Saturday 20 February 2016

The State of our Universities : JNU

Good Morning India.......
JNU (Jawaharlal Nehru University) has become so invested in its sectarian politics, that it has lost its umbrella vision. This University has really become a hot bed of politics. The University has increasingly become narrow minded and every student body, Right, Center or Left is trying to impose its agenda, which increasingly appears to be chalked out by external forces. 
These student bodies with tacit support of JNUTA (JNU Teachers Union), have more or less, lost sight of  the principles of free thinking and freedom of speech upon which the University student organizations had been started on, by its founders. Plus external political Parties have also pumped in money to recruit students to their respective parties.

The pseudo free thinking and freedom of speech movements have gone right out of hand. Shouting anti India slogans and supporting Afzal Guru by questioning his death penalty reeks of deliberate anti nationalism and a foreign hand aka Pakistan or so called secular forces with vested interests within the country, for destabilization.

There were many death penalties carried out across the country. If there was an opposition to the death penalty, then any one of those could have been selected and the Government and the judicial system, could have been targeted in the free thinking and freedom of speech mode.
Therefore it appears that it is not just the students brains at play but certain frightening politics from without, may be Saffron, Red, or green biased which are stoking the students emotional fires, irrespective of the grave results which these might entail.

I am sure the intellectual elite of Lecturers and Professors of JNU are very much aware of what is going on and where all this is leading to. However I am surprised that these so called elite teachers instead of guiding students on what is responsible free thinking and speech, are egging them on in the wrong direction under the guise of free thinking and freedom of speech.

On campus this might not amount to sedition, but when they pass out and become responsible members of the Indian Society, then certainly these activities which they have learnt as their rights under the constitution will be highly anti national and will certainly be dangerous for the Integrity and well being of this Nation.

It is a well known fact that our way of thinking is learned and the way we think leads to emotions which dictate behavior. So let the future of this nation be in strong hands which are today's students at different Universities.

It is time that the so called guardians of the University, the intellectual elite started taking serious note of these happenings and performing their duties not just as teachers and guides but student counselors too. I wont be surprised if pseudo intellectuals will call Counseling as subverting students to particular ideologies, because, that is the state of this Blessed Nation.
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