Friday 26 February 2016

JNU:The Nation destroyer pseudo intellectuals are at it again.

Please refer to the Indian Express cutting pasted below and

Happymon Jacob, associate professor, Disarmament Studies at the School of International Studies, and AK Ramakrishnan, professor, Centre for West Asian Studies at the School of International Studies are two teachers to watch out for their virtually secessionist views on all parts of India that brave insurgencies, with a special interest in Jammu & Kashmir.

Students alleged that some of these professors were present at Umar Khalid & Co’s event at the Sabarmati Dhaba on 9 February. Some of the interviewees suspected that Jacob and Ramakrishnan might have played a role in organizing the function at least by inciting the student organizers.

Names of professors who participated in the commemoration of the first anniversary of Afzal Guru’s “martyrdom” can be seen in the poster I have uploaded. Ramakrishnan’s name can be seen in it. Along with the hyperventilating author Arundhati Roy, one can find on the list Maoist ideologue Sujato Bhadra, filmmaker Sanjay Kak, Manipuri activist Malem Ningthouja, Prof Tripta Wahi and alumnus Kunwarpal Singh and anti-sedition advocate RS Bains.

These traitors talk of "Universities cannot be expected to satisfy the Nations collective conscience of Morality aka Nationalism".

Further this duo goes on to say " Our in
tellectual parameters should not be dictated by regime centred logic". "Critiquing the hanging of Afzal Guru is well within the autonomy of universities."

I agree to that but what these Ba**** so called teachers are doing, goes well beyond just criticizing the judiciary on the death penalty. Their act of inciting students to declare Afzal Guru a terrorist who attacked India's seat of governance, a Martyr, incite them to take out a mashal jaloos (An en mass procession of torch bearers) on 08 Feb to remember his so called Martyrdom, assembling at a place and shouting slogans to the effect :

'Pakistan zindabad' (Long live Pakistan)

'Kashmir maange azaadi, ladkar lenge azaadi' 

(Kashmir is asking for Independence from India, we fill fight and obtain independence for Kashmir)

'Kashmir ki azaadi tak, jung rahegi-jung rahegi' (Till Kashmir is liberated from India, we will continue our war with India, We will continue our war)

'Bharat ki barbaadi tak, jung rahegi-jung rahegi' (Till India is destroyed, our war will continue our war will continue)

'Afzal ki hatya nahi sahenge'

One of their Cronies writes thus:

"This government is using Nationalism to crush constitutional patriotism,
"Legal Tyranny to crush dissent"
"Political Power to settle petty scores"
"Administrative power to destroy institutions"

This is what these traitors guide their JNU students to do:

Club th
e enemy of the state who attacked the seat of governance and the fabric of Indian society, with those soldiers who lost their lives in guaranteeing this countries freedom and safety from its enemies like Pakistan and its sponsored terrorists. In fact these jokers are alive and talking of freedom because the Army martyrs permitted them to do so. What a bloody shame.

Take out Torch Marches in memoriam of this criminal and a terrorist and shout long live Afzal, we are with you, shout slogans like long live Pakistan death to India. We will gain independence for Kashmir, a state and territory of India which the Maharaja of Kashmir legally acceded like all the other states to India. This is their idea of free and critical thinking, of freedom of speech and free dissent!!!

These traitors have the Ba**s to call this free thinking which at every step is funneled and channeled by these anti national pro communist intellectuals?
They further go on to say:

"The government's high handedness with the institutions of higher learning is symptomatic of the fact that, free speech, critical thinking and dissent and the very idea of universities are being challenged. These SO** go further and state that there is a deep seated, sectarian political agenda behind targeting JNU."

May I ask these pseudo intellectuals the self declared guardians of freedom of speech, free thinking, and advocates of intellectual space, as to what in their intellect can be described as anti national acts, immorality with respect to their mother country if not these?

Thursday 25 February 2016

JNU is setting a dangerous trend for the future generations to become destabilizing forces threatening the Integrity and well being of this nation.

Smriti Iranis Speech in Parliament a must see and hear.

The judgment for hanging of Afzal Guru was debated at length on TV. In fact the prestitutes were kind of already judging the judges before the actual hanging of a terrorist.  My personal view is once an order is pronounced, after all channels of recourse are done with then that's it. Somewhere a line has to be drawn. Everyone will continue having a view. No nation is a utopia of governance. A government and a judiciary must be created which is able to solve conflicts between the people by judicial decision.

This government must be based on a clear cut constitution which is approved by the people and they stand by it. The judiciary is also vested with the responsibility to uphold the constitution and the Sovereignty of the Nation it belongs to.

We presume certain assumptions about the nature of man. We assume that there is no such thing as a more or less stable human nature. We assume that humans are not flawed, but are infinitely malleable. Looking from that angle JNU is setting a dangerous trend for the future generations to become destabilizing forces threatening the Integrity and well being of this nation.

One has to also remember that our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people, without caste ,creed or a particular religion. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other. So the judiciary has to operate within that, yet, while so operating,  sit in judgment of immoral, anti national religious extremists.

Who governs us? Who determines the laws under which we shall live? They are themselves in a major part bloody criminals. Certainly, peoples and governments are subject to corruption, as biblical prophets and secular philosophers have discussed for thousands of years. What the teachers are trying to promote in the malleable students under the garb of freedom of thought and speech, is a Modi who sounds very much like Nimrod, the ruler associated with the building of the Tower of Babel. Nimrod was, after all, a tyrant and rebel against God.

Always at the base of good intentions often lie interests linked to the reorganization of  productive systems and  political implications. This aspect is full of consequences for education due to the fact that this field is progressively escaping the educational action of the state.

 Taking the specific case of JNU.

JNU is allowing the so called Intellectuals to influence students the future generation of this country, like it is mentioned in Genesis One of the bible, "God made man in his own image"  , to correspond to their teachers way of thinking (largely Utopian communism) as to what should be the future nature of this country. Which in itself is channelizing thoughts in absolute reversal of free thinking, but under that garb. To the point of eulogizing the enemies of this nation, all under the garb of Independence of thought and freedom of speech. Dangerous trends indeed.  

So this, in order to be transferred to a more nationalistic and responsible womb of learning within the concept of free thought and freedom of speech. The state, or the government of this country has to figure out to reposition itself with regard to the educa­tional field.

In continuation of my JNU series I share Surajit Dasgupta

Good morning India.....
Posters pasted right across JNU hundreds of them.

Jawaharlal Nehru University...... 
Who are the pseudo Intellectuals and so called free thinkers fooling? Political And Religious Discrimination By Teachers And How Students Are Lured at JNU Read on.....
The method behind the madness of the prevailing atmosphere in JNU vividly narrated.
Young folks from second tier towns are blown off their feet when they listen to the advocacy of free speech by left activists in JNU campus.
A coterie of students and teachers dominate campus politics through their campus politics.
Most of the time, it is subtle. The teacher would make snide remarks about you as you pass through a corridor and, sometimes, even while a lecture session is on — if you do not happen to share the teacher’s political ideology. It is not necessary that you are affiliated to the ABVP or the teacher owes his/her allegiance to the CPM, CPI or CPI(ML)-Revolution.
The professor might have been a communist when s/he was a student in JNU years ago, or the constant company of communist colleagues has had an influence on his/her mindset. Saying so, however, would sound no better than a right winger’s pet theory. So, let’s study some specific cases. The identities of the students will stay hidden, lest their careers should be affected. The names of the teachers must be told, however; or else this story will not be credible.
Shankari Sundaram, as a teacher, specializes on China and eastern Asia at the Center of International Studies’ Center for International Politics, Organization and Disarmament (CIPOD) of JNU. Within this center, there is the Center for Indo-Pacific Studies. In this sub-centre, there was a student who was the topper in the written examination in the first year of his MPhil. 
The written section carries 70 marks. In the viva voce section, with a maximum possible score of 30, Sunadaram asked this student to explain India’s “Look East” policy. The student, who speaks so well that the teacher cannot use the alibi of bad presentation to downgrade him, credited inter alia Prime Minister Narendra Modi for a push to India’s diplomatic relations in the Pacific region with a focus on ASEAN countries. Sundaram gave him a score of 1 out of 30.
The poor chap had fared so well in the written part that his promotion to the next year could not be stopped. But the abysmal score in the oral exam brought his overall ranking down; he is now struggling to find hostel accommodation in the campus.
Moushumi Basu is an Associate Professor and CIPOD’s coordinator with the Equal Opportunity Office (EOO) of JNU. Several students have heard her boasting of having reached out to Parliament House attack convict Afzal Guru at the Tihar Jail when he was alive. She says she used to carry food to the criminal on death row. During one such chat in the campus, a student dismissed pooh-poohed her ‘feat’. When it was this otherwise promising girl’s turn to face the oral exam for her MPhil, Basu gave her a grade of 4.7 whereas a minimum of 5 is required to move to the next year. This student is an OBC. The alibi was predictable. When questioned by the unfortunate girl’s classmates, Basu said that the girl’s presentation skills left a lot to be desired.
Recently, some newspapers had carried stories of caste discrimination in the JNU administration and campus which, curiously, came up juxtaposed to the Rohit Vemula story as though the same set of people were responsible for the acts of discrimination in both the varsities. Now our readers know that leftists are behind the practice of the caste scourge in JNU. Or, they penalize a student if he appreciates the work of “BJP’s” Narendra Modi — never mind that the country’s prime minister is an OBC, too.
ABVP students cutting across different centres of humanities in JNU have been complaining since the NDA government took charge at the Centre that the professors openly threaten them with comments like: “Let’s see how long Modi lasts; he is not going to be around for 50 years, will he? Who will protect you then?”
And how brilliant are the communist students who keep passing these exams, living and overstaying in hostels till they are middle-aged? Eyewitnesses of the incident of the night of 9 February say that many young students found the demonstrations by DSU “cool”. They added to the chorus of hailing Afzal Guru and Maqbool Bhatt. While dispersing, however, they were asking one another who this goddamn Maqbool Bhatt was. He must be another unfortunate social activist whom Modi hanged recently, they presumed on their way back to their hostels. Indira Gandhi must have squirmed in her afterlife.
The other day, there was a heated debate on Times Now over letting DSU, a part of the All India Revolutionary Students Federation (AIRSF), a frontal organization of the banned Communist Party of India (Maoist), function in university campuses. Our readers should be given a piece of information that Arnab Goswami could not extract from his panelists. DSU cannot be prohibited because it is not a registered union in the first place.
How does one identify DSU in a campus then? Well, the same set of 20 odd students — including the 10 named in the poster inviting students to the 9 February event at Sabarmati Dhaba — and teachers surface again and again with Maoist agendas, under fanciful banners. Sometimes Anirban Bhattacharya, “Anjali Jha”, Anwesha, Aswathi Nair, Bhavna Bedi, Komal Bharati Mohite, Reyaz ul Haq, Rubina Saifi, Umar Khalid and Samar Khan call themselves the Cultural Front. At times the same set becomes the Students’ League. At other times they are the United Left. So on and so forth! That fateful night, they had invited JNU inmates for a “Cultural Evening”.
One of the names has appeared in quotes above because she cannot be traced anywhere in the campus. However, her name figures in the posters made by these students again and again.
Within the DSU fold, there was an act of dissent last year. Anirban, Anubhav, Aswathi, Banojyotsna, Gogol, Priya Dharshini, Reyaz, Rubina, Srirupa, Umar and Ufaque resigned from the union, citing the reason of not being allowed to speak on “gender relations and patriarchal oppression” within the organization. They registered their protest in a private website run by some communists like journalists Binu Mathew and Satya Sagar, filmmaker KP Sasi and film editor Ajith Kumar B.
And how do these communist students manage to get into the good books of their respective professors? The most effective tool the students of AISA, AISF, SFI, DSF and the elusive DSU employ to strike a rapport with these teachers is inviting them for post-dinner talks. The minor differences between different communist ideologies are forgotten as both moderates and radicals invite the likes of Kamal Mitra Chenoy, Jayati Ghosh, Mridula Mukherjee et al. None of these teachers affiliated to different unions — or to no union while being leftists nevertheless — ever decline an invite.
In these late night talks, students shower eulogies on the scholars for their ‘brilliant’ informal lectures. A regular student attendee of these talks, unless he or she is totally dumb, never fails. In contrast, the students of the ABVP as well as those not fascinated by communism are the regular targets of derision of these professors. Besides the teachers named above, students complained to this correspondent against Nivedita Menon, faculty member at the Center for Comparative Politics and Political Theory, Sachidanand Sinha and Atul Sood, both professors at the Centre for the Study of Regional Development under the School of Social Sciences, and Balbir Singh Butola. Center for the Study of Regional Development.
Happymon Jacob, associate professor, Disarmament Studies at the School of International Studies, and AK Ramakrishnan, professor, Centre for West Asian Studies at the School of International Studies are two teachers to watch out for their virtually secessionist views on all parts of India that brave insurgencies, with a special interest in Jammu & Kashmir.
Students I spoke to alleged that some of these professors were present at Umar Khalid & Co’s event at the Sabarmati Dhaba on 9 February. Some of the interviewees suspected that Jacob and Ramakrishnan might have played a role in organizing the function at least by inciting the student organizers.
Names of professors who participated in the commemoration of the first anniversary of Afzal Guru’s “martyrdom” can be seen in the following poster. Ramakrishnan’s name can be seen in it. Along with the hyperventilating author Arundhati Roy, one can find on the list Maoist ideologue Sujato Bhadra, filmmaker Sanjay Kak, Manipuri activist Malem Ningthouja, Prof Tripta Wahi and alumnus Kunwarpal Singh and anti-sedition advocate RS Bains.
Then there are instances of religious discrimination. Blunt attacks come from the School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies’ Centre for Arabic and African Studies. The teachers are expectedly all Muslim and students mostly so. The Hindu students of the discipline I spoke to said they have to constantly live with the teachers’ observation that “Arabic is Allah’s language” and, therefore, the “Hindus are not blessed” to learn it.
Two students who complained so said that they could be identified in the class if the names of these professors came out. Therefore, an inquiry committee must be constituted to identify who out of M Aslam Islahi , FU Farooqi, Basheer Ahmad, Mujeebur Rahman, Rizwanur Rahman, Ubaidur Rahman, Md Qutbuddin, Khurshid Imam and Md Akram Nawaz made these prejudiced remarks. These are the names of faculty members at the said center.
The department of Persian language has several non-Muslim names in the list of faculty members. But some of the Muslim professors even here have been heard saying Muslims alone “deserve” to learn Arabic, the “language of God”, while Persian and other languages spoken in Islamic countries may be made accessible to lesser mortals!
A non-Muslim student of Arabic, Persian and Urdu, which incidentally I happen to be, can vouch for the authenticity of this allegation. It is not just in JNU where Muslim teachers create an impression that non-Muslim students have come to the wrong classroom. We don’t deserve to learn Arabic, their god’s language!
Let them be deluded in madrasas. In secular institutions, shouldn’t a proper probe be initiated against these teachers and disciplinary action taken against them?
Who will bell the cat is the question. The communists of JNU are reportedly unhappy with the findings of the committee that found eight students guilty of raising anti-national slogans in the campus on 9 February and suspended them based on its report. The reason for their displeasure is that, unlike several previous occasions, they couldn’t bulldoze their way into the committee to issue to all accused students a clean chit. Prof GVC Naidu of the Centre for Indo-Pacific Studies, School of International Studies, for example, who was an SFI activist in the past but who is not involved in activism at present, holds that JNUSU president Kanhaiya is innocent while conceding that radical leftists are active in the campus.
Since 12 February, when the internal committee of JNU submitted its report and action was taken against eight students, almost no teacher in the humanities discipline is holding a regular class. All the time allotted for lecture is spent on informal chats over police action on alleged anti-national students. And what kind of justice is meted out by an inquiry committee whose composition suits the communist teachers? The language school had one Arshad Alam as a faculty member. The man’s services had earlier been terminated at Jamia Milia Islamia after he was accused of rape. He was accused of raping a student again at JNU. The university authorities merely dismissed him instead of handing him over to the police.
But make no mistake. Muslim teachers alone do not have the dubious distinction of creating an environment in the classrooms that is not conducive to healthy learning. Parnal Chirmuley, associate professor at the Centre of German Studies, School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, would make such obnoxious comments on Hindu festivities that it would be difficult for a believer to maintain a calm composure necessary for concentration on the curriculum. Besides dismissing festivals like Holi, Diwali and Durga Puja, she would brag about having thrown garbage at Ganesh Chaturthi processions while she was in Maharashtra as a mark of her protest. Chirmuley believes the burqa is a symbol of women’s emancipation as it saves them from the evil gaze of men! And she hails the Taliban for being “the world’s most formidable anti-imperialist force”.
One must also know how the communist students increase the strength of their tribe. This is necessary in the context of this article to get the overall picture of repulsion an apolitical student might get from the campus. Swarajya’s readers who happen to have gone to a communist-dominated university campus of West Bengal, where professors do not overtly profess their political views but SFI activists make the experience unbearable to no less an extent, can relate to it.
Initially, students from the hinterland reach JNU in an unassuming and gullible state with little or no political predilections. After living a hell lot of taboos in their villages and small towns, the JNU campus comes across to them as a sudden, overwhelming experience of freedom. Before the realization sinks in, they are swept off their feet by advocacy of “free sex”. Well, that is not the term the communists use, but that is the sense the villager-turned-townsperson gets — more so due to the first-day reception by girls.
In contrast, the ABVP looks dull, boring and anachronistic, espousing views that sound regressive even to urbane right wingers. Moving around the campus, I heard out ABVP affiliates ruing the fact that they still couldn’t master the art of political correctness that, most importantly, entails the right gender and caste mix. Unlike the Brahmins in communist parties, they are also loath to using assumed surnames that would camouflage their castes. They bemoaned the fact that no corrective measure is taken by the RSS to make their union more appealing to the college-going youth in general.
Fence sitters are wooed — rather dragged — to the communist fold by another technique. The communist students offer those who fail to get hostel accommodation space in the dormitories dominated by communists. Here, demonstrations raising typically communist issues are a regular activity. An ‘indebted’ newcomer normally obliges his communist senior when urged to join the processions, sloganeering and talks. In due course, an apolitical yoke from some remote corner of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Bengal, Odisha, Tamil Nadu or Kerala turns into an indoctrinated soldier of the red brigade.


Saturday 20 February 2016

Dear JNU, When Will You Protest For Our Soldiers?

I had to share Gaurav Singhals blog being a veteran myself.
Dear JNU protesters,
My father is a retired Subedar Major of the Indian Army. When he saw you shouting slogans in support of terrorists, he turned off the television and left the room. He didn't say anything. But I knew what he was thinking. You were making a complete mockery of our defense forces. He was ashamed to serve you.
Now let me exercise my freedom of speech: your actions were nothing but shameful and disgraceful and yes, your sloganeering in favor of Afzal Guru and for India's destruction were seditious. However, I will not ask you to get out of India. I will not kick you in the middle of a road like that BJP MLA. I will not mishandle you like those lawyers. I will not abuse you. You are free to exercise your constitutional rights. I, however, believe in fulfilling constitutional duties first.

You are free to exercise your constitutional rights. I, however, believe in fulfilling constitutional duties first.

I'd like to apologize to every martyred soldier, ever man and woman in uniform. I am sorry. I failed you. We failed you. While you give your entire lives to protect this country, we are busy shouting Azadi, Lal Salaam and Jai Shri Ram.
When you get some time from protesting for people like Afzal Guru(ji), I was hoping you could perhaps raise a slogan or two for the rights of your own alumni? I'm talking about the officers of the defense forces. The National Defense Academy (NDA) graduates who received their degrees from JNU. They are your alumni. I didn't see you protesting for One Rank One Pension (OROP). I didn't see you coming out with your red, blue and saffron flags when Hanumanthappa was martyred; when Pathankot happened. I didn't see you protesting for bullet-proof jackets for our soldiers. Why don't you give your 'Lal Salaam' to every fallen soldier? Are they less nationalistic than your 'ultra-red' and 'ultra-saffron' comrades?
Learn from your protectors. Learn from the true martyrs. Learn from your own soldiers.
They have just one flag: Tiranga.
One Salute: Jai Hind.
One Slogan: Bharat Mata Ki Jai.
Red, saffron, blue... these have nothing to do with our tricolour.
Yet, you and others want to paint India with your particular ideology. The Right wing wants to paint it saffron, the Communists want red, the Bheem Brigade wants blue and the terrorists want to paint it with a 'thousand cuts'. Amidst all this colorful painting since independence, our soldiers stand guard at their posts and fight for their motherland. They are willing to give their lives to protect the Constitution. Our Constitution knows no color. The armed forces, civil servants and judiciary are colorless too. The armed forces protect the borders. The civil servants strive to maintain internal peace and rule of law. The judges strive to uphold this colorless Constitution. While they are our true heroes, you are nothing but future politicians, trying to divide India into different pieces. Each piece with its own color code. You forgot about the Tiranga. You forgot India.

You are nothing but future politicians, trying to divide India into different pieces. Each piece with its own colour code. You forgot about the Tiranga. You forgot India.

You are research scholars, concentrate on writing some research papers.

You are research scholars. You are India's future social scientists, political scientists, sociologists, economists, philosophers, etc. The country is funding your education so that you do research and find viable solutions for the major problems being faced by our society. I have no doubt that you are well versed with the problems, as you use them in your fiery political speeches. Some of them are communalism, caste hatred and gender discrimination. But your solutions are painted with the political ideologies you hold. Some of you target the big business houses. Some of you target the armed forces. Some of you want separation from India. Your political ideologies are extreme. Our Constitution, however, is not painted with any extremist ideologies. When the law of the land fails to fulfill your ideological and political aspirations, you seek recourse in extremism. If the terrorists across the border fight under the flag of Islam, you fight under your colorful ideological flags.

Yes, you are extremists

There is no difference between the Right or Left wing, as far as 'extremism' is concerned. The BJP's coming into power has given the RSS and like-minded Right wing organizations, a free hand in spreading their ideologies, be it in the form of beef bans or love jihad. Bring a Communist government at the Center and see the 'Lal Salaam' ideology being spread all over. Bring Mayawati to power, and see the illogical handing out of reservation benefits, and building of more self-edifying statues. They are nothing but politicians. Each with their own agenda. In their pursuance of personal ideological agendas, they don't even consider the bigger picture of one country or one nation.

Don't compare yourself with Ambedkar or Bhagat Singh

Bhagat Singh's fight was for India's independence. Ambedkar's fight was for the Dalits and a society without any discrimination. They were much more learned than you. Comparing yourselves and your fight with them is outrageous.

I am a Dalit. I too have faced caste-based discrimination. But I don't pick up the blue flag and start fighting the entire upper caste community.

I am a Dalit. I too have faced caste-based discrimination, been called a chamar. But I don't pick up the blue flag and start fighting the entire upper caste community. I don't start painting everyone as 'Manuvadi'. I, however, will fight my own battle within the constitutional framework of this nation. You borrow the ideologies of these great stalwarts just to pursue your own political agenda and personal ambition. I am sorry, my friend, but we are not fools. You are not even close to Bhagat Singh and Ambedkar. Your fight is a complete farce. You want a fight? You want to change India? You see problems everywhere? Then, join the defense forces, join the ranks of the judiciary, join the civil services and police forces. If that's too much to handle then fight elections, sit Parliament and pass laws.
My Suggestion: Listen to this song "Ek Saathi Aur Bhi Tha" from the movie LOC Kargil

You will know who the true nationalists are. Not me. Not you. But our soldiers. Try fighting for them sometimes.

Jai Hind

The State of our Universities : JNU

Good Morning India.......
JNU (Jawaharlal Nehru University) has become so invested in its sectarian politics, that it has lost its umbrella vision. This University has really become a hot bed of politics. The University has increasingly become narrow minded and every student body, Right, Center or Left is trying to impose its agenda, which increasingly appears to be chalked out by external forces. 
These student bodies with tacit support of JNUTA (JNU Teachers Union), have more or less, lost sight of  the principles of free thinking and freedom of speech upon which the University student organizations had been started on, by its founders. Plus external political Parties have also pumped in money to recruit students to their respective parties.

The pseudo free thinking and freedom of speech movements have gone right out of hand. Shouting anti India slogans and supporting Afzal Guru by questioning his death penalty reeks of deliberate anti nationalism and a foreign hand aka Pakistan or so called secular forces with vested interests within the country, for destabilization.

There were many death penalties carried out across the country. If there was an opposition to the death penalty, then any one of those could have been selected and the Government and the judicial system, could have been targeted in the free thinking and freedom of speech mode.
Therefore it appears that it is not just the students brains at play but certain frightening politics from without, may be Saffron, Red, or green biased which are stoking the students emotional fires, irrespective of the grave results which these might entail.

I am sure the intellectual elite of Lecturers and Professors of JNU are very much aware of what is going on and where all this is leading to. However I am surprised that these so called elite teachers instead of guiding students on what is responsible free thinking and speech, are egging them on in the wrong direction under the guise of free thinking and freedom of speech.

On campus this might not amount to sedition, but when they pass out and become responsible members of the Indian Society, then certainly these activities which they have learnt as their rights under the constitution will be highly anti national and will certainly be dangerous for the Integrity and well being of this Nation.

It is a well known fact that our way of thinking is learned and the way we think leads to emotions which dictate behavior. So let the future of this nation be in strong hands which are today's students at different Universities.

It is time that the so called guardians of the University, the intellectual elite started taking serious note of these happenings and performing their duties not just as teachers and guides but student counselors too. I wont be surprised if pseudo intellectuals will call Counseling as subverting students to particular ideologies, because, that is the state of this Blessed Nation.
Go to Link

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Now this young lady is #DhrupadiGhosh She studies something She demands #Kashmir to be liberated She also holds # Afzal Guru close to her bosom She belongs to a group that dwells on Dreams and Nightmares

Good Morning India....
So Mr Pratap Bhanu Mehta these are the students who are being subverted to anti nationalism due to pseudo intellectuals like you who talk of freedom and independence of thought and free thinking without thinking about its implication where even terrorists attacking the fabric, the safety and the people of this country should be shown compassion and mercy.

Though you very well know that what the students did on the JNU campus are straight acts of treason of the highest order and not acts of anti-national and unpatriotic beliefs and opinions, falling in the realms of the Indian Constitution read within reasonable bounds.

Dhrupadi Ghosh I hope you are reading this. I have been, as an Army Officer, operating against these killer terrorists for quite a while before my retirement.
At the moment you are chanting slogans against India like

'Pakistan zindabad' (Long live Pakistan)

'Kashmir maange azaadi, ladkar lenge azaadi' (Kashmir is asking for Independence from India, we fill fight and obtain independence for Kashmir)

'Kashmir ki azaadi tak, jung rahegi-jung rahegi' (Till Kashmir is liberated from India, we will continue our war with India, We will continue our war)

'Bharat ki barbaadi tak, jung rahegi-jung rahegi' (Till India is destroyed, our war will continue our war will continue)

'Afzal ki hatya nahi sahenge' and clutching photos of terrorists like Afzal Guru to your bosoms, and saying he should have been shown mercy.

Plus pseudo intellectuals are egging you on in the guise of freedom of speech and free thinking and the lot.

I can assure you that your activities are highly anti national amounting to high treason and being traitors, to a Nation which has given you homes, your daily bread, good education from the tax payers money and the liberties of thought and speech.

I further assure that if push comes to shove people like Afzal Guru, who you are cheering at the moment, will put a bullet through your pretty face without a second thought. 

I hope age and time will fetch you wisdom to understand the difference between freedom of thought, liberty of speech and being an anti national with acts beyond the scope of reasonable free thought and free speech, leading you to be a traitor to your motherland.

During the time you and your generation grows up, all of you should be on guard from these self professed intellectuals and guardians of the constitution and our vibrant democracy, who due to whatever reason, mislead you by their covert and overt agenda. 

What ever you guys did at JNU is certainly not an act of free thinking and free speech, but an overt act of anti nationalism and treason. We are spent cartridges of another era, yet it would do well for your generation to learn from history otherwise you will again repeat history of what our founders did at the birth of our Nation.

Harsh Mander: If JNU union leader is tried for sedition, I too should be charged with the same crime The former IAS officer recounts his public statements expressing doubt about the death sentence for Afzal Guru.

IAS babus at it again.

Mr. Mander should not worry, his time will also come to be tried for sedition as he so forcefully wants for his utterings.

He wrote while Afzal Guru was hanged “The hanging of Afzal Guru on 9 February, 2013 raises a thicket of debates – ethical, legal and political – about justice, law, democracy, capital punishment, and a strong state. What is the quality of true justice? Is it enough for it to be lawful, fair and dispassionate, or must it also be tempered with mercy?”

He should have left his AC Offices, and spent some time with the Security Forces, for once in his service to understand the cost of terrorism to this nation and its people, then probably he would not have talked about mercy for Afzal Guru..Mercy as I understand. Is for those who commit a heinous crime without understanding what they do, or sometimes really extreme injustice has  been experienced by them. 

Those who attack the Integrity of a Nation, put in jeopardy the well being of its people, carry out subversive activities, with firearms or with their pens or verbal onslaughts, being fully aware of what they are doing, are the enemies of this nation what ever facades they put up while committing these crimes. 
There should be no thought of mercy for such people. Which the upholders of the law have rightly upheld.

When Mr Mander talks of mercy, I wonder which level of Utopia he functions from.
Sedition relates to the uttering of the seditious words, the publication of seditious libels, and conspiracies to do an act for the furtherance of a seditious intention, whether by words spoken or written, or by conduct.

Coming to JNU. I am no intellectual but I understand sedition as an intention to bring into hatred or contempt, or to excite disaffection against, the Government and the constitution of India by law established, or either House of Parliament, or the administration of Justice.
To raise discontent or disaffection among Indian Nationals, or to promote feelings of ill will and Hostility between different classes of such subjects. 

Mr Mander was also a part of that shameful rally and spoke out there about the government preventing students from their free right to dream and dissent, because throughout history and across the planet, the journey of creating a more just and humane world has begun always with the dreams and also the challenges and disagreements of its young people.

I do agree that the Constitution protects the right to have anti-national and unpatriotic beliefs and opinions, and propagate them peacefully. How ever it is oftentimes forgotten that, these rights are subject to laws that impose “reasonable restrictions…in the interests of the sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the State, friendly relations with foreign States, public order, decency or morality or in relation to contempt of court, defamation or incitement to an offence.”

I feel the act of the students and there leaders, plus
acceptance by intellectuals by branding subversive
and anti national activities, as liberty of free thinking
and free speech was an act of corrupting  students in social intelligence in which students are being easily tricked and manipulated into  ill-advised course of action, morals and understanding about the nation and what its people stand for.

Anyone supporting these people by thought, deed and influencing the students in their formative years and the masses, is not free thinking, but out right subversion though they may have worn a jacket of Free thinking. I also am of the view that such people should be treated by the same yardstick of subversion.
Its time I think Babus got down from their pseudo Moral horses and come to face the reality of this Nation..

An extract from Mr Mander's writings: You can see the subversion and misquoting here regarding who raised anti Nationalist and Treasonous slogans
 "if there were SOME Kashmiri students who did 
raise slogans expressing disaffection against India 
and in support of independence for Kashmir," 

This is bull shit and Mr. Mander knows it.
There is ample evidence and videos available as to  what happened at JNU, this babu has a different  agenda to follow, I do not know who has instigated  him to it. Though I must admit that this babus is using his tricks learnt as an IAS administrator to some  effect. He did fool politicians during his tenure but those tricks of an old horse will not work here where treason is on the anvil.

However, it is important to add that even if there were SOME Kashmiri students who did raise slogans expressing disaffection against India and in support of independence for Kashmir, the fitting response to this would only have been open public debate in which students and teachers heard their views and challenged these, not to charge these students with the grave colonial crime of sedition that could result in their imprisonment for up to 10 years. Universities are places where young people must feel free to challenge the received wisdom of the times they live in. Their minds and hearts must be freed of the fetters of fear and the obligation to conform to powerful or dominant opinion. It is in universities that students the world over have fought colonialism, unjust wars, tyranny, hate and unequal social orders. Governments and indeed majority opinion may be pitted powerfully against their views, but a democracy requires the stout defense of their right to profess and debate these ideas, even by those who are opposed to these ideas. Universities in a democracy cannot be allowed to become places where the institution’s leadership allows police to walk in and arrest students at will, and where dissent by students or indeed teachers is demonized and criminalized.
It is for these reasons that I declared that if Kanhaiya Kumar is charged with sedition, I demand that I be tried for the same crime. And I know that I am not alone in this demand.
Harsh Mander IAS Babu: If JNU union leader is tried for sedition, I too should be charged with the same crime

Sunday 14 February 2016

The Government imposing the Sedition Act on anti National Activities of JNU students can be called as Tyranny?

Good Morning India.......
This morning I was reading the Article of Shree Bhanu Mehta in the IE Pune edition. I was profoundly shocked at his ideas and his thoughts on the happenings at The Jawaharlal Nehru University of Delhi. The first thought that came to my mind was, that these appeared to be the rumblings of a paid Pseudo intellectual Prestitute. It was extremely difficult to digest his ideas about Freedom of Thought, given my upbringing as an Officer of the Indian Army. For a moment I thought may be my brain is now resident in my knees, due to its slipping down from its rightful place, due to the constant stamping and marching around the drill square in 2 kg army boots. Therefore I gave some thought to his ideas about free thinking in a vibrant democracy, sedition, anti nationalism and government tyranny.

What ever happened at the JNU coupled by the behavior of responsible students, can by no means be called as free thinking, freedom of thought and just an expression of a difference of opinion, in a vibrant democracy. I am deadly against it and call them acts of supporting Kashmir separatists fueled by our arch enemy Pakistan. Some of the clarion calls and slogans, "Long live Pakistan and terrorists. If one terrorist Afzal Guru is killed more will take his place from Indian Homes.  Till India is destroyed, our war will continue our war will continue". 

These are no expressions of freedom of thought in a thriving democracy.  No sir not by a long shot. Personally these are anti national students  fueled by agents of terror. Left to me I would put these bastards against a wall and shoot the buggers. I did not expect such drivelish writing from this particular person Mr. Bhanu Mehta. But then as some politician said every person has his price.

Sedition is an overt conduct, such as speech and actions , that tends toward insurrection against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of the constitution and incitement of discontent (or resistance) to lawful authority. Sedition may include any commotion, though not aimed at direct and open violence against the laws. Seditious words in writing are seditious libel. A seditionist is one who engages in or promotes the interests of sedition. Typically, sedition a subversive act, and the overt acts that may be prosecutable under sedition laws vary from one legal code to another.

Sedition is done with intention to cause disaffection or violence.
Binayak Sen, an Indian pediatrician, public health specialist and activist, was found guilty of sedition. He is national Vice-President of the People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL). On 24 December 2010, the Additional Sessions and District Court Judge B.P Varma Raipur found Binayak Sen, Naxal ideologue Narayan Sanyal and Kolkata businessman Piyush Guha, guilty of sedition for helping the Maoists in their fight against the state. They were sentenced to life imprisonment.

Sedition relates to the uttering of the seditious words, the publication of seditious libels, and conspiracies to do an act for the furtherance of a seditious intention, whether by words spoken or written, or by conduct.
 I am no intellectual but I understand sedition as  “an intention to bring into hatred or contempt, or to excite disaffection against, the Government and the constitution of India by law established, or either House of Parliament, or the administration of Justice.
To raise discontent or disaffection among Indian Nationals, or to promote feelings of ill will and Hostility between different classes of such subjects.”

Now looking at what happened in JNU  applying the definition of Sedition discussed above, then it is indeed an act of sedition,. These are some of the slogans reported to have been raised by the students and their leader:

 'Tum kitne Afzal maroge, ghar-ghar se Afzal niklenge' (How many Afzal's you may kill, More Afzals will sprout from every house. Afzal guru was sentenced to death for his role in the terrorist Attack on the Indian Parliament and hanged on 09 Feb 2013)

'Pakistan zindabad' (Long live Pakistan)

 'Kashmir maange azaadi, ladkar lenge azaadi' (Kashmir is asking for Independence from India, we fill fight and obtain independence for Kashmir)

'Kashmir ki azaadi tak, jung rahegi-jung rahegi' (Till Kashmir is liberated from India, we will continue our war with India, We will continue our war)

 'Bharat ki barbaadi tak, jung rahegi-jung rahegi' (Till India is destroyed, our war will continue our war will continue)

 'Afzal ki hatya nahi sahenge' 

Here are the words of Mr. Pratap Bhanu Mehta:

"This government is using Nationalism to crush constitutional patriotism,

"Legal Tyranny to crush dissent"
"Political Power to settle petty scores"

"Administrative power to destroy institutions"

He further says:
"The crackdown was an act to revel in ignorance of the law of sedition.
The government does not want to just crush dissent it wants to crush thinking"

"The government wants to peddle a patriotism whose condition of possibility is wiping out all thought."

Now again being an Army man as I mentioned earlier, I do not subscribe to the above thoughts of the writer.
I do agree that the Constitution protects the right to have anti-national and unpatriotic beliefs and opinions, and propagate them peacefully. How ever it is oftentimes forgotten that, these rights are subject to laws that impose “reasonable restrictions…in the interests of the sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the State, friendly relations with foreign States, public order, decency or morality or in relation to contempt of court, defamation or incitement to an offence.”

Mr. Bhanu Mehta's thoughts in his writings appear to be tilting towards government bashing and not to the butchering of the freedom of thought as he keeps harping throughout his write.
It would have been  more appropriate if he had referred to the constitution, and put to debate the meaning and scope  of "reasonable restrictions" as mentioned in the Constitution of India, while protecting the rights of individuals to have anti national and unpatriotic beliefs and opinions and propagate them peacefully. 
To me what the students did on the JNU campus are straight acts of treason of the highest order and not acts of anti-national and unpatriotic beliefs and opinions, falling in the realms of the Indian Constitution read within reasonable bounds.

The author I think has committed treason by backing the behavior of students at JNU by saying :

"This government is using Nationalism to crush constitutional patriotism", and

"Nothing that the students did poses nearly as much threat to India, as the subversion of freedom and judgment this government represents. The honorable Ministers should realize that if this is a debate of nationalism, it is they, rather than JNU should be in the dock. They have threatened democracy, that is the most anti national of acts."

I feel the direction of this article in itself appears to be a written act of corrupting someone's personal morals which are already on the fringe of going this or that way.  The Latin root subvertere means “to turn from below,” and when you turn something on its head in a sneaky way, that's subversion and sedition .  By propagating real anti National activities as an expression of freedom of thought and speech, I do not know how many students on the fringe of this type of thinking are going to be turned in their heads thanks to these pretentious persons who affect proficiency in scholarly pursuits whilst lacking any in-depth knowledge or critical understanding of such topics. 

Subversion means : 
Anti-national: Opposed to national interests or nationalism.
Unpatriotic: Not having or expressing devotion to and vigorous support for one’s country.
Treasonous: The crime of betraying one’s country or parts thereof, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government.
Seditious: Inciting or causing people to rebel against the authority of a state .

The author by writing that "It will not be a surprise if another parliamentary session will be a casualty of such overreaction".  Do I smell sedition here?