Wednesday 31 August 2016


The immediate "provocation" to amend the "Prevention of Corruption Act" prompted by the corrupt politicians in power and the IAS babu combine, appears to be the plight of a retired coal secretary to the government of India, Harish Gupta IAS, under whose watch a large number or irregularities in coal mine allocations took place during the last UPA regime. Gupta finds himself as accused in coal scam cases in various courts. There is a widespread swell of support from the bureaucracy that he should not be "victimized". The fact is Gupta is known to be an impeccably honest officer (Sic). The issue now is whether his plight is sufficient justification in amending the PC Act, and watering down its potential to combat corruption.
So it is actually more sinister, that politicians in power are now trying to dilute an act which has the potential of bringing to justice, these accused IAS babus, for criminal activities of omission or commission. This is in fact paving the way, to make these Babus more malleable to corrupt activities by corrupt politicians in government. In short assuring them you do what we are telling you, sign on the files and look the other way, and we will ensure you remain safe to enjoy your pension at home and not behind bars.
Knowing these politicians these activities will be amply rewarded. So also these babus are mostly graded as of "above average intelligence", so they will milk the cow too as it moves for milking from the pasture. The politicians will not even be aware that some of the milch cows are yielding a bit less milk. Off course it is not that all babus are corrupt and will indulge in this, but there is a HUGE chance that many honest ones will look the other way, making it easier for their political bosses. Instead of diluting this act, it should be further strengthened and given more teeth. This will ensure that the babus are deterred from abetting corrupt activities of those in power. Spectrum scam, coal scam, this scam, that scam running into thousands of crores of taxpayers money going on right from Cha Cha Nehrus time. Politicians and those in power, IPS, IAS bureaucrats getting filthy rich, while the poor not having a square meal a day. This Prevention of Corruption Act should not be diluted but made more exemplary, if for nothing else than just the distant prospect for these not so gentleman, of sitting in jail after retirement, rather than enjoying their swimming pools and farm houses and country golf clubs in the twilight years of their lives.

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