Wednesday 17 February 2016

Now this young lady is #DhrupadiGhosh She studies something She demands #Kashmir to be liberated She also holds # Afzal Guru close to her bosom She belongs to a group that dwells on Dreams and Nightmares

Good Morning India....
So Mr Pratap Bhanu Mehta these are the students who are being subverted to anti nationalism due to pseudo intellectuals like you who talk of freedom and independence of thought and free thinking without thinking about its implication where even terrorists attacking the fabric, the safety and the people of this country should be shown compassion and mercy.

Though you very well know that what the students did on the JNU campus are straight acts of treason of the highest order and not acts of anti-national and unpatriotic beliefs and opinions, falling in the realms of the Indian Constitution read within reasonable bounds.

Dhrupadi Ghosh I hope you are reading this. I have been, as an Army Officer, operating against these killer terrorists for quite a while before my retirement.
At the moment you are chanting slogans against India like

'Pakistan zindabad' (Long live Pakistan)

'Kashmir maange azaadi, ladkar lenge azaadi' (Kashmir is asking for Independence from India, we fill fight and obtain independence for Kashmir)

'Kashmir ki azaadi tak, jung rahegi-jung rahegi' (Till Kashmir is liberated from India, we will continue our war with India, We will continue our war)

'Bharat ki barbaadi tak, jung rahegi-jung rahegi' (Till India is destroyed, our war will continue our war will continue)

'Afzal ki hatya nahi sahenge' and clutching photos of terrorists like Afzal Guru to your bosoms, and saying he should have been shown mercy.

Plus pseudo intellectuals are egging you on in the guise of freedom of speech and free thinking and the lot.

I can assure you that your activities are highly anti national amounting to high treason and being traitors, to a Nation which has given you homes, your daily bread, good education from the tax payers money and the liberties of thought and speech.

I further assure that if push comes to shove people like Afzal Guru, who you are cheering at the moment, will put a bullet through your pretty face without a second thought. 

I hope age and time will fetch you wisdom to understand the difference between freedom of thought, liberty of speech and being an anti national with acts beyond the scope of reasonable free thought and free speech, leading you to be a traitor to your motherland.

During the time you and your generation grows up, all of you should be on guard from these self professed intellectuals and guardians of the constitution and our vibrant democracy, who due to whatever reason, mislead you by their covert and overt agenda. 

What ever you guys did at JNU is certainly not an act of free thinking and free speech, but an overt act of anti nationalism and treason. We are spent cartridges of another era, yet it would do well for your generation to learn from history otherwise you will again repeat history of what our founders did at the birth of our Nation.

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