Sunday 21 August 2016

Who said a Budweiser and Meditation don't go together :) :) ......

Musings for what they are worth over a bottle of Budweiser today, after the evening meditation session.

Dear God
I am afraid I do not have much to say in the way in which and the context with which other players have written and given feedback before me on this world stage. Therefore I beg your forgiveness right at the outset. That is if I seem not to have fulfilled some expectations, which you may have had from participants on this world stage, when you invited us to this wonderful Earth Program for us spiritual beings, to experience this human existence. 

I mostly live in my mind and think and deliberate the how and why of our existence. In the same context I do research into the origins of our species with special emphasis on unexplained facts in prehistory, which have been discarded by scientists, as they do not fit into their well established theories of Genesis. So also I do fundamental research in anthropological genetics.

My attending this wonderful workshop of life, aka meditation, has enlightened me or I might say has liberated me, made me free in a different way. Therefore I share a few things which have occurred within me. These I would say are a collection of random, possibly abstract thoughts, as I sit to write a few lines, only a few because I am not yet fully aware of the metamorphosis which has occurred within me. Furthermore I find it very difficult to give you a feedback unless I brief you on what exactly I do, that itself is in the realms of the unbelievable.

I keep thinking about "Integrity, Authenticity, and Committed To Something Bigger Than Oneself as a Context That Uses ME"
Interestingly enough, so far, in my journey through life or consciousness, I realized that the reality created around me, contradicted the one sought by me, and this reality, which was sought by me, I saw would in turn conflict with Nature. My realization is that humanity is experiencing a paradox within a paradox. A paradox basically means a self-contradictory statement that is or may be true. I think your deliberations were a kind of a welcome to the evolution Awareness within me!

The present moment reveals to me four key areas of contradictory realities. The first is my awareness which creates my own reality, based on personal thoughts and desires. From here the picture gets bigger… The second contradictory reality is the one created within me, by a bond of code (morality) by virtue of ideology of family. In this reality, individual growth - by following my Heart or as I always explain it as my inner self, or my soul or a group of genes within me, which I call my strap on guidance system - is felt as a threat by my family members, also by people whom I interact frequently, because they see that their pattern of life is going to change, if this inner self awareness comes to play within them.

Then their is my cultural experience which is basically a collection of group habits or traditions, based on mythological awe and the wonder of self-realization, which we sometimes neigh almost always mistake for a value system. This is another contradictory reality.

We all come from dysfunctional families. Every case is different but the main factor is always elusive happiness and freedom. As a result of these dysfunctional families, a structured society was created that is also dysfunctional. This is the last contradictory reality. Now within this I function as a leader a self leader. Here I felt that I was (mind you was) falling short of Integrity and authenticity.

If the Universe is One Verse, then why is humanity limiting its true potential? The answer… is fear of the outcome.
Fear from what? Fear itself is man-made and ironically it profits man of nothing. Humanity is afraid to acknowledge that it is a part of the Transcendental Absolute. In other words, we are afraid to acknowledge that we are the Creators! 

The myth that God is a symbol and our creator is the most powerful fallacy humanity has to overcome in the evolution of Awareness. So, what's it like living as a Creator or God? To be like God, a person must be fearless, responsible and filled with infinite re-creative energy - Love. It's not about being good, but being nice to One Self and Others… In this, Eternity is every Breath I make. Every moment I live. Finally awareness is my being and possibly my being is not the experiences which I have had through that awareness.

1. Linguistic Abstractions (leader and leadership as “realms of possibility”). Actually if I try to see into leadership, ironically it only boils down to linguistic ability ha ha.

2. Phenomena (being a leader and exercising leadership as they are actually experienced, that is, as they are lived; or conversely the experience of being led). I sometimes get confused why do I have to be a follower and Leader at the same time.

3. Concepts (the temporal domain in which leader and leadership function). One thing I have realised that as a leader may be religious, may be spiritual or may be in Industry, I have to function in relation to concepts. Now problem to me is how do I test those concepts for accuracy?

4. Terms (leader and leadership as definitions). Finally I realize that Leader and Leadership are nothing but definitions.

I have experienced enlightenment bit by bit, sip by sip of Budweiser after my evening sitting in silences, of my 3 times daily 20 minute meditations. It has made many things immediately clear to me. It is clear to me that one's existence does not depend on anything except awareness. This brings complete relief and liberation. It is clear that life is awareness, and not what awareness experiences. So the body, mind, the physical universe as well as dream universes, feelings, knowledge, are all non-essential to being alive. Fear and guilt vanish because awareness is beyond harm and experience is not part of one's being. If you  really check out one undergoes experience because of one's internal awareness.

I now know that all experience comes from outside of oneself, that experience merely flows through awareness, and that I am not responsible for the helpless act of experiencing one's experience. I am free to see, to dream a world of the future. I am free to share the shape of the future with my colleagues, to work in the past to search for our creators who designed our genetic system. To learn from them, in the sense from the knowledge they left us, how the future of this world should be.

This part may occur as a contradiction of what I read about life but it is not. I am creating a future here with help from the experiences of those who created us, but finally could not save their own civilization on the planet Nibiru (the 10th planet in our solar system recently discovered by NASA at the edge of the Kuiper belt.). . 

This state of freedom solves every problem by eliminating it, and provides a completely unburdened peace and tranquility. I believe that soon this human species is likely to extinguish itself in its own ignorance and the blatant misuse of its five sense organs which probably were designed for some greater achievements.

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