Monday 4 July 2016

Valley Simmering, An Impotent Centre gets Security Alert from State: 65 % spurt in infiltration: Urologist is the need of the hour !!!!

Good Morning India..........

This morning news paper The Indian Express's Headline caught my eye. "Valley Simmering, Centre gets Security Alert from State: 65 % spurt in infiltration." My mind drifted back to History of Partition and that of accession of J & K by the Maharaja of Kashmir as the Pakistani raiders were nearing Shrinagar. The conversation Between India's weakest, most Egoistic Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Patel came to my mind.
Even as Pakistani raiders were within 7 km of the Srinagar airport on 26 October 1947, and Sardar Patel prevailing upon Nehru. Manekshaw, then a Lt Colonel in the Directorate of Military Operations, presented an assessment to the Defense Committee of the Cabinet that Kashmir would be lost for good if troops were not flown immediately.
"Nehru hesitated (even after the Maharaja of Kashmir acceded to India). He was concerned about the world opinion(aka Looking Good) and talked about consulting the UN, until an impatient Sardar Patel wrested the initiative from him. "Jawahar, do you want Kashmir or do you want to give it away?" "Of course, I want Kashmir," was Nehru's indignant response. The Sardar turned to Sam and said, "You have your marching orders".

"At 11 am from Delhi's Safdarjung airport with six IAF and fifty Dakotas requisitioned a few days earlier from private airlines. A total of 800 sorties were flown for a fortnight. By 16 November the raiders had been repulsed from the valley and Srinagar and the airport were secured although engagement with infiltrators in the rest of Kashmir and along the border continued for another 14 months,"
The family saga continues even today...

Now switch to today and Modi. A PM and his Government which is increasingly behaving like an impotent forcibly subservient husband, who cant get it up, towards its wife the IAS and other babus, the policemen and their likes. It has allowed these babus to take zilch experienced, ill informed decisions concerning matters military. May it be The Partition, Post 71 behavior of down grading the Indian Armed Forces in their dignity, pay and allowances, pensions vis a vis the civil services and the IPS, by Indira Gandhi. Or come up to Pathankot, CRPF Ambushes, Naxal trouble. Allowing Pathankot to be royally screwed up by a policeman, the NSA by removing the Command from a local Army Brigadier, throwing him out, and bringing in and deploying the NSG under the Home Ministry, in a game of oneupmanship putting in jeopardy the security of this country. This continues  right up to the present day. This NSA an ex IPS has made India and its Defense Forces a laughing stock of the world, this NSA.

The worst was allowing the plight of the veterans to aggravate to such an extent, that they had to sit in protest and undergo hunger fasts at Jantar Mantar a public place, to fight for their just, legal and promised dues, something I as a veteran never even dreamt in my worst dreams, though I started my career in the Army at Rs. 400 per month. To top it all unleashing the Delhi police with a lathi charge, beating up and roughing up highly decorated veterans, some more than 90 years old, to tearing their clothes and assaulting them to the ground. All on the orders of the Impotent Ministry of Home Affairs running the show on the advise of the policemen and the Babus. 
Due you think The Army will harbor goodwill for these IPS hooligans who allowed this to happen? Believe me the Kukris are out and at the appropriate time blood will flow on the roads of this country. 

The damage at the hands of these babus continues as we see the 7CPC. This PM has reduced the standing and the Izzat (pride) of the Indian Army to unimaginable depths and sunk its morale to the worst cesspits of morass in Indian History.

Unfortunately for this PM there are very few or no Sam Manekshaw's left in the Indian Army, because of him and his babus effectively castrating this once awesome, brilliant, disciplined organization, which was ready for any sacrifices at the drop of a hat. Nor are there any any Sardar Patels in his ruling party, of the opposition the lest said the better. A bunch of anti nationals and criminals calling themselves politicians, playing on religion and peoples sentiments for votes and power.
It is time Mr. PM you had a rethink as to what you want to do with, and to, this country. History is a mute spectator Mr. PM, soon you will be one. If you wish to leave a mark in the sands of time with your 56 inch chest, the time is now Mr. PM lest the sands of time run out for you. India is a great country, it will come out like burnished gold as it has from times immemorial. The Nehru topiwalas had their chance and they blew it, and blew it with terrible consequences to this Nation. Now it is the turn of you the BJP, I really hope there are some Sardar Patels in the ranks of the Khaki chaddi walas and some sound advise comes through before the last of the Manekshaws of our brilliant Army fade into the mists of time.

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