Wednesday 11 November 2015

Over 1,200 Army officers refuse to give a day's salary to PM Relief Fund for J&K floods

Read more at:

Here we go again........Headlines for the prestitutes.
Babus would be more cunning they would not have allowed the exchequer to cut a days pay as donation to flood relief. No sir !! They would have said we will physically donate what ever we want to. Even if they had refused it would not have made headlines.
Every Indian thinks including the Government of the day and the Babus, that the meaning of discipline for the Indian Army is "Never protest even if your private life is trampled upon, your respect ground into the dust, you are made to suffer all indignities by making you do tasks which are not written in your service rules, your rights as a soldier are not respected and you should bend backwards at every occasion and situation though
un-warlike but likely to dishonor the nation."
Are we the Army the only people who have to bear the mantle of discipline? Why should Army Officers be forced to donate a days pay without consent, when donation by itself means voluntary? So also The Army Act does not over ride constitutional norms of right of freedom and dignity.
This is precisely where our learnt behavior requires to change or our dignity and self respect will get trampled at every nook and corner. Surely discipline under the Army Act does not include that.
I would say gone are the days when the Commanding Officer could get things done in the grey area between the Army Act and the Constitution of India, "Co Sahib ka hukum hai". Hence the new breed of Officer has to get savvy in Modern day Command and adjust to nuances which mean grey areas in the Infantry school Pamphlet on Leadership, issued to us during Junior Command Course and the Army of the future.
Many people think we are being mean minded, question here is all actions of the government and the polity are linked. If a soldier can lay down his life for an ungrateful government which declares on top of that "you are paid to die so what is the big deal?" A days pay in an officers or a jawans life is peanuts.
What the Government should understand and retrospect, "are the underlying feelings and unrest it has bred into the Army due to its stupid babus and self antics, without realizing the long term implications causing severe damage in the long term of the defense forces?".
Having said that I as a veteran do admit that personally 30 years ago, if a days or a weeks pay was cut for flood relief or what ever (which did happen at least 3-4 times), the thought of protesting would never have occurred to me. Possibly because my mind set was we are superior beings, so what if the Babus and the government shafts us at every corner. Typical attitudes drilled into Indian Officers of the British Army, which have become standards of indoctrination at all of the Training Institutes of the Indian Army.
Wake up friends times have changed, you cannot Command today's Army with the Manual of Military Law under one Arm and somebodys Annual Confidential Report under the other.

Col Ajay Ukidve(retired)

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