Sunday 14 August 2016

Army Captain beaten up for not giving bribe in Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh

You can watch the video at the link given above..............

Good Morning India.........

I think this is the result of the Government of India, systematically bringing down the status of the Indian Armed Forces vis a vis the IAS, IFS, IRS and IPS in the hierarchy of standing, pay and respect along with the impotence displayed by the Service Chiefs..

These Police Bastards have not understood, what this action is going to result in. I remember when I was in Service such kind of incidents did occur. Yet the result was that officers took action without fear which was swift and sure... I remember in Jalandhar the destruction of a cinema hall where civilian hoodlums misbehaved with a group of Officers families who had come to watch a movie. The Hall management sided with the goons as a few of them were the sons of prominent politicians. All police people in the concerned Police station who acted similarly and refused to record FIR's and arrest the hoodlums were  thrashed miserably and sent to hospital. All this was done as soon as Officers came to know about this incidence.

In Ferozepur our brother officers wives were teased by some local goondas and the group was forced to leave the restaurant by the Goondas. So we physically caught the Son of a Bitch and took him to the Police station. Instead of booking him they let him go and took out their lathis (canes) on us. Reason he was a local politician's son. Officers went back to the Unit and returned with more young officers from the nearby Arty Brigade and thrashed the whole lot of policeman breaking a few limbs. Put the inspector in one of our cars and asked him to guide us, as to where that bastard goonda resided. If not the inspector was promised that he will not escape with just his fractured limb but next would find it in pieces. Bugger led us to him wetting our car seat in the process and that bastard hoodlum was thrashed mercilessly and taken to civil hospital and admitted along with other police.

At Ahmednagar a similar incidence, of police high handedness resulted with officers on the young officers course mercilessly beating up police in a police station. In that particular case a whole lot of court martials took place but the original offence done by the police went unpunished. I am sure Officers must have, thought let us be court marshaled out of this Army rather than living with disrespect, respect is more important, than being a member of an Army which is daily downgraded by this ungrateful tribe of Politicians, Babus and their likes. If we can die for our country then we can die for our uniform too whosoever is the enemy.

If the Government of India cannot protect our aka the Army's respect and "IZZAT", if the courts of the Land keep demeaning us for performing our duty as ordered by the GOI, the Pay Commissions keep downgrading our status vis a vis the police IAS and others, and a policeman has the guts to raise his dirty, shitty finger against an army officer then I am afraid the time has come, to teach these bastards a lesson. Next time such a thing happens anywhere in India, just wait and see what will happen. It will just not be a beating but something a hundred times more serious. The Army is fed up now for being disowned by this ungrateful tribe. You Mr. PM and you Mr. Raksha Mantri (The Defense Minister) will be responsible and nobody else.

Here is the Ahmednagar incidence 1984. This was later than the Ferozepur and Jallandhar incidences. As usual the Army Officers were depicted drunk and at fault by the police and the civil administration, which is always their want.. Whatever but you can see the Deputy Commandant and the Commandant Armoured Corps School and Centre stood by his Officers.

After 1984 these incidences of Officers being mistreated by police and civilian hoodlums is on the increase, yet there's hardly any or no retaliation. This generation of Officers must understand they have been trained to kill and lay down their lives for their nation. If they cannot lay down their lives for justice and upholding the Izzat  (deep self respect) for the uniform they wear, by fighting the enemy within then they should drown themselves in a fistful of water.

We are taught, right from our Indian Military Academy days, to be gentleman, to be thorough, to be true and to be men. However being a gentleman also involves to protect our izzat (deep self respect) by fighting for what is right and just, including with the enemy within. If we cannot do that and put our tails between our legs when our honor and izzat is in danger then what is the use? Will we be able to fight the real enemy across our borders when the time comes? 

Are we now breeding a bunch of sissies calling themselves as soldiers and hiding behind the burkha of being a gentleman? Letting our pants be taken down by criminal politicians and policemen goons? During my times in the 70's our bosses looked the other way saying: sort out your own bloody problems, don't behave like sissies, if you have behaved in an honorable manner stick by your bloody guns.

Extract from a news clip April 1984.

Although the city of Ahmednagar has swung back to normal, an uneasy calm is still apparent in Ahmednagar police stations. One month after army officers ran amuck and attacked two police stations in the district headquarters, complete normalcy proves elusive.
In the Bhingar Camp police station set within the cantonment grounds, the nervous tension is palpable - the city is still out of bounds for the off-duty officers of the Armoured Corps Centre and School (ACC&S), where the country's tank officers and men are trained. The elite and most senior Force of the Indian Army.

Brigadier B.S. Malik, Deputy Commandant, 
Armoured Corps Centre and School (ACC&S) based there, says: "This is only a precautionary measure, we have put the whole area out of bounds except for people on special duty. But we hope that things will be restored to normalcy soon."

The Ahmednagar violence had its genesis in a street squabble late on the night of March 29. Three captains and a lieutenant of the Armoured Corps, who had parked their motorbikes apparently wrongly outside a city eatery, got into a fight with four doctors because the doctors misbehaved with them and abused the army officers. The doctors were beaten up, and senior police officers allege that a constable who tried to intervene was thrashed as well. Civil doctors who examined all eight injured certified that the army officers were drunk (incidentally civilians are always waiting to dishonor army men) the Army medicos gave a clean chit..
The officers were formally charged with assault - one doctor's thumb was fractured, another had his head split open. The army officers were released the next day, and later, Major-General Kailash Dhodi, Commandant of the 15,000-strong army Training Centre at Ahmednagar protested to the civil administration that his officers had been mistreated by policemen.

In the evening, an army officer was despatched to lodge a formal police complaint against the Ahmednagar public and police for assaulting the officers. The Maharashtra CID, already alerted by local administrators, promptly took over the cases.

But the matter did not end there. Later that same night, motorbike-borne roughnecks armed with iron bars and hockey sticks stormed police stations in the city. Starting with the one at the State Transport (ST) Bus Stand - the scene of the previous night's altercation - the rampaging mob severely beat up any policeman who came their way.
The orgy of violence ended with a vicious attack on the Bhingar station where 10 policemen were severely injured. The final tally of the injured read: eight policemen in the ST chowki; two caught in town and 10 in Bhingar - four fractures, one severely hurt on the head, and several injuries.

Preliminary investigations by the CID show that the attacks were extremely well planned and executed with a degree of control which suggests army discipline and training. The timing and coordination of the attacks and retreat were perfect. The attackers aimed all their blows at the arms, legs and buttocks of their victims - the head and midsection was avoided, and the only head injury in the entire tally was probably caused because the victim, a sleeping assistant sub-inspector tried to rise and defend himself.

A senior investigating officer said: "These were very systematic attacks. They seem to have entered and withdrawn at the sound of a whistle, and witnesses in Bhingar testify that the group of 40 or 50 attackers withdrew in perfect order in the direction of the Armoured Corps Auto Mess and the Vijayantha Mess."
Armoured Corps officials dismiss the charges, insisting that there is no evidence to link their officers with the attacks. Last fortnight Malik suggested that on the contrary, the army had hard evidence to show that it was the police and the public who had beaten up their four officers on March 29.
He said: "As for the second day, the fact that it occurred cannot be denied but who has done it has not been proved. So far there is no evidence. But if they can identify anyone and name him, then he will be punished."
CID officials are wary of disclosing details, but they insist equally firmly that army officers were undoubtedly behind the attacks.

Finally these nincompoops including the babu tribes must know that the Army means business. Howsoever much they may try to humiliate us, degrade us, finally we are not afraid to deal with our enemies whoever they may be, Internal or external. We will deal with them, to the best of our ability, the way we have been trained, whatever the cost, our izzat comes first, everything else second.

The Indian Military Academy does not breed thieves or babus (Indian Administrative Services) who have removed their chaddis (underpants) of Izzat and respect and sold their souls for a fistful of money, or like the Indian Police Services to be rogered by state governments or politicians or anyone else. Nor does it breed us to spread our hands and bow done before anybody for justice, which involves dishonor of our uniform and our self respect, whatsoever price we may have to pay. That is the only way we can keep up emotionally or upkeep our emotional temperament to undertake missions impossible,  where we have to sacrifice all our comforts of family, peace and our lives for the honor, safety and welfare of our country. Yes people will call us borderline psychos. We have to be, to conduct and win a war at  heights of 24000 feet of the Siachen Glacier and alternate between desert warfare for lunch and snow warfare for breakfast.

I do hope Mr Modi realizes this. If he wants a strong unbeatable army then this is the price he will have to factor in and pay, and will have to put the Babus and the Policemen of this country in their proper place without hesitation. If that spirit is managed to be destroyed then I am afraid nothing will be left of this country for these goons to rule. Most of us veterans are now approaching the twilight of our lives, it will indeed be shameful for us to see if the National Defense Academy and the Indian Military Academy start producing sissies with their tails between their legs, without spunk more worried about bank accounts and creature comforts than their IZZAT and HONOR.. Yet I am sure this will never happen. Amen to that.

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