Friday 26 February 2016

JNU:The Nation destroyer pseudo intellectuals are at it again.

Please refer to the Indian Express cutting pasted below and

Happymon Jacob, associate professor, Disarmament Studies at the School of International Studies, and AK Ramakrishnan, professor, Centre for West Asian Studies at the School of International Studies are two teachers to watch out for their virtually secessionist views on all parts of India that brave insurgencies, with a special interest in Jammu & Kashmir.

Students alleged that some of these professors were present at Umar Khalid & Co’s event at the Sabarmati Dhaba on 9 February. Some of the interviewees suspected that Jacob and Ramakrishnan might have played a role in organizing the function at least by inciting the student organizers.

Names of professors who participated in the commemoration of the first anniversary of Afzal Guru’s “martyrdom” can be seen in the poster I have uploaded. Ramakrishnan’s name can be seen in it. Along with the hyperventilating author Arundhati Roy, one can find on the list Maoist ideologue Sujato Bhadra, filmmaker Sanjay Kak, Manipuri activist Malem Ningthouja, Prof Tripta Wahi and alumnus Kunwarpal Singh and anti-sedition advocate RS Bains.

These traitors talk of "Universities cannot be expected to satisfy the Nations collective conscience of Morality aka Nationalism".

Further this duo goes on to say " Our in
tellectual parameters should not be dictated by regime centred logic". "Critiquing the hanging of Afzal Guru is well within the autonomy of universities."

I agree to that but what these Ba**** so called teachers are doing, goes well beyond just criticizing the judiciary on the death penalty. Their act of inciting students to declare Afzal Guru a terrorist who attacked India's seat of governance, a Martyr, incite them to take out a mashal jaloos (An en mass procession of torch bearers) on 08 Feb to remember his so called Martyrdom, assembling at a place and shouting slogans to the effect :

'Pakistan zindabad' (Long live Pakistan)

'Kashmir maange azaadi, ladkar lenge azaadi' 

(Kashmir is asking for Independence from India, we fill fight and obtain independence for Kashmir)

'Kashmir ki azaadi tak, jung rahegi-jung rahegi' (Till Kashmir is liberated from India, we will continue our war with India, We will continue our war)

'Bharat ki barbaadi tak, jung rahegi-jung rahegi' (Till India is destroyed, our war will continue our war will continue)

'Afzal ki hatya nahi sahenge'

One of their Cronies writes thus:

"This government is using Nationalism to crush constitutional patriotism,
"Legal Tyranny to crush dissent"
"Political Power to settle petty scores"
"Administrative power to destroy institutions"

This is what these traitors guide their JNU students to do:

Club th
e enemy of the state who attacked the seat of governance and the fabric of Indian society, with those soldiers who lost their lives in guaranteeing this countries freedom and safety from its enemies like Pakistan and its sponsored terrorists. In fact these jokers are alive and talking of freedom because the Army martyrs permitted them to do so. What a bloody shame.

Take out Torch Marches in memoriam of this criminal and a terrorist and shout long live Afzal, we are with you, shout slogans like long live Pakistan death to India. We will gain independence for Kashmir, a state and territory of India which the Maharaja of Kashmir legally acceded like all the other states to India. This is their idea of free and critical thinking, of freedom of speech and free dissent!!!

These traitors have the Ba**s to call this free thinking which at every step is funneled and channeled by these anti national pro communist intellectuals?
They further go on to say:

"The government's high handedness with the institutions of higher learning is symptomatic of the fact that, free speech, critical thinking and dissent and the very idea of universities are being challenged. These SO** go further and state that there is a deep seated, sectarian political agenda behind targeting JNU."

May I ask these pseudo intellectuals the self declared guardians of freedom of speech, free thinking, and advocates of intellectual space, as to what in their intellect can be described as anti national acts, immorality with respect to their mother country if not these?

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