Saturday 2 January 2016


Our country and the TV channels have got busy in dissecting this latest attack. Watching TV one gets an impression of  a one dayer cricket match. With the Terror scenes repeating, a running commentary by on the spot journos with their OBC vans. The so called expert and  imminent panelists give their opinions, Arnab Goswami shouts his head off to make the Pakistani participants in his debate look very foolish (which they are) and scores brownie as well as TRP points. The rogue  Netas of different ideologies   direct their ire on the neighboring country , Parliament discusses for a while and the whole episode is forgotten. The Security agencies drill holes on each other's performance and try to score over each other. The Nation awaits another incidence to happen and the whole rigmarole is repeated time and again. 
Air Force bases have technically trained personnel who are not trained to deal with an armed attack. It was a mercy that the police issued a warning about an imminent terrorist attack though 12 hours late. 

The most disturbing fact was,the blunder committed by Punjab police.It is bewildering to learn that a senior officer of the rank of SP,who miraculously escaped from the terrorists,alerted the police about the impending fidayeen attack,but was disbelieved by the Polce HQs, which caused serious lapse of counter-attack preparations.I find it hard to believe that a SP's report on such a serious incident can be ridiculed by the senior Punjab police officers;shows the pathetic state of morale and professionalism. 

NSG Commandos were flown in time so also the Air Force Garud Commandos were deployed in time. Otherwise the DSC personnel deployed for security  are not trained nor a match for terrorists. These are ex soldiers retired from The Armed Forces whose age group is much higher like in their fifties. They are not fit enough nor equipped to fight pitched battles with terrorists with sophisticated weapons. They can utmost be gainfully employed in Defense Installations, like Ordnance Depots/ Factories etc to prevent thefts and keep vigil. There was a distinct possibility of grave loss to air assets in this particular attack.
Our VA's (Vulnerable Areas) and VP's (Vulnerable Points)  are a soft target for terrorists and not just in border areas of our country but all over from North to South and East to West. 
God forbid but as terrorists get techno savvy nothing will be safe throughout the length and breadth of our nation. Our  Nuclear power plants to take a case in point are really really very vulnerable. I visited a couple of them during my time in service. Security was at most a Platoon of CRPF and a few people with dandas roaming around. Now something known as Central Industrial Security Force has been deployed a tad better than a danda wielding chowkidar. These too are not really trained to handle motivated jihadi terrorists attacking.

Actually this aspect of Security of soft targets needs a lot of thought and planning to make it tight and effective. I personally feel it should be a part of The Ministry of Defense. It has to be holistic with proper integration of our assets including independent communication systems. At the outset all Armed personnel like CRPF, BSF and other Armed Constabulary should come under the Ministry of Defense and removed from Home Affairs. A separate cell headed by a Senior Army Officer (Division Commander minimum) experienced in anti terror warfare should be established. IAS Babus should be strictly no no to hold this position. Once a threat is identified as to happen or in progress then these anti terror assets should automatically come under this Army Officer for deployment. 

Initial activities would be identification and Classification of soft Targets, Effects of Terrorist attacks on these assets and their fall out in terms of loss to defense, fall out in terms of loss of human lives all over and cost of post attack cleaning up (in case of nuclear energy targets). Then planning and distribution of allotment of available security on above threat perceptions and effect of damage assessment. 
Further establishment of independent encrypted  Radio Communications network having all assets, VA's, VP's and other Soft and hard targets and Security and deploy-able Force Headquarters on board. 
Constant manning of this network on listening watch with strict radio Discipline. This would be the network used to deploy and/or redeploy anti Terror Force assets, based on need and to keep the Minister of Defense and the Prime Minister in the loop in real time, as they would be outstations on this net. 
Preferably Radio sets would be valve type avoiding all solid state devices. This is necessary to keep radio communication going in case of an EMP due to nuclear terror strike.

With the present state of affairs regarding terrorism worldwide this threat cannot be wished away. A more pragmatic and reasoned policy and execution is required.
Terrorism found in India includes ethno-nationalist terrorism, religious terrorism, left wing terrorism and narco terrorism. The regions with long term terrorist activities have been Jammu and Kashmir, east-central and south-central India (Naxalism) and the Seven Sister States. In August 2008, National Security Adviser M K Narayanan has said that there are as many as 800 terrorist cells operating in the country. 

As of 2013, 205 of the country’s 608 districts were affected by terrorist activity. Terror attacks caused 231 civilian deaths in 2012 in India, compared to 11,098 terror-caused deaths worldwide, according to the State Department of the United States; or about 2% of global terror fatalities while it accounts for 17.5% of global population. 
Small mercy that terrorists from across the border have not yet linked up with home grown terrorism other than in J&K. That would have frightening implications.
However in the long term we have to coordinate with our neighbors, pursue persuasive diplomatic policies, take a long term view of terrorism  within our country and try to find solutions to curb this growing threat. 

Another aspect required to be handled is removing the cause of Home grown terrorism. Here our politicians must stop using these terrorists as assets to put down their political rivals. It is time that they put the interests of the Nation above their own. I know it is a lot to ask of these rogues and corrupt entities, however the time has come on plain speak. 

The starting point is the assumption that violence is a virtue in itself and a powerful means to solve social or political problems. Terrorism can be healed only when such people understand the mistaken non logic of any ideology that inspires terrorism and incites to violence—and when they realize that going along with it can never get them anywhere. Until those ideologies’ errors and contradictions are revealed, all measures taken against terrorism can be short-term. Terrorism will emerge again, in different places and under different circumstances, behind a different mask. Unfortunately it is very difficult to change human perceptions upon which is based the world view of individuals. Over a period of time these perceptions become beliefs and finally truths.

Importantly, the root cause for people to lean towards terrorism has to be eradicated. The prime cause which along with abject poverty is : Lack of Food and shelter, Financial and Physical Security,  Unfulfilled Social needs and Self Respect.  
Another factor is materialistic tendencies which go as far back as Darwin’s theories of survival of the fittest. How one perceives this maxim will depend how susceptible one is for indoctrination based upon the root cause. Man has been searching for a way to heaven for thousands of years, if somebody preaches that salvation can be only through this or that particular religion, the ideologies become even stronger. 

When political and materialistic ambitions come in, then this becomes a dangerous and potent combination as far as turning a normal human being into an insurgent/ terrorist goes. Examples are galore from ancient times to this day.
The counter terror operations are now called as WAR ON TERRORISM. Instead it should be treated as a counter terrorism/insurgency. 
The implication is that WAR means indiscriminate force and counter insurgency would mean adequate force. In addition the emphasis must be on isolating the terrorists/insurgents from their support base and NOT destruction of supporting people. An insurgent without the support of the local population is, as I quoted earlier, like a fish out of water. To achieve this we must also take advantage of political intervention and economic tools. 
Unfortunately as far as India is concerned, more than 50% politicians are criminals themselves, A year ago, in Goa, the local Muslims chased out a Maulavi from UP who began to preach hate in peaceful Goa! In the end community opinion is the best check on extremism-  either Christian, Hindu or Muslim. 

Insurgents or terrorists both attempt to gain the support of the local population through an appeal to an overarching ideology and by demonstrating their ability to overturn the status quo through violence. When the activity becomes worldwide we tend to call it as terrorism. It is definitely never an act of war.
While military action is necessary, it is not a sufficient condition for success. 
“A counter insurgency effort that does not respond to legitimate internal socio-political concerns and deals only with military capabilities is ultimately destined to fail.” There is also a risk that too much military action (particularly if it is indiscriminate) can be counterproductive. A theme running throughout discussions on counter insurgency operations is that “smaller may be better” when it comes to the actual employment of military forces.

During the most unfortunate Punjab insurgency we learnt a very instructive lesson. No amount of troop deployment was proving successful in bringing to an end that tragedy. What finally prevailed was isolating the insurgents from the people. For that the army and the local administration did an excellent job. This was achieved by using good interpersonal communication with the locals, importantly employing socio-economic tools, educating the local population, providing medical aid, ensuring that educational institutions remained open and continued to function, helping those who were terrorized by the insurgents and generally spreading goodwill. As I said a militant without the support of locals is like fish out of water. The results are there for all to see. Thankfully the same steps are being now taken in Kashmir. Here sometimes one does need to take a tough military stance if the insurgents are being supported by neighboring countries. The latter might lead to military action though in a limited or contained manner. 
Another aspect special to India is the separatist movement for the valley based from Srinagar. It is extremely difficult to handle terrorism in this place because some traitors loyal to Pakistan are openly supporting. The length of this support is alarming, to the extent of openly waving Pakistani Flags and making open hate speeches. This is being done openly on TV and debates like on Times Now. It is time that our internal organizations put down these Anti Nationals like Rabid Dogs. 

To Do
To further our interests as a growing and a democratically mature Nation, it would be best to continue with our current program of economic assistance. Using socio economic tools, build and run schools, hospitals, roads, power stations and a plethora of developmental activities. This I am sure will make the local population isolate the insurgents/terrorists as far as India is concerned. This line of action is now being followed in India as well as in Afghanistan where the US had proposed an Indian Military presence. In due course of time we will rid our nation of this particular evil and following this action in friendly countries  will gain strong allies. We must not forget that India has come of age and will soon take the place of being a world leader. For that we must start putting our house in order. 

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