Friday 2 June 2017

New Army For New India. My Comment on this pseudo Intellectual.....

Good Morning India....

I read this article, the first thing in the morning. Did contemplate a bit on it, thought of writing a blog comment then let it go. It appears everybody seems to be evolving and changing with the times including the Kashmiris, politicians, government. Yet this author expects the Army to remain like it was in Victorian times, or one might say in Pickwickian times.
I remember during my tenure in the J&K. Then there was no such thing as stone peltars or locally grown terrorists or anti nationals to that matter. It was mostly cross border terrorism or what ever. To cover their bloody deficiencies and lack of ideas to tackle the present devastating problem, it has become fashionable for the Sekulars, Human Rights people and politicians of all hues to criticise and bastardise the Army. Had the Major saab resorted to firing then what? Yes the Hurriyat and others of their ilk would have got an opportunity to yell, but then what?
The recent so called human shield has given rise to multi decibles of vile rhetoric. Specially from the Congress and the Bas****d Communists. They fail to realise or accept that, the still born baby came through Edwinas skirts during the Nehru Era at Independence and is strictly their problem and they should be the last ones to comment negatively, rather they should go hand in hand with the present GOI to find a solution to essentially a problem of their creation.
The Indian Army is also in a flux of change, trying out various means to tackle impossible situations within the impossible limits laid down by the royal Bottoms of the Judiciary and these bloody turncoats. As I stand in Major Gogois place, I realise the kind of tensions he must have gone through. Had he had a Prenomination of what his action would let loose possibly he would have acted differently.
Most probably a Jeep mounted MMG mowing down 200-300 stone pelters, terrorist supporters, separatists, a killing blood bath and rescued the poll officials and the CRPF personnel. That would have driven a lesson to the anti national separatists, terrorists, so also the Pakistani handlers on the other side. With the Special Powers Act no Court Martial or anything of the sort would be tenable. Jo karna hai kar lo (Do what ever you guys want to, I have done it, period).Yes there would have been a huge hue and cry, Human Rights buggers, NGO's the communists the congress topiwalas would have had a field day shouting from the roof tops. The criminal politicians would have instituted parliamentary committees, theJudiciary would have hit the roofs of their chambers, yet the lesson would have been driven home to the whole lot of stone throwers, instigators, separatist anti nationals, Pakistani handlers the whole lot. You buggers dont meddle with the Army or with an integral part of this country. We will do it every time. Ok you do not like it send us to barracks and sort out your dog crap which you have created since independence, the Army will not clean your poop.
Believe me Kashmir would be on its way to mending itself.

Remember the the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? At least 66,000 people were killed in Hiroshima, while 39,000 were killed in Nagasaki, totalling the deaths to about 105,000. Why did the allies resort to this? Interesting questions which these Communists and Congresse politicians might do well to read. Japan was not trying to carve out one of the US states for themselves either. Worthwhile to remember who suffered? The people they always do. Its time that these jokers realised that the Indian Army is tasked by the constitution to do particular things in a certain manner. It is not a side kick like the Bajarang dal, or the Vanar sena or the Bhim Sena or the Gau sena or what ever sena to be treated by politicians like toilet paper and thrown away after cleaning their poop. Time to drive home a lesson to these pieces of S***.

From the editorial page The Indian Express.
New Army For New India
Relationship between government, army and us is being rewritten, disturbingly so.

Written by Apoorvanand in the Indian Express

Amarinder Singh is part of the “mob” Pratap Bhanu Mehta wants the army to be wary of (‘The march to spectacle’, IE, May 29). That he has been heard by the army and the government is not surprising. Singh wanted a special medal for Major Nitin Leetul Gogoi, the army chief has obliged him. There is also no irony in Defence Minister Arun Jaitley seconding Singh in advocating a free hand to the army, said to be fighting a war in Kashmir. It is also not shocking that a chief minister, who swears by the Constitution and belongs to a “secular” party, places the army above the people when he says, “the Indian army should have an upper hand to be able to negotiate peace on terms that are favourable to the country”.

He forgets that it is for the elected government, not the army, to negotiate peace. This is the message we must read: Making the army supreme, unanswerable to parliament and the judiciary. The government recently moved the Supreme Court asking it to quash its order to investigate excesses committed by the armed forces in Manipur. This is not just about Kashmir — it is about a new India where the army would deal with people independently. We should have seen it coming when the army chief addressed the nation directly through AIR and Doordarshan on Army Day this year. This, a journalist friend felt, should be marked as a turning point for India. A new narrative is emerging in which the army is not only an institution known for its professionalism, but feared by the people, as a guardian is by potentially delinquent children.

Major Gogoi, in this new narrative, is a creative genius. He provides India with a spectacle of the humiliation of Kashmiris. The image of Dar was symbolic: Both hands of Kashmir tied by a brutal power. No bullets fired, no bloodshed, but we have not seen a more brutal picture of the humiliation of a human being in recent times. It was an act of double violence, on the man and his fellow villagers, turned into subjugated spectators.

That it did not shock us when Gogoi addressed the nation through the media after being decorated is a disturbing sign. Before him, and the current army chief, we do not remember any army officer addressing a press conference, not even after the Pakistan Army’s surrender in 1971, not after Operation Blue Star or the Kargil conflict. In all these, the army was the main actor. But it refrained from being seen as the director. It was always seen as following the civil authority. The present government is invoking nationalism to legitimise itself. It is trying to show it is the first government which backs the army. The latter is obliging by making the government’s nationalist agenda its own. Recently, the army vice chief and an air marshal participated in a government programme where offerings were made to the image of Bharat Mata, holding a saffron flag. They saluted and stood at attention when Vande Mataram was sung.

The army has been seen as a non-partisan force. In violent situations, people always sought it. But now, by allowing itself to align with a particular ideological version of nationalism, it is losing that neutrality. It suits the BJP to turn the army into a nationalist army. It is not for nothing that the image of dying soldiers is slammed onto students, artists or workers fighting for their rights.

Amarinder Singh is creating an atmosphere which legitimises a militarist, nationalist India, where the rights of the people are suspended perpetually as there would not be a time when the state is in absolute peace with all sections of its population. It is not only about Kashmir. Kashmir is only a cover.

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