Thursday 25 February 2016

JNU is setting a dangerous trend for the future generations to become destabilizing forces threatening the Integrity and well being of this nation.

Smriti Iranis Speech in Parliament a must see and hear.

The judgment for hanging of Afzal Guru was debated at length on TV. In fact the prestitutes were kind of already judging the judges before the actual hanging of a terrorist.  My personal view is once an order is pronounced, after all channels of recourse are done with then that's it. Somewhere a line has to be drawn. Everyone will continue having a view. No nation is a utopia of governance. A government and a judiciary must be created which is able to solve conflicts between the people by judicial decision.

This government must be based on a clear cut constitution which is approved by the people and they stand by it. The judiciary is also vested with the responsibility to uphold the constitution and the Sovereignty of the Nation it belongs to.

We presume certain assumptions about the nature of man. We assume that there is no such thing as a more or less stable human nature. We assume that humans are not flawed, but are infinitely malleable. Looking from that angle JNU is setting a dangerous trend for the future generations to become destabilizing forces threatening the Integrity and well being of this nation.

One has to also remember that our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people, without caste ,creed or a particular religion. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other. So the judiciary has to operate within that, yet, while so operating,  sit in judgment of immoral, anti national religious extremists.

Who governs us? Who determines the laws under which we shall live? They are themselves in a major part bloody criminals. Certainly, peoples and governments are subject to corruption, as biblical prophets and secular philosophers have discussed for thousands of years. What the teachers are trying to promote in the malleable students under the garb of freedom of thought and speech, is a Modi who sounds very much like Nimrod, the ruler associated with the building of the Tower of Babel. Nimrod was, after all, a tyrant and rebel against God.

Always at the base of good intentions often lie interests linked to the reorganization of  productive systems and  political implications. This aspect is full of consequences for education due to the fact that this field is progressively escaping the educational action of the state.

 Taking the specific case of JNU.

JNU is allowing the so called Intellectuals to influence students the future generation of this country, like it is mentioned in Genesis One of the bible, "God made man in his own image"  , to correspond to their teachers way of thinking (largely Utopian communism) as to what should be the future nature of this country. Which in itself is channelizing thoughts in absolute reversal of free thinking, but under that garb. To the point of eulogizing the enemies of this nation, all under the garb of Independence of thought and freedom of speech. Dangerous trends indeed.  

So this, in order to be transferred to a more nationalistic and responsible womb of learning within the concept of free thought and freedom of speech. The state, or the government of this country has to figure out to reposition itself with regard to the educa­tional field.

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