Saturday 9 July 2016

Indefinite AFSPA is failure of Army, Govt, "The army and the paramilitary cannot use "excessive and retaliatory force" during counter-insurgency operations in disturbed areas, the Supreme Court said in a significant ruling.

The court ruled that more than 1500 cases of alleged fake encounters in Manipur in the last 20 years "must be investigated."
I think a retired judge should now be appointed by their honors to head the Armed Forces deployed in Manipur and J&K so that our Army Commander can gain some wisdom from these almightinesses, About how much Force should be used or not used. So also they can stop fake encounters and allow only real encounters on ground.

1. So finally "Your honors" in the supreme court have decided that the Army is a failure in Manipur and it follows in J&K as the AFSPA is operational there too. (AFSPA- Armed Forces Special Powers Act)

2. I think the Supreme Court is becoming adventurous and exceeding its mandate vis a vis the Army and passing loose remarks, where not warranted, that too without an iota of experience and knowledge of what are the conditions on ground.

3. They don't show their powers where required. A High court dismisses President's writ! Mamta showed thumbs down to Election Commission, but SC does not take any note of it! Our Army is the only disciplined Organization which reacts to the ground realities in a highly compassionate manner ensuring that there is minimum collateral damage, Whereas Terrorists and Naxals alike are bent upon destroying soft targets and delight in anti National activities along with the Muslims of the Valley.

4. On the other hand, Judges, sitting in their cozy homes sarcastically and comfortably censure the Army and other Forces deployed alongside the Government. They celebrate their annual vacations, fight for their "lal battis" on their cars, over reach their jurisdiction with impunity, and put their long fingers in matters, where they are neither experienced nor competent to address. Have they ever thought of visiting the border areas to get themselves apprised of realities? But for the Armies strict vigil and sacrifices from time to time since our Independence, we would have lost Kashmir and the 7 sisters long ago. Our incompetent, self serving, corrupt and slimy politicians who have called themselves the Government of India since Independence are the real perpetrators of this festering problem, which is not the Army problem at all to begin with.

5. Using an army inside a country, anywhere in the world, should be the last resort. Armies are not trained for the tasks that police can do. The police should have deeper ground relationships and understand the terrain & people much better than the army. However today the police re a pathetic lot, due to excessive Political interference and political arse licking. They are like the proverbial "Dhobi ka Kutta , na ghar ka na Ghat ka." (The washer man's dog belongs neither to his house nor to the waterside.)

6. The counter terror operations are now called as WAR ON TERRORISM. Instead it should be treated as a counter terrorism/insurgency. The implication is that WAR means indiscriminate force and counter insurgency would mean adequate force. In addition the emphasis must be on isolating the terrorists/insurgents from their support base and NOT destruction of supporting people. An insurgent without the support of the local population is, like a fish out of water. To achieve this we must also take advantage of political intervention and economic tools. Unfortunately as far as India is concerned, more than 50% politicians are criminals themselves.

7. A year ago, in Goa, the local Muslims chased out a Maulavi from UP who began to preach hate in peaceful Goa! In the end community opinion is the best check on extremism- either Christian, Hindu or Muslim. Insurgents or terrorists both attempt to gain the support of the local population through an appeal to an overarching ideology and by demonstrating their ability to overturn the status quo through violence. When the activity becomes worldwide we tend to call it as terrorism. It is definitely never an act of war.

8. While military action is necessary, it is not a sufficient condition for success. “A counter insurgency effort that does not respond to legitimate internal socio-political concerns and deals only with military capabilities is ultimately destined to fail.” Your Honor are you listening? How about doing something about this and kicking some political arse? There is also a risk that too much military action (particularly if it is indiscriminate) can be counterproductive. A theme running throughout discussions on counter insurgency operations is that “smaller may be better” when it comes to the actual employment of military forces. Unless the situation is beyond control like in J&K, then probably declaring an emergency out their and putting the whole state under martial law under the Army is probably the only solution left. Then Your honors will see how this state is amalgamated in the Indian Union once and for all. Yet their will be massive collateral damage but so be it.

9. Most importantly, India's Manipur, J&K and Naxal problem is a politico cum socioeconomic issue that is aggravated by bad politics. The affected regions are highly corrupt and have pathetic infrastructure. While there is no justification for an armed struggle, it will be equally stupid to use the extreme option of Army deployment, without paying attention to fixing the ground realities. For a social and political problem doesn't have a military-only solution. Yet the Supreme Court has squarely declared Manipur Problem as a total Failure of the army along with the Government, so also they can say the same for J&K.

10. It is an unfortunate fact that our police and paramilitary forces don't have the necessary Leadership, training, equipment or weapons to effectively fight this menace. They are being used as cannon fodder. Army, CRPF and police personnel die every other week fighting the terrorists or Naxals. But nobody gives a damn. A couple of washed up politicians get shot, or a bollywood Divorce or affair and it is front page news.

11. Running Counter Insurgency ops with Army can be very expensive in terms of cost as well as Morale of troops. An Army doesn't move like a picnic party. Formations are deployed, camps established, access routes created, supply lines maintained, communication centers, HQs, Hospitals and a huge list. Billions of dollars worth of additional expense. Can the country afford that? A large amount of money is going to the IPS and Police Forces including Paramilitary guys anyways, plus they are paid better than the Army with the 7CPC, Why can't they do it?

12. If the Supreme court wishes to intervene and question AFSPA and also the Government please leave the Army out of it. It would be far better to castrate sorry castigate the Governments of the last 60 years and give them a road map as to how to handle this problem.

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