi charge and other matters to our staff. Six of them who were in good physical shape were rewarded. But some misleading reports have been spread about the exercise meant for the fitness of cops," Khurana added. Thanks to the prestitutes.

The Real Trouble.
Some years ago I was asked to conduct a Personal Development Training Program for Ratnagiri District Police (Maharashtra Police), top to bottom by SSP Ratnagiri  . Well I used to start my program at 7 AM with fun and games, to make cops realize their actual state of physical fitness plus to break ice. To my horror nearly 65 % of cops were overweight and physically unfit for various reasons. So gradually I increased the intensity and time of the "Fun and Games" for the duration of the training Program and the subsequent follow ups. Followed by 20 minutes of  Zen type meditation which was a guided practice but to be done 3 times a day.

Then the first lecture discussion used to be on the Maintenance and relationship between our 5 Koshas. Koshas being Annamaya Kosha (Physical body or envelope), Pranmaya Kosha (Respiratory Envelope or of Life), Manomay Kosha (Emotional envelope), The Vigyanmay Kosha (The thinking or the intellectual envelope) and the Anand maya Kosha. This covered the importance of food, exercise, fitness, way of thinking giving rise to emotions. The concepts of the way we think is the way of our being from moment to moment. The internal and external effects of Positive and negative emotions, as well as effects of these on the Pranmay Kosha. Cause of Stress as related to our being and our Pancha Kosha and how meditation affects us positively.  Plus a myriad of discussions and stories to impress the need for change and for easy learning. Everything leading to the Anandmaya Kosha or that state joyfulness which is our natural state and should always remains so, whether anything happens or does not happen.

So I kind of motivated them without being negative, gave them a fitness formula, height in inches equal to weight in kgs +-10% AND chest 4 inches more than waist.  To my great delight and the delight of the cops, so also to the delight of their families (as reported by the cops themselves), 40 % cops managed to become fit within the next 6 months of follow up, as well as many stopped smoking, drinking heavily and using tobacco.  
I have very little trust in cops and I am often times very critical in my writings about these species. Yet I realized they are human beings like us and extremely good at heart.
During my training program we had a lot of feedback sessions, a lot of positive actions were initiated. However it was for the first time I had a really close and micro insight into the lives and psychology of these sometimes hapless beings. I realized the system has made them behave as they do. Basically all are very good human beings.

The amount of stress, the indignities they suffer from their superiors, their political masters, the public, going on to not getting their dues like pay and TA DA in time, to lack of leadership is mind boggling. Imagine a few cops are sent on duty to a place may be 50-60 kms from their place of posting for a few days. They have to pay for everything from travel to food to stay. No advance is given and it may take 4 to 6 months for their TA DA claims to materialize (I hope things have improved now).
Result is the policemen will travel free in State transport, will bully and not pay for their food as no one has the guts to demand, and so on and so forth, politicians and bosses will interfere in their work by telling them what to do, at times twisting their tails to make them do things which they abhor to do and corruption sets in. Harassed by being put on overtime due to the antics of their political masters, not being properly organized and administratively cared for by their superiors  during such times and left to fend for themselves. This slowly gets evolved into a system of self gratification and corruption. Yet the basic human material is good very very good.
The year before last I had the occasion of traveling by my car to Ratnagiri. Since I was stopping at Chiplun, I drove through Kumbharli ghat (mountain pass). The Kumbharli Ghat is a mountain pass in Maharashtra, India that connects the coastal Ratnagiri District in Konkan region of Maharashtra with the Satara District in Desh region. It cuts across the Western Ghats range. It is one of few link roads between the Konkan and Ghatmaatha in Maharashtra. I always stop at the ghatmatha (Pass Top) for at least 15 to 20 mins to take in the beautiful sweeping valley of the Konkan region which it overlooks for miles into the distant. As we were getting into our car, a policeman from the police post on the top approached me and said "Saheb Thamba chaha tayar ahe" ( Sir please wait tea is ready). I was totally taken aback! I said "nako Nako kashala tras gheta thik ahe"( No No please do not take this trouble its ok). His reply "Saheb tumhee amche guru ahat, amhe tumhala visarlo nahi, Aaz tumhchya mule amhala khup shikayla milala, anandaney kasa jagava hey shiklo, aaz kharach khup anandat jagtoy, mag 1 cup chaha tari amchya kadun gheun java" (Sir you are our Guru, we have not forgotten you. Because of you we have learnt a lot, learned how to live a joyful life, and today I am a really living a joyful life, then at least you must accept a cup of tea from us before you go). So at the top of a mountain one of my trainee policeman recognized me after so many years, offered a cup of tea from the bottom of his heart. Nothing could have made me more happier as a trainer and a facilitator. That cup of tea, was I think one of the sweetest I have ever had the occasion to taste.

Therefore I think, given good leadership nay very good leadership, holistic training and guidance, ensuring their mental and physical fitness, plus ensuring that they get their minimum dues and in time we can turn around this state of affairs. Yet for that to happen, change has to come in starting from the rogue and criminal politicians in state governments, the IPS bosses and a deliberate and thoughtful restructuring of the Police organization and going down to grass roots for the same. 

The above incidence illustrates how the prestitutes directly and indirectly interfere in day to day workings of this very important organization, this under the guise of "news reporting" aka getting "masala reports" for their daily news paper editions and TV TRP's. I have counted at least 20 News Channels reporting this incidence with video at prime time, and a same number of newspapers doing the same.  Was there no other  important news like the Army Veterans Boycotting the RD Parade for injustice on them by the GOI? Not a squeak from these prestitute twerps.  Why did TOI have to interview the DGP of Uttarkhand? Did not the TOI find reporting such things as trouble mongering and interference in the Organization and Administration of the Uttarkhand Police? Why did not the TOI editor act more responsibly? Did not the DGP have the 0|0 **s to support his SSP and tell the prestitutes to Fu** Off? How can one expect the State Police Forces to improve under these conditions?

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