Wednesday 28 June 2017

Call it by its name “India needs to legally reclassify hate crimes as acts of terror” Tanika Sarkar.My Comment

Good morning India…….

This JNU retired professor of History is at it again. I really pity Jawaharlal Nehru University who have harboured and continue to do so, such intellectual horrors of professors. They and their brethren neither have sufficient information nor depth of knowledge to really understand situations, yet sit in judgement and pass laughable comments.
Quote from her article reproduced below in the communist , government basher Seema Chistis news paper the Indian Express:
“Junaid, a young man, looking forward to Eid, was first abused and then brutally knifed to death while his brother lies wounded in a hospital. The cause? They are Muslims, hence beefeaters, hence Pakistanis, and hence easy and natural target for butchery. Note the logic: All beef eaters and all Pakistanis — and by extension, therefore, all
Muslims — are meant for slaughter.”
Fiction perpetrated by ex JNU pseudo seculars and anti nationals.
Facts which came up after investigation
“Junaid’s cousin Sanowar Khan said the conflict erupted because a group of around 15 men wanted to take over the seats where the four were sitting. The fight started because of seats and got worse because they passed communal remarks. They were carrying no meat with them.”
Statement from a co-passenger.
“An altercation took place between the three brothers and some 10 passengers over a seat. The passengers allegedly passed some remarks on the three brothers, who are Muslims, and residents of Khandawali village in Faridabad.”
The train was between Ballabhgarh in Haryana and Mathura when the passengers were attacked. Junaid (17) was stabbed to death, while his brothers Hashim (21) and Shaqir (23) were injured. The condition of Shaqir was “serious”.
One of the Muslim passengers told NDTV later that, “ the dispute started over seats in the crowded train but that the men who assaulted them used communal slurs and referred to them as persons who eat meat.”
So this irresponsible ex professor of this JNU has twisted facts and put them across to kindle communal hatred. She has also gone ahead to say that these hate crimes be reclassified as acts of terror. This is the state of the brains and intellect of our so called learned elders.
These certainly are hate crimes, no doubt about that. Yet are they crimes which can be labelled as acts of terror?
Does she really know the meaning of acts of terror?
Very briefly : Criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the public, a group of persons or particular persons for political purposes are in any circumstance unjustifiable, whatever the considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or any other nature that may be invoked to justify them. Premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against non-combatant targets by sub national groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience.
Terrorism is:
1. Ineluctably political in aims and motives. Violent – or, equally important, threatens violence.
2. Designed to have far-reaching psychological repercussions beyond the immediate victim or target. Conducted either by an organization with an identifiable chain of command or conspiratorial cell structure (whose members wear no uniform or identifying insignia) or by individuals or a small collection of individuals directly influenced, motivated, or inspired by the ideological aims or example of some existent terrorist movement and/or its leaders.
3. Perpetrated by a sub national group or non state entity.
Well these are not acts of terror, not by a long shot Madam Ex Professor of JNU.
Importantly, the root cause for people to lean towards hate crimes has to be eradicated. The prime cause which along with abject poverty is : Lack of Food and shelter, Lack of education, Lack of Financial and Physical Security, Unfulfilled Social needs and Self Respect.
Then why are these hate crimes being perpetrated by Hindus against our Muslim brothers? There has to be a reason. Let us look at some happenings after independence, which this ex professor should have and analysed before letting loose with her pen.
The Nehru-Gandhi pseudo royal family has faithfully preserved the anti-Hindu flavour of ‘secularism’ as handed down by the White colonial rulers who purposefully created an atmosphere that Hindus can be taken for granted. It was an exploitation of Hindu community’s tolerant and accommodative nature in which they were aided by self-serving congressmen like Nehru who proudly claimed that they were “Hindu only by birth” (which apparently latest research has proved wrong, but that they were Muslims by birth). No wonder, the ‘secularism’ of Congress – which open minded people call “pseudo-secularism” – started off with the “ignore Hindu and appease Muslim minority” mindset. It slowly turned anti-Hindu when they started calling Hindu organizations and Hindu leaders “communal” in order to corner minority votes.
After the 2002 communal riots in Gujarat, Sonia went to the extent of calling Modi “Maut Ka Saudagar”. This nasty trick to polarize Indian society on communal lines, however, stands exposed now. But it is a dangerous game of ‘vote bank’ politics in a democracy of 80 percent Hindus who, fortunately, don’t have the habit of looking at everything through religious lens – as Muslims habitually do. The rise of BJP is a serious blow to the communal politics of the entire ‘secular brigade’ whose ‘secular’ status has so far rested squarely on maligning BJP and Hindu organizations. Unfortunately the denizens of JNU still beat that same drum.
Consequences of Appeasement Politics:
Being the largest religious minority (14% of total population) the Muslim community has been the prime target of political appeasement. If the intentions were honest, with so many champions of their cause Muslims should have been the most advanced community by now. But the reality is just the opposite.
Indian Muslim community has traditionally excelled in a variety of professional skills and cultural activities and occupied a special place in the country, but groomed as ‘vote bank’ for decades. The community could not properly integrate into “new” national mainstream of ‘free and secular’ India. Simultaneously, it increasingly sank into poverty and hopelessness. Government funds for numerous schemes were generally siphoned off by the corrupt power brokers of the community. The ‘pseudo-secularists’ also started demanding “reservation” for Muslims in government jobs alongside dalits and other backward communities.
Now with this background of the last 70 years, Hindus about 80 percent, who are a majority in this Nation, have felt deprived of honest opportunity to good education, to Financial and Physical Security, so also for the fulfilment of Cultural and Social needs and Self Respect.
The present Government’s Policy of gauraksha has given this Hindu population, a very small number of the whole, a handle to vent out their frustration, sporadically, on Muslims. As days pass by this brutal venting has obtained alarming proportions.
However it will be wrong to call these acts as “Acts of Terror”, as described above. If one probes beneath this veneer of Society, one can still see Hindus and Muslims getting along fine. I would call it as an outstanding example of integration of diverse cultures. However it is the politicians of this country, who have themselves sunk into extreme depths of the cesspool of morass of their own poop and are now pulling down this great nation along with them. To get votes, power to become filthy rich, they would screw their own aunts, who are now corrupting society, which till yester years was a shining example of cultural and social integration. So also the Circumstances now prevailing world wide on the Muslim front are inflicting severe damage too.
So my dear Ex professor of History from JNU please do a rethink on these issues facing the nation. If you are a true intellectual, I expect you to find rational solutions to these problems affecting our Nations society. Just labelling these acts as acts of terror will not solve anything. Too long have these politicians and pseudo secular intellectuals mixed poison in the once harmonious society of this great Nation. It is now time to rejig from grass roots as far as India is concerned.

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