Thursday 12 November 2015

INDIA has some real problems on hand

Have a look at the funeral procession of Abu Quasim a TOP LET Commander who was gunned down in Kashmir. A group of militants participated in funeral prayers of Lashkar commander Abu Qasim in south Kashmir and offered him a three-volley salute on Thursday.
Police sources and locals confirmed that militants participated in last rites of Abu Qasim at Bugam village in Kulgam district.
Amid massive pro-freedom sloganeering by mourners, the militants fired volleys in air to honor Qasim, they said.
Such honoring ceremonies were a routine during militant funerals in early '90s when armed insurgency was at its peak in Kashmir.
See the people who have thronged the funeral procession all Muslims showing a mind boggling solidarity with a top terrorist. It indicates the shape of things to come. 

The starting point of Terrorism is the assumption that violence is a virtue in itself and a powerful means to solve social or political problems. Terrorism can be healed only when such people understand the mistaken non logic of any ideology that inspires terrorism and incites to violence—and when they realize that going along with it can never get them anywhere. Until those ideologies’ errors and contradictions are revealed, all measures taken against terrorism can be short-term. Terrorism will emerge again, in different places and under different circumstances, behind a different mask. Unfortunately it is very difficult to change human perceptions upon which are based on the world view of individuals. Over a period of time these perceptions become beliefs and finally the absolute truths for individuals.

Importantly, the root cause for people to lean towards terrorism has to be eradicated. The prime cause which along with abject poverty is : Lack of Food and shelter, Lack of Financial and Physical Security,  Unfulfilled Social needs and Self Respect.  

The counter terror operations are now called as WAR ON TERRORISM. Instead these operations should be treated as a counter terrorism/counter insurgency. The implication is that WAR means indiscriminate force and counter insurgency would mean adequate force with little or no collateral damage. In addition the emphasis must be on isolating the terrorists/insurgents from their support base and NOT destruction of supporting people. 

An insurgent without the support of the local population is like a fish out of water. To achieve this we must also take advantage of political intervention and economic tools. Unfortunately as far as India is concerned, more than 50% politicians are criminals themselves, with charges as serious as murder, attempt to murder, extortion, dacoity and misappropriation of Government funds to the tune of crores of rupees.  to name a few. 

A year ago, in Goa, the local Muslims chased out a Maulavi from UP who began to preach hate in peaceful Goa! In the end community opinion is the best check on extremism-  either Christian, Hindu or Muslim. Insurgents or terrorists both attempt to gain the support of the local population through an appeal to an overarching ideology and by demonstrating their ability to overturn the status quo through violence. When the activity becomes worldwide we tend to call it as terrorism. It is definitely never an act of war.

While military action is necessary, it is not a sufficient condition for success. “A counter insurgency effort that does not respond to legitimate internal socio-political concerns and deals only with military capabilities is ultimately destined to fail.” There is also a risk that too much military action (particularly if it is indiscriminate) can be counterproductive. A theme running throughout discussions on counter insurgency operations is that “smaller may be better” when it comes to the actual employment of military forces.

Our PM and his misgovernment has really screwed up every where. On top of that the icing on the cake is, the babus are hell bent on alienating the Army from Government. I pity the future of this Nation our "Bharat Varsha" Bash on Mr. Modi figure out what more damage you can do to the fabric of this great country. Cast Cow communal divide, Army to the dogs so also the Veterans. Bash on Mr. Modi 3 cheers.

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