Thursday, 31 January 2013

The Higher Objectives of Spiritual Growth


The Higher Objectives of Spiritual Growth

The other day, during one of my Soft Skills Development Training Programs, the question came up what is exactly Spiritual Growth. There was a whole lot of discussion, arguments and views on the subject. It was amazing to note the religious slants in peoples thought processes about spiritual growth. However we could not really come to any conclusion as such. I thought to myself that discussing “Adhyatmic Badhauti” or Spiritual Growth and Spirituality has become a social pastime these days. How easily this phrase is bandied about during social evenings, somewhat like a Fashion Model walking the Ramp. I have heard a lot of talk on this subject, however I have found very few who walk the talk. I have read a lot so also I have experienced people during my wanderings in the sense what they do, what they believe in and what they stand for. How they come across and what are the emotions and vibrations emanating from them. So I have jotted down my thoughts and recollections from all these interactions and readings, put it together as a small slide show and posted it here on my blog to share and start a healthy discussion. I am sure all of us will benefit from your thoughts so please do  share right here.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Some thoughts gathered over the years…

Some thoughts gathered over the years…

Some time ago I was browsing through photo albums of pictures which I had shot over the years. While doing that I was thinking how some of the pictures told a story in their muteness. So also I remembered the circumstances in which I had shot them. In fact the photographs were taken in different countries and in the company of different people who later became my very best of friends. In fact the more I traveled and interacted with people of different cultures and ideas, the more lessons I learned about the philosophy of their life. So I just put together their thoughts, some of my own and some thoughts and observation of famous personalities through the ages. These I clubbed with different pictures  from my albums.