Wednesday 31 August 2016


The immediate "provocation" to amend the "Prevention of Corruption Act" prompted by the corrupt politicians in power and the IAS babu combine, appears to be the plight of a retired coal secretary to the government of India, Harish Gupta IAS, under whose watch a large number or irregularities in coal mine allocations took place during the last UPA regime. Gupta finds himself as accused in coal scam cases in various courts. There is a widespread swell of support from the bureaucracy that he should not be "victimized". The fact is Gupta is known to be an impeccably honest officer (Sic). The issue now is whether his plight is sufficient justification in amending the PC Act, and watering down its potential to combat corruption.
So it is actually more sinister, that politicians in power are now trying to dilute an act which has the potential of bringing to justice, these accused IAS babus, for criminal activities of omission or commission. This is in fact paving the way, to make these Babus more malleable to corrupt activities by corrupt politicians in government. In short assuring them you do what we are telling you, sign on the files and look the other way, and we will ensure you remain safe to enjoy your pension at home and not behind bars.
Knowing these politicians these activities will be amply rewarded. So also these babus are mostly graded as of "above average intelligence", so they will milk the cow too as it moves for milking from the pasture. The politicians will not even be aware that some of the milch cows are yielding a bit less milk. Off course it is not that all babus are corrupt and will indulge in this, but there is a HUGE chance that many honest ones will look the other way, making it easier for their political bosses. Instead of diluting this act, it should be further strengthened and given more teeth. This will ensure that the babus are deterred from abetting corrupt activities of those in power. Spectrum scam, coal scam, this scam, that scam running into thousands of crores of taxpayers money going on right from Cha Cha Nehrus time. Politicians and those in power, IPS, IAS bureaucrats getting filthy rich, while the poor not having a square meal a day. This Prevention of Corruption Act should not be diluted but made more exemplary, if for nothing else than just the distant prospect for these not so gentleman, of sitting in jail after retirement, rather than enjoying their swimming pools and farm houses and country golf clubs in the twilight years of their lives.

Monday 29 August 2016

"So, it's all a question of money. That the loyalties of some Army Officers seem to be pegged around what Pay & Allowances we get in return. Why serve in The Army, open a shop friend."

"Areas of concern of a soldier like any other citizen of the country include education and marriage of his children, healthcare, and financial well being after his retirement. This is especially so because his capacities to earn for the family diminishes at a much younger age while his commitments are at its peak. He believes that the nation will take care of him and his family if ever he gets wounded and disabled while on duty and his family will be cared for and respected if he had to make the supreme sacrifice. Above all he expects the nation to recognize his sacrifices and respect him.
Are we as a nation doing enough to motivate our Armed Forces?"

Response of civilians and similar statements from my civilian friends during get togethers or over a cup of tea at Deepali Cafe :

"So, it's all a question of money. That the loyalties of some Army Officers seem to be pegged around what Pay & Allowances we get in return. Why serve in The Army, open a shop friend."

Wow! "Why serve in Fauz open a shop", a typical Gora Sahab expression! Sir, I think times have changed and we can't remain the pickwickian, Gora Commanding Officers like my father used to be, typical British Army vintage, . He would whack his regimental cane on his immaculately starched Olive Green cotton drill trousers and rumble Bacche Natha Singh kaise ho, sab thik thak hai? (Son Natha Singh how are things? all well?). Sepoy Natha Singh used to reply "Je saab ji, sab Vadiya hai" (Yes Sir all is well).
Natha Singh was too proud and never said a word that his family is upon bad times as his pay which he sends home is inadequate to meet daily needs, yet he would not think twice about laying down his life for his unit first then Country, rather than accepting surrender or defeat at the hands of the enemy. Same is the case with young Officers. Examples are galore. Lt Col Shanti Swarup Rana,
Lt. Navdeep Singh, Batra, Mahadik the list is endless.

It's now nearly 20 years since I retired from the Corps of Signals, Indian Army yet my wife and I still remember the hard days we faced and the financial difficulties we went through as we brought up our children. Luckily our 2 daughters shone themselves in Academics and reached the upper rung of their careers fast as well as to became good people in life. Same is the case with most of my brethren.
I still remember the Money lender on Main Street Mhow! Come the month end and there used to be a line outside his shop of Officers from the Military College Telecom Engineering, Infantry School and College of Combat all waving post dated cheques to make ends meet at the end of the month.

My wife 4 months pregnant with our first daughter wanted to have some pedhas, (a kind of sweetmeat made from milk) they cost Rs 15 a kilo then. I did not have money to buy them, as our take home pay was just Rs. 300 pm, after all the Officers Mess cuttings, house rent cuttings, tailor cuttings and so on. I had to console my wife I will get them on the first of next month. We did not have cooking gas in those days, she used to cook on paraffin stoves. Luckily for me I was posted to High Altitude area Leh and Northwards before my first child was born. Luckily because I knew it would have been difficult neigh impossible to look after a new born on such a meager salary while posted away from home. So she moved home for delivery. After the 3 rd pay commission things improved a bit. Yet by and large Indira Gandhi ensured degradation of the Armed Forces by Terminating OROP and reducing pension percentage. We thought that after we fought the India Pak war of 71 successfully, she would improve our situation dramatically viv a vis the Babus (IAS and the IPS), but no sir it was the other way round.

We never had money enough to stitch decent clothes, so nearly all of us got them tailored from Mhow shops, paying the bill in 2 year installments of Rs. 50 per month. This was exactly like the British Officers did pre Independence, at the Bombay Tailors, "Bacche khate mey daal dena" (son, put the bill on my account) as if Maj Simmons was doing a big favor to the tailor !!That was the state sir.

We can play possum about many things, but we cannot pretend about our fiscal state. Coming to pegging of loyalties, I think we mix up things. Motivation plays a very crucial role as far as loyalties go. Natha Singh never had exposure to how his civilian counterpart lived, as there was no TV or multimedia or internet. 

Yes with the advent of free rations becoming
authorized as a part of pay and Allowances of all
Ranks of the Defense Forces, around  1982 along with the Fourth Pay Commission pay improvements, things became a bit easier. Yet at the same time the demands on the Army kept getting multiplied. 

"Call the Army even if PM's yoga mats get blown away from Rajpath syndrome as we call it. The civilian governments are unable to handle a lot of things which actually fall outside the jurisdiction of the army, yet are done by the army! flood, earthquake, rescuing someone from borewell, or for building bridges also !!!!!The list is endless.

Today's youngsters are more savvy than of old. They know exactly what is happening in the world and are no longer like cart horses with side view obstructing blinders. 

The new generation Officers of the Indian Army are no longer willing to die for a country governed by criminal hoodlum Politicians with registered criminal cases against them a yard long. Corrupt babus most of the times, trying to stamp them down into the earth at every opportunity. Time to change sir and climb down a bit to ground realities of life.

A glaring example from the past.
Though the Government could not take away Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw's rank, it did take away everything else and treated him shabbily indeed. He retired in January 1973. Field Marshals get full pay and allowances till death. Manekshaw never got even the pension of the rank he held nor a house or a car after retirement. It took the Government of India aka the IAS Babus, 36 years to decide his scale and entitlement.

Sam's larger-than-life image also earned him some enemies. For long, he was denied the benefits and status due to a Field Marshal. It was not until 2006-07 that President Abdul Kalam took the initiative and made sure the general got his full dues. Unfortunately the dues cheque was handed over to him as he lay dying on his hospital bed. That’s how it works, , the system Parrikar presides over today. 

To think that people have the guts and shamelessness to make statements like: "So, it's all a question of money. That the loyalties of Army Officers seem to be pegged around what Pay & Allowances we get in return. Why serve in The Army, open a shop friend." The Bastards. You will pay my friend and pay through all your orifices when the time comes.

Sunday 21 August 2016

Who said a Budweiser and Meditation don't go together :) :) ......

Musings for what they are worth over a bottle of Budweiser today, after the evening meditation session.

Dear God
I am afraid I do not have much to say in the way in which and the context with which other players have written and given feedback before me on this world stage. Therefore I beg your forgiveness right at the outset. That is if I seem not to have fulfilled some expectations, which you may have had from participants on this world stage, when you invited us to this wonderful Earth Program for us spiritual beings, to experience this human existence. 

I mostly live in my mind and think and deliberate the how and why of our existence. In the same context I do research into the origins of our species with special emphasis on unexplained facts in prehistory, which have been discarded by scientists, as they do not fit into their well established theories of Genesis. So also I do fundamental research in anthropological genetics.

My attending this wonderful workshop of life, aka meditation, has enlightened me or I might say has liberated me, made me free in a different way. Therefore I share a few things which have occurred within me. These I would say are a collection of random, possibly abstract thoughts, as I sit to write a few lines, only a few because I am not yet fully aware of the metamorphosis which has occurred within me. Furthermore I find it very difficult to give you a feedback unless I brief you on what exactly I do, that itself is in the realms of the unbelievable.

I keep thinking about "Integrity, Authenticity, and Committed To Something Bigger Than Oneself as a Context That Uses ME"
Interestingly enough, so far, in my journey through life or consciousness, I realized that the reality created around me, contradicted the one sought by me, and this reality, which was sought by me, I saw would in turn conflict with Nature. My realization is that humanity is experiencing a paradox within a paradox. A paradox basically means a self-contradictory statement that is or may be true. I think your deliberations were a kind of a welcome to the evolution Awareness within me!

The present moment reveals to me four key areas of contradictory realities. The first is my awareness which creates my own reality, based on personal thoughts and desires. From here the picture gets bigger… The second contradictory reality is the one created within me, by a bond of code (morality) by virtue of ideology of family. In this reality, individual growth - by following my Heart or as I always explain it as my inner self, or my soul or a group of genes within me, which I call my strap on guidance system - is felt as a threat by my family members, also by people whom I interact frequently, because they see that their pattern of life is going to change, if this inner self awareness comes to play within them.

Then their is my cultural experience which is basically a collection of group habits or traditions, based on mythological awe and the wonder of self-realization, which we sometimes neigh almost always mistake for a value system. This is another contradictory reality.

We all come from dysfunctional families. Every case is different but the main factor is always elusive happiness and freedom. As a result of these dysfunctional families, a structured society was created that is also dysfunctional. This is the last contradictory reality. Now within this I function as a leader a self leader. Here I felt that I was (mind you was) falling short of Integrity and authenticity.

If the Universe is One Verse, then why is humanity limiting its true potential? The answer… is fear of the outcome.
Fear from what? Fear itself is man-made and ironically it profits man of nothing. Humanity is afraid to acknowledge that it is a part of the Transcendental Absolute. In other words, we are afraid to acknowledge that we are the Creators! 

The myth that God is a symbol and our creator is the most powerful fallacy humanity has to overcome in the evolution of Awareness. So, what's it like living as a Creator or God? To be like God, a person must be fearless, responsible and filled with infinite re-creative energy - Love. It's not about being good, but being nice to One Self and Others… In this, Eternity is every Breath I make. Every moment I live. Finally awareness is my being and possibly my being is not the experiences which I have had through that awareness.

1. Linguistic Abstractions (leader and leadership as “realms of possibility”). Actually if I try to see into leadership, ironically it only boils down to linguistic ability ha ha.

2. Phenomena (being a leader and exercising leadership as they are actually experienced, that is, as they are lived; or conversely the experience of being led). I sometimes get confused why do I have to be a follower and Leader at the same time.

3. Concepts (the temporal domain in which leader and leadership function). One thing I have realised that as a leader may be religious, may be spiritual or may be in Industry, I have to function in relation to concepts. Now problem to me is how do I test those concepts for accuracy?

4. Terms (leader and leadership as definitions). Finally I realize that Leader and Leadership are nothing but definitions.

I have experienced enlightenment bit by bit, sip by sip of Budweiser after my evening sitting in silences, of my 3 times daily 20 minute meditations. It has made many things immediately clear to me. It is clear to me that one's existence does not depend on anything except awareness. This brings complete relief and liberation. It is clear that life is awareness, and not what awareness experiences. So the body, mind, the physical universe as well as dream universes, feelings, knowledge, are all non-essential to being alive. Fear and guilt vanish because awareness is beyond harm and experience is not part of one's being. If you  really check out one undergoes experience because of one's internal awareness.

I now know that all experience comes from outside of oneself, that experience merely flows through awareness, and that I am not responsible for the helpless act of experiencing one's experience. I am free to see, to dream a world of the future. I am free to share the shape of the future with my colleagues, to work in the past to search for our creators who designed our genetic system. To learn from them, in the sense from the knowledge they left us, how the future of this world should be.

This part may occur as a contradiction of what I read about life but it is not. I am creating a future here with help from the experiences of those who created us, but finally could not save their own civilization on the planet Nibiru (the 10th planet in our solar system recently discovered by NASA at the edge of the Kuiper belt.). . 

This state of freedom solves every problem by eliminating it, and provides a completely unburdened peace and tranquility. I believe that soon this human species is likely to extinguish itself in its own ignorance and the blatant misuse of its five sense organs which probably were designed for some greater achievements.

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Speaking of Gurujis and Babas....

Good evening India....
May be I am over stepping my bounds, I am too small a fry in this world of Gurujis and babas. Probably I should have kept my mouth shut, as I have a lot of friends and well wishers of the Art of Living Sect as well as the Sidh Samadhi Yoga founded by late Guruji Rishi Prabhakar. However here goes as I cannot keep my silence. It's about knowingly destroying the ecosystem of the Yamuna basin. As an avid birdwatcher and wildlife lover it horrifies me. So also it has made me question my respect for holier than thou Art of Living.

This is regarding The World Culture Festival 2016 a celebration of The Art of Living's 35 years of service, humanity, spirituality and human values. The festival celebrated the diversity in cultures from across the world while simultaneously highlighting our unity as a human family.
Prior to this mega event the whole festival was questioned in this manner "Where's the 'art' in living like this? Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji, please note how your event is killing the Yamuna". The World Culture Festival of the Art of Living (AOL) Foundation headed by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar threatens to leave the ecologically sensitive and fragile Yamuna floodplains with irreparable damage.So our venerable guruji was well aware of the consequences of a few days of fun and frolic and off course of "looking good", yet he bashed on regardless, much like our politicians, "karlo jo karna hai".

Environment activists are shocked over the brazen disregard for the health of the dying river, which holds a significant place in the Hindu mythology, from the organisers. The National Green Tribunal (NGT) has already recommended a fine of Rs 120 crore on them for violation of ecological norms but it has hardly deterred preparations.

“The Yamuna floodplain is a highly sensitive ecological zone. To organise its culture festival, the AOL Foundation has illegally cleared the entire stretch of wetland and marshy area. It’s total devastation and we fail to understand how the person (Sri Sri Ravi Shankar), an apostle of non-violence and spiritualism can allow it,” Manoj Kumar Misra, convener of Yamuna Jiye Abhiyan, an NGO working for the restoration of river Yamuna, told Firstpost.

So a committee which was instituted by the National Green Tribunal, post the event to access the damage has submitted its report. In short the report says:
The massive 'World Culture Festival' held on the banks of the river Yamuna in Delhi by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Art of Living has "completely destroyed and not simply damaged the riverbed", a group of experts has told the country's top environmental court.

"The ground is now totally levelled, compacted and hardened and is totally devoid of water bodies or depressions and almost completely devoid of any vegetation," the experts say in a 47-page report, describing the damage because of the three-day event that featured performances on a seven-acre stage and hundreds of thousands of devotees.

The floodplain, the report says, has lost "almost all its natural vegetation" like trees, shrubs, tall grasses and aquatic vegetation including water hyacinth crucial to the survival of a large number of animals and organisms.
Art of living is asking for the reconstitution of the committee which was instituted by the National Green Tribunal, whose report has gone against the most venerable, adored, loving leader, a holy person, a Guruji and head of the Art of Living Foundation. Instead of trying to accept the damage done and jointly finding ways and means to set it right at least partially, he is asking for a fresh committee to look into the damage afresh. In short his Holiness Sri Sri Ravishankar the epitome of pseudo Simplicity, Truthfulness, and what have you appears to be no different from corrupt politicians of this blessed country.

On being totally indicted by the investigation Committee appointed by the National Green tribunal regarding the Damage done to the ecosystem of the Yamuna, (the event site has been totally destroyed) the Art of Living has asked for a fresh Committee to be appointed to resurvey the extent of Ecological Damage to the Basin!!

The Art Of Living management goes on to say that it is not logical to take the report of the Committee appointed by the National Green Tribunal into consideration before our application for a  reappointment of a new Committee is heard. Wonderful!! Have a new committee, bribe them and a get a favorable report, dam the environment. Have a look at the key findings of the committee, in the report attached. They have done a commendable job. If one sincerely goes through the report point by point, it is quite logical and makes sense. I am very sorry that things have come to this pass. But I knew that things are not well with this Art of Living Thing.
I had the fortune or misfortune to conduct a Self Development Training Program for Teachers of AOL who were running their Sri Sri Ravishankar Vidya Mandir aka schools (a number of them) of this organization. about what happened the less said the better.

The Mission statement of these Vidyamandir's go on to say:

To provide holistic education that enhances cognitive, emotional, physical, social and spiritual learning. Here, learning is an individual process for each student and information is imparted at the realm of experience, while enhancing human values of love, friendliness, compassion, caring and sharing.
Regular curriculum is offered in such a joyful and stress-free manner that the child actually looks forward to going to school. This is how AOL is going to inculcate these lofty values in their students? What face will the so called Value - able teachers have when their students will ask, really Guruji destroyed the Eco system of the Yamuna? Its going to be a big laugh when the students confront teachers with these question raised above.

Lofty values indeed If you see the mission statement of SSRBM schools.

• To make students academically competent, innovatively creative, socially aware and self developing.

• To enable students to Broaden their vision and Deepen their roots by equipping them with our unique methodology which imbibes in them , appreciation towards our culture & values and those of other nations too.

• To provide students with modern tools as well as the moral and spiritual strength needed to face the challenges of the modern world and thus evolve into society conscious global citizens.

• To inculcate in each student a deep rooted respect towards all, and to have a character full of virtues.
• To have SSRVM schools in each district of India where learning is inspirational and fun and a sense of belongingness is created.

• To establish institutes of higher education in each state of India, which shall become centers of excellence in knowledge and research across various fields of study where each student achieves the highest level of professional and personal ability so as to serve the needs of local, national and global economies.

I think is time we the public must listen to our inner self and expose such Gurujis, rather than falling prey to their pseudo joyfulness and sick smiles.
Mera Guru Mahan !!

Monday 15 August 2016

Is PM Modi the only accountable person in this Country and what is his Nemesis ?

Happy Independence day !!!!
Whatever one might say, the following of RSS agenda of Hindu Rashtra and gauraksha is going to prove to be Modi's Nemesis. Yes it may not be wrong to do that, but maybe the timing is wrong. There are umpteen things which have to be set right, for India to flourish and probably this would have been the last one. The History of India is replete with examples that first Kingdoms were secured, then they moved to their Golden Ages with near perfect rules of Kings, then and only then did religion come in. Thereafter Hinduism and Buddhism in their order spread far and wide. Hinduism and Buddhism, like Christianity with their Crusades and Islam with its Jehads, never required the slaughtering of people and forced conversions to prosper. Hinduism and Buddhism did it on its own steam and its flexibility. And did they spread far and wide !!! The sands of time have not run out yet Mr. PM, I hope better sense will prevail and let this Independence day, be the turning point for this country to start its March towards another Golden Age and gain its rightful place in this world.

Here is something which Hindu Rashtra vadis are demanding. And you Mr. Modi with the RSS throttling you are inexorably moving towards. Yes there are a few things in this resolution which require implementation right now like the Common Civil Code, yet others are best left alone for the moment. The time will come but it is not now. There are definitely more urgent priorities as you have very well realized, going by your latest remarks on Gauraksha.

Resolutions passed by the Hindus in ‘Hindu Adhiveshan’
Resolutions passed related to India and other countries
1. India and Nepal should be declared as ‘Hindu Rashtra’ !
2. Pakistan should be declared as ‘Enemy State’ !
3. India is giving aid to Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan in the form of Money, Food grains, Electricity, Fuel etc. It should be stopped immediately !
4. Five crore Bangladeshi infiltrators living in India should be ousted from the country immediately !
5. The Union Government should immediately exert political pressure on the Nations in which Hindus have been victims of injustice and force that Government to punish the culprits !
 Resolutions passed related to Nationality
1. Government should declare Sanskrit to be the national language. and it should be made compulsory in all schools and colleges !
2. Holiday on 1st January as ‘Start of the Year’ should be cancelled !
3. Singing of ‘Vande mataram’ should be made compulsory on National days, National programmes, in the Parliament, State Legislative Assemblies and all Government programmes !
 Resolutions passed related to non-Hindus
1. Sachar Committee Report should be abolished immediately !
2. All the sectarian reservations that should be abolished !
3. The special social, cultural and economical rights given to religious minorities should be excluded from the Constitution !
4. The individual that brings about religious conversions should be sentenced to life imprisonment and if the individual who has fallen prey to the conversion is a minor than the sentence should be death !
5. It the religious sentiments of Hindus are hurt the punishment should be same as that which is given when the religious sentiments of other sects are hurt !
6. Those Hindus who have been victims of the riots against them in the past five years should be adequately compensated !
7. Missionary schools impart education related to Christianity and Madarsas impart education related to Islam. On the same lines, Hindu students should be given education related to Hindu Dharma in all schools !
 Resolutions passed related to Laws
1. ‘Common Civil Code’ should be immediately implemented !
2. ‘Prevention of Cow Slaughter Act’ should be imposed throughout the country
3. Days like ‘Valentine’s Day’, ‘Rose Day’ promoting harmful western culture should be banned by law !
4. Without taking Hindu Society in confidence, no laws pertaining to Dharma (such as Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence Bill, Temple Take over Bill etc.) should be passed !
 Resolutions passed related to religious sentiments of Hindus
1. Ram Setu should be declared as a National Monument and it should be preserved !
2. There should be special law to take stringent action on those, who are indulged in polluting Ganga river and adjoining areas. Such law should be immediately imposed !
3. Mockery and defamation of Hindu Holy texts, Deities, Saints, great personalities, religious traditions and culture should be treated as cognizable and non-bailable offences !
4. The names of Gandhi-Nehru given to the Government schemes and Government premises should be replaced by the names of Saints and Sages, great National heroes and revolutionaries !
5. Ancient history of Hindus should be preserved. Distortion of history should be considered a grievous offence and special provisions for punishment should be made for this !

Sunday 14 August 2016

WELL, THAT'S STRANGE — Researchers orbit a muon around an atom, confirm physics is broken The proton's charge radius shouldn't change, and yet it appears to.

What does all this mean simply put?
During my College days my classmates had an ambition of growing their beards (wispy though at that point of time), and strutting around like scientists. The Feynman Lectures on Physics was the "in thing" in those days not unlike whatsapp today. One of my friends and fellow students, Anya Thakur (he went to become launch director at NASA I believe) used to hold lectures on the same! Our system of study was we would read and understand a chapter then teach others. We believed teaching was the best way of learning to get to the heart of a subject. At the end of many of our study sessions and our preparations for the IIT entrance, I had the same question for him, Yes so what does it all mean simply put   He used to retort you dumb ass your brains are in your knees. Well well that's how I joined the Army. At least I now know what that means simply put " My brains are in my knees"

That helped me to understand how the substituting of muons for electrons to determine the radius of the protons influence, was Einsteinly correct! In my simple mind, with my brain situated in my knees, it is  hard to fathom the fact (if it really is so) . While a muon may have some similar properties, the muon has a mass 200 times that of an electron . Obviously , it will have its own mass influence on the field of the proton. I have no clue how the readings of a proton will be the same between an electron and a muon when one has a mass 200 times the other..

Army Captain beaten up for not giving bribe in Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh

You can watch the video at the link given above..............

Good Morning India.........

I think this is the result of the Government of India, systematically bringing down the status of the Indian Armed Forces vis a vis the IAS, IFS, IRS and IPS in the hierarchy of standing, pay and respect along with the impotence displayed by the Service Chiefs..

These Police Bastards have not understood, what this action is going to result in. I remember when I was in Service such kind of incidents did occur. Yet the result was that officers took action without fear which was swift and sure... I remember in Jalandhar the destruction of a cinema hall where civilian hoodlums misbehaved with a group of Officers families who had come to watch a movie. The Hall management sided with the goons as a few of them were the sons of prominent politicians. All police people in the concerned Police station who acted similarly and refused to record FIR's and arrest the hoodlums were  thrashed miserably and sent to hospital. All this was done as soon as Officers came to know about this incidence.

In Ferozepur our brother officers wives were teased by some local goondas and the group was forced to leave the restaurant by the Goondas. So we physically caught the Son of a Bitch and took him to the Police station. Instead of booking him they let him go and took out their lathis (canes) on us. Reason he was a local politician's son. Officers went back to the Unit and returned with more young officers from the nearby Arty Brigade and thrashed the whole lot of policeman breaking a few limbs. Put the inspector in one of our cars and asked him to guide us, as to where that bastard goonda resided. If not the inspector was promised that he will not escape with just his fractured limb but next would find it in pieces. Bugger led us to him wetting our car seat in the process and that bastard hoodlum was thrashed mercilessly and taken to civil hospital and admitted along with other police.

At Ahmednagar a similar incidence, of police high handedness resulted with officers on the young officers course mercilessly beating up police in a police station. In that particular case a whole lot of court martials took place but the original offence done by the police went unpunished. I am sure Officers must have, thought let us be court marshaled out of this Army rather than living with disrespect, respect is more important, than being a member of an Army which is daily downgraded by this ungrateful tribe of Politicians, Babus and their likes. If we can die for our country then we can die for our uniform too whosoever is the enemy.

If the Government of India cannot protect our aka the Army's respect and "IZZAT", if the courts of the Land keep demeaning us for performing our duty as ordered by the GOI, the Pay Commissions keep downgrading our status vis a vis the police IAS and others, and a policeman has the guts to raise his dirty, shitty finger against an army officer then I am afraid the time has come, to teach these bastards a lesson. Next time such a thing happens anywhere in India, just wait and see what will happen. It will just not be a beating but something a hundred times more serious. The Army is fed up now for being disowned by this ungrateful tribe. You Mr. PM and you Mr. Raksha Mantri (The Defense Minister) will be responsible and nobody else.

Here is the Ahmednagar incidence 1984. This was later than the Ferozepur and Jallandhar incidences. As usual the Army Officers were depicted drunk and at fault by the police and the civil administration, which is always their want.. Whatever but you can see the Deputy Commandant and the Commandant Armoured Corps School and Centre stood by his Officers.

After 1984 these incidences of Officers being mistreated by police and civilian hoodlums is on the increase, yet there's hardly any or no retaliation. This generation of Officers must understand they have been trained to kill and lay down their lives for their nation. If they cannot lay down their lives for justice and upholding the Izzat  (deep self respect) for the uniform they wear, by fighting the enemy within then they should drown themselves in a fistful of water.

We are taught, right from our Indian Military Academy days, to be gentleman, to be thorough, to be true and to be men. However being a gentleman also involves to protect our izzat (deep self respect) by fighting for what is right and just, including with the enemy within. If we cannot do that and put our tails between our legs when our honor and izzat is in danger then what is the use? Will we be able to fight the real enemy across our borders when the time comes? 

Are we now breeding a bunch of sissies calling themselves as soldiers and hiding behind the burkha of being a gentleman? Letting our pants be taken down by criminal politicians and policemen goons? During my times in the 70's our bosses looked the other way saying: sort out your own bloody problems, don't behave like sissies, if you have behaved in an honorable manner stick by your bloody guns.

Extract from a news clip April 1984.

Although the city of Ahmednagar has swung back to normal, an uneasy calm is still apparent in Ahmednagar police stations. One month after army officers ran amuck and attacked two police stations in the district headquarters, complete normalcy proves elusive.
In the Bhingar Camp police station set within the cantonment grounds, the nervous tension is palpable - the city is still out of bounds for the off-duty officers of the Armoured Corps Centre and School (ACC&S), where the country's tank officers and men are trained. The elite and most senior Force of the Indian Army.

Brigadier B.S. Malik, Deputy Commandant, 
Armoured Corps Centre and School (ACC&S) based there, says: "This is only a precautionary measure, we have put the whole area out of bounds except for people on special duty. But we hope that things will be restored to normalcy soon."

The Ahmednagar violence had its genesis in a street squabble late on the night of March 29. Three captains and a lieutenant of the Armoured Corps, who had parked their motorbikes apparently wrongly outside a city eatery, got into a fight with four doctors because the doctors misbehaved with them and abused the army officers. The doctors were beaten up, and senior police officers allege that a constable who tried to intervene was thrashed as well. Civil doctors who examined all eight injured certified that the army officers were drunk (incidentally civilians are always waiting to dishonor army men) the Army medicos gave a clean chit..
The officers were formally charged with assault - one doctor's thumb was fractured, another had his head split open. The army officers were released the next day, and later, Major-General Kailash Dhodi, Commandant of the 15,000-strong army Training Centre at Ahmednagar protested to the civil administration that his officers had been mistreated by policemen.

In the evening, an army officer was despatched to lodge a formal police complaint against the Ahmednagar public and police for assaulting the officers. The Maharashtra CID, already alerted by local administrators, promptly took over the cases.

But the matter did not end there. Later that same night, motorbike-borne roughnecks armed with iron bars and hockey sticks stormed police stations in the city. Starting with the one at the State Transport (ST) Bus Stand - the scene of the previous night's altercation - the rampaging mob severely beat up any policeman who came their way.
The orgy of violence ended with a vicious attack on the Bhingar station where 10 policemen were severely injured. The final tally of the injured read: eight policemen in the ST chowki; two caught in town and 10 in Bhingar - four fractures, one severely hurt on the head, and several injuries.

Preliminary investigations by the CID show that the attacks were extremely well planned and executed with a degree of control which suggests army discipline and training. The timing and coordination of the attacks and retreat were perfect. The attackers aimed all their blows at the arms, legs and buttocks of their victims - the head and midsection was avoided, and the only head injury in the entire tally was probably caused because the victim, a sleeping assistant sub-inspector tried to rise and defend himself.

A senior investigating officer said: "These were very systematic attacks. They seem to have entered and withdrawn at the sound of a whistle, and witnesses in Bhingar testify that the group of 40 or 50 attackers withdrew in perfect order in the direction of the Armoured Corps Auto Mess and the Vijayantha Mess."
Armoured Corps officials dismiss the charges, insisting that there is no evidence to link their officers with the attacks. Last fortnight Malik suggested that on the contrary, the army had hard evidence to show that it was the police and the public who had beaten up their four officers on March 29.
He said: "As for the second day, the fact that it occurred cannot be denied but who has done it has not been proved. So far there is no evidence. But if they can identify anyone and name him, then he will be punished."
CID officials are wary of disclosing details, but they insist equally firmly that army officers were undoubtedly behind the attacks.

Finally these nincompoops including the babu tribes must know that the Army means business. Howsoever much they may try to humiliate us, degrade us, finally we are not afraid to deal with our enemies whoever they may be, Internal or external. We will deal with them, to the best of our ability, the way we have been trained, whatever the cost, our izzat comes first, everything else second.

The Indian Military Academy does not breed thieves or babus (Indian Administrative Services) who have removed their chaddis (underpants) of Izzat and respect and sold their souls for a fistful of money, or like the Indian Police Services to be rogered by state governments or politicians or anyone else. Nor does it breed us to spread our hands and bow done before anybody for justice, which involves dishonor of our uniform and our self respect, whatsoever price we may have to pay. That is the only way we can keep up emotionally or upkeep our emotional temperament to undertake missions impossible,  where we have to sacrifice all our comforts of family, peace and our lives for the honor, safety and welfare of our country. Yes people will call us borderline psychos. We have to be, to conduct and win a war at  heights of 24000 feet of the Siachen Glacier and alternate between desert warfare for lunch and snow warfare for breakfast.

I do hope Mr Modi realizes this. If he wants a strong unbeatable army then this is the price he will have to factor in and pay, and will have to put the Babus and the Policemen of this country in their proper place without hesitation. If that spirit is managed to be destroyed then I am afraid nothing will be left of this country for these goons to rule. Most of us veterans are now approaching the twilight of our lives, it will indeed be shameful for us to see if the National Defense Academy and the Indian Military Academy start producing sissies with their tails between their legs, without spunk more worried about bank accounts and creature comforts than their IZZAT and HONOR.. Yet I am sure this will never happen. Amen to that.