Wednesday 11 November 2015

Girish Karnad wants Bengaluru Airport named after Tipu Sultan...

People have lost their lives in the present over this naming/renaming shit. History will not be affected but our present sure is. What difference does it make if a road is called Jawaharlal Nehru Marg or a Tippu Sultan Marg or Dakshin 23 road? Or an airport as Bengaluru International or Tippu Sultan International or a whatever? I think we have more important and far reaching issues at hand which require more attention of this non governance Government and these so called luminaries of our August Societies. 
Left to me I would have named all Airports/Railway Stations after the cities/towns in which they exist. All roads by directions that is East/West/North/South with ascending or descending Numbers. I teach in a University and Colleges. In my discussion with future Generations I find their priorities totally different and rightly so. They don't give a damn as to what road or airport or garden or fly over or whatever is named after whom or what, as long as they have a road or a station or an airport in place as part of a well designed and well developed infrastructure. Who cares a shit. 
It is only those who are have beens, People/parties who are fond of being in the lime light and who are out of it now and cannot go gracefully into the sunset, try to rake up these non issues. These and other kinds of Dinosaurs are extinct. The sooner they realize this or are made to realize this fact the sooner can this Nation move on.

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