Sunday 17 July 2016

DON'T MISS IT! Major Gaurav Arya writes an open letter to departed terrorist Burhan Wani, blasts separatists - Two Responses of which one is from me -- Worth Reading

Dear Departed,
Ever since you were terminated in a forces-led operation in the Valley, 23 people have died. I don’t know why they died. The majority were possibly overcome with grief and fury and wanted to avenge your death. That did not happen, for obvious reasons. A policeman was thrown along with his vehicle into a river and he drowned. I grieve with your family and with the families of all those who lost their lives. Despicable though you may have been, I cannot find it in my heart to blame your family.
You could have been an engineer, a doctor, an archeologist or a software programmer but your fate drew you to the seductive world of social media, with its instant celebrity hood and all encompassing fame. You posted pictures on the internet with your “brothers”, all you fine young Rambos holding assault rifles and radio sets. It was right out of Hollywood. Your rifle’s fire selector switch was set to “safe” and your weapon rested on your shoulder. I know it’s too late to advise you on such matters, but NEVER do that in an operational area.
The day you started with your social media blitzkrieg, you were a dead man. You encouraged young men of Kashmir to kill Indian soldiers, all from behind the safety of your Facebook account. Your female fan following was delirious. You were a social media rage. Unknown to you, there was probably some nerd with a laptop sitting in HQ XV Corps, tracking you 24/7. You died when you were 22. Had you survived this operation, you would have died when you were 23. Just a different date on the calendar, that’s all. The intensity of violence and the result would have been the same.
I wish we had met and I could have explained to you (before killing you) that the old men of the Hurriyat Conference are like leech. They feed on the blood of men. They send young Kashmiris to face the Indian Army. What sort of a war is this, where lambs are sent to fight lions?
I would have shown you the sheer duplicity of the Hurriyat, with their sons living abroad, pursuing professions other than jihad. Name one relative of Syed Ali Geelani, the head of the Hurriyat Conference, who is fighting the so-called Indian “occupation”? His son Nayeem Geelani is a doctor in Rawalpindi, and lives under the patronage of the Pakistani ISI. Zahoor, his second son, lives in South Delhi. Mirwaiz Umar Farooq’s sister Rabia is a doctor in the US. Mariyam Andrabi, sister of head of the radical Dukhtran-e-Millat, Asiya Andrabi, along with her family lives in Malaysia. Every Kashmiri separatist leader’s daughter or son is rich and safe, outside Kashmir. Jihad is for other people’s sons.
And your parent’s son is dead. Dead from a 7.62 mm full metal jacket round to the head.
Kashmir’s young and restless blame the security forces for killing them. But they never question the Hurriyat. No one asks Syed Ali Geelani why Burhan Wani is not from his family.
Pakistani media was ecstatic when Kashmiris celebrated Eid this year along with Pakistan and not with the rest of India. This was reported as a blow to the unity of India. This is the first time in the 1400 year history of Islam that Eid was declared, not by witnessing the Shawwal moon, but by looking towards Pakistan. Well done.
The Hurriyat has nothing to do with Kashmiris. This unrest, this bloodshed is just another business. If not, I would like to see the list of martyrs from the Hurriyat leadership’s families.
The Hurriyat knows too well that Kashmir has fallen off the map of the world’s attention. No one cares and everyone knows that it is an artificially manufactured conflict. The Kashmir dispute exists because it is an inexpensive way for Pakistan to keep Indian forces bogged down in the valley.
You were a terrorist. You chose to wage war against India. Like for all other such perpetrators in the past, it didn’t go too well for you. When you choose to fight against the Indian Army, know this; THEY WILL KILL YOU.
Your supporters now want blood. So be it.
Major Gaurav Arya (Veteran)

Wasim Khan a young Kashmiri currently settled in Mumbai has written a heartfelt post on his Facebook account, which responds to the ex-Major’s letter.

In his post Khan says:

Dear Major Gaurav Arya, I was about to board a flight when I came across your letter. To be honest in retrospect I wish I had not read it but I was curious to understand your point of view so I went ahead and did read it. Your words stayed with me and for the next two hours. I kept thinking about the issues you touched. As time progressed the meaning of your words threw my mind into a state of frenzied thoughts. I could talk about each one of those issues but I think there’s a bigger issue here that’s gone missing. I want to talk about that because I don’t want my friends, especially in India to feel proud about what’s happening in Kashmir right now. I want them to know the truth, which according to your letter I find half told.

Let me begin by saying that I get your point straight up. Burhan Wani was a Hizbul commander. He challenged the Indian army and he met his fate. I understand and in fact I respect that as your point of view being an army officer. This is war. No two ways about it. Lets not be confused and that’s your job. The army is in Kashmir to kill insurgents and has been doing so successfully for about two and a half decades now. You being an army officer should take pride in that and so should the fellow countrymen. I will not take this back to history and talk about why there is insurgency to begin with. I’m sure you are well aware of it. If not then you’re being conveniently ignorant.

But here’s my worry. I get a feeling you didn’t write this letter because you were just proud of the army’s achievements. You wrote this letter because of the backlash that came about after it resulting in many deaths in the recent days and that bothered you. Not the deaths, but the backlash.
You Major Arya are a part of a mighty force. I think fifth strongest in the world but then you forget. More than the might of the army you are also a part of worlds largest democracy. If J&K is an ‘integral’ part of India then why do not the laws of democracy apply there? In statistics they do. Don’t you think that’s being hypocritical?
Going by your words had Burhan survived at 22 he would have died at 23. You know I didn’t even about know about him till recently. I actually googled him after his death and he became news to me along with the rest of my friends in India. Apparently he became a militant because the army trashed his brother unconscious in front of him. That probably was the first nail.

This reminds me. Let me tell you something about myself. When the army in Srinagar beat me up for the first time I was ten years old. Ask me why and I’ll tell you I don’t know. I seriously don’t. I was just walking on the road and a soldier decided to frisk me then slap me and then he and his fellow mighty warriors together kicked me. There was no social media then and I didn’t threaten them. Last I remembered was that I offered water to one soldier standing outside my house on a hot sunny day.

The second time I was beaten up by the BSF I was still ten years old. The third time I was beaten up by the CRPF I was still ten years old and then next fifteen sixteen times I was beaten up I was STILL ten years old. I remember this one time. A few years later I was pulled over and the soldier pushed me aside as I got out of the car. I told him to take it easy and barely finished my sentence when I felt a gun butt on my neck. I fell down. This was on the highway. When I regained consciousness I managed to spot an officer. I walked up to him and tried to reason. Before I could even get close enough he gestured me to stop. Then he said, ‘Tum sab h******* ke saath yehi karna chahiyae. Get lost’. He then got in his gypsy along with his mighty force and drove off. I just stood there and watched them disappear. The damage had been done. I didn’t catch his nameplate but I hope that wasn’t you.

If you could ask my friends they’d tell you how I didn’t let that or any similar experiences bother me. Also post these beatings I didn’t resort to violence. It did cross my mind a few times but it wasn’t in me. I wouldn’t be out of place if I even told you that all the times I was beaten up weren’t because I was protesting. I was beaten up because I just looked at someone in uniform and the person my best guess is that the soldier probably felt threatened. Trust me when I say I only looked because I was curious. I can’t say I felt much curious after that.

In the early nineties the strength of militants was about 4000 in the valley. You can check this with the nerd at HQ XV Corps. He’ll agree. Today the number of militants is about 66 in south Kashmir and about 40 in the north and rest of the valley. However the number of the army in the early nineties was about five hundred thousand and today it’s a little over seven hundred thousand. The nerd will agree to this too. So, if the army has successfully eradicated so many insurgents what is the need for the might to grow now?

Now, coming to the recent deaths. Something that’s bothering me more than the Kashmir issue. More than bilateral or trilateral talks. The reason why I chose to write back to your letter. When you joined the army you were a graduate. Then you went to the prestigious Indian Military Academy and come out as a polished officer. I too have visited the IMA and man was I also impressed. I have more than ten friends in the Army. Many of my friends are army officer’s children and not once the thought crossed my mind that why didn’t they as army officer’s children join the army. I’m saying this to you so that we are not confused why Geelani’s or someone from Mirwaiz Omar’s family is abroad. It’s not relevant to what’s happening in Kashmir or is it? You really think that they would or could have done something to stop the killings?

 I want to drop the words Hurriyat, Jihad and Allah from this conversation and keep it only to the deaths are being caused because of the use of force from the mighty army on little children.
Lets say I protest in Delhi today would I be shot at? What sort of force would the security forces use on me? Probably water canons? Lets say I loose my cool and physically assault them then what sort of force would they use on me? Probably lathis. Lets say I pelt stones on them then what sort of force would they use on me? Tear gas? And finally if I behaved like a lunatic because I feel oppressed would I still be shot at? In Delhi or Mumbai – NO. In Kashmir – YES.

I don’t want to argue about the might or the force. The right or the wrong. I just want you to know that your words “WE WILL SHOOT YOU” are ringing in my head and its scary. It’s scary because its not limited to insurgents, millitants or terrorists. I haven’t even challenged you but you’re scaring all of us.

I’ll also admit that at this point I get a feeling that the same thought process is being used irrespective. On unarmed ten year olds. Dear Major Arya there is no might there. There is no might in blinding them. There is no might in crippling them. There definitely is no might in killing them. Lets get off of our high horses and see this as human beings.

I hope this letter somehow trails back you so that you can see this from a simpler point of view. I hope that you can get to sit across me and look me in the eye and say there if there is any might or virtue in this. Just recently a mighty soldier of your army was denied cremation on basis of his caste. What happened to his mighty sacrifice? Did he die in vain?
You are an army officer. I’m a civilian. Neither of us are politicians nor do we need votes. Lets just be honest and save the ones we can.
And lastly, please don’t get me wrong. I feel that even after reading your letter another child is shot in the name of patriotism, nationalism you’d have done more harm than good.
Signed – Anyone in Kashmir.

A comment on Mr. Wasim Khans letter.....
Ajay Ukidve
The sins of the Fathers visit the sons. In this case the father I feel is Cha Cha (SIC) Nehru, and a host of others who followed, and things have come to this pass. Though the Author has rather over simplified a very complex problem I tend to agree with him. The psychological complexity of the response of the Forces deployed in Kashmir and along the LOC have to be taken into account for their actions. though by no means such happenings can be justified.

This reminds me of Sun Tzu the great Chinese General and what he wrote 2500 years ago in his treatise The Art of War.
Said Sun Tzu:
When you engage in actual fighting, if victory is long in coming, then men's weapons will grow dull and their ardor will be damped. If you lay siege to a town, you will exhaust your strength.
Again, if the campaign is protracted, the resources of the State will not be equal to the strain.
Now, when your weapons are dulled, your ardor damped, your strength exhausted and your treasure spent, other chieftains will spring up to take advantage of your extremity. Then no man, however wise, will be able to avert the consequences that must ensue.

If you interpolate this with the situation in the valley today and read "when your minds are dulled instead your weapons" then one tends to get nearer to the answers of the present state in Kashmir. When the Security Forces have been deployed since Independence, staying away from their families, children and normal peace life for such long periods , then psychological results ensure that the consequential incidences described by Mr. Wasim Khan are bound to happen.

The assumption that violence is a virtue in itself and a powerful means to solve social or political problems becomes stronger day by day. Terrorism/Insurgency can be healed only when such people understand the mistaken non logic of any ideology that inspires terrorism and incites to violence—and when they realize that going along with it can never get them anywhere. Until those ideologies’ errors and contradictions are revealed, all measures taken against terrorism can be short-term. Terrorism will emerge again, in different places and under different circumstances, behind a different mask.
Unfortunately it is very difficult to change human perceptions upon which is based the world view of individuals. Over a period of time these perceptions become beliefs and finally truths.

Another factor is materialistic tendencies which go as far back as Darwin’s theories of survival of the fittest. How one perceives this maxim will depend how susceptible one is for indoctrination based upon the root cause. Man has been searching for a way to heaven for thousands of years, if somebody preaches that salvation can be only through this or that particular religion, the ideologies become even stronger.
When political and materialistic ambitions come in, then this becomes a dangerous and potent combination as far as turning a normal human being into an insurgent/ terrorist goes. Examples are galore from ancient times to this day.

The only thing I can ask these Politicians, of whom more than 50% happen to be criminals and self serving corrupt SOB's who are and have been in government since 1948, its time for them to sit down and think up a viable strategy which can bring to an end this festering problem. If this does not happen soon then I am afraid we the people of India will have top pay for the consequences. Believe me that aspect of this Nation paying will not be pleasant. It will definitely shake the foundations of this country.

Leave the Army out of this put them back in barracks, The Army will ensure that our enemy across the border, who may try to interfere in this process will have their OIO cut off and shoved down their throats. But I implore these politicians to come to their senses in time forget about power, votes, religion and dynasty or what ever these sods think in terms of, and get down to the business of serving the country and try to contain the damage in Kashmir we have inherited from our not so August fathers.

Saturday 9 July 2016

Indefinite AFSPA is failure of Army, Govt, "The army and the paramilitary cannot use "excessive and retaliatory force" during counter-insurgency operations in disturbed areas, the Supreme Court said in a significant ruling.

The court ruled that more than 1500 cases of alleged fake encounters in Manipur in the last 20 years "must be investigated."
I think a retired judge should now be appointed by their honors to head the Armed Forces deployed in Manipur and J&K so that our Army Commander can gain some wisdom from these almightinesses, About how much Force should be used or not used. So also they can stop fake encounters and allow only real encounters on ground.

1. So finally "Your honors" in the supreme court have decided that the Army is a failure in Manipur and it follows in J&K as the AFSPA is operational there too. (AFSPA- Armed Forces Special Powers Act)

2. I think the Supreme Court is becoming adventurous and exceeding its mandate vis a vis the Army and passing loose remarks, where not warranted, that too without an iota of experience and knowledge of what are the conditions on ground.

3. They don't show their powers where required. A High court dismisses President's writ! Mamta showed thumbs down to Election Commission, but SC does not take any note of it! Our Army is the only disciplined Organization which reacts to the ground realities in a highly compassionate manner ensuring that there is minimum collateral damage, Whereas Terrorists and Naxals alike are bent upon destroying soft targets and delight in anti National activities along with the Muslims of the Valley.

4. On the other hand, Judges, sitting in their cozy homes sarcastically and comfortably censure the Army and other Forces deployed alongside the Government. They celebrate their annual vacations, fight for their "lal battis" on their cars, over reach their jurisdiction with impunity, and put their long fingers in matters, where they are neither experienced nor competent to address. Have they ever thought of visiting the border areas to get themselves apprised of realities? But for the Armies strict vigil and sacrifices from time to time since our Independence, we would have lost Kashmir and the 7 sisters long ago. Our incompetent, self serving, corrupt and slimy politicians who have called themselves the Government of India since Independence are the real perpetrators of this festering problem, which is not the Army problem at all to begin with.

5. Using an army inside a country, anywhere in the world, should be the last resort. Armies are not trained for the tasks that police can do. The police should have deeper ground relationships and understand the terrain & people much better than the army. However today the police re a pathetic lot, due to excessive Political interference and political arse licking. They are like the proverbial "Dhobi ka Kutta , na ghar ka na Ghat ka." (The washer man's dog belongs neither to his house nor to the waterside.)

6. The counter terror operations are now called as WAR ON TERRORISM. Instead it should be treated as a counter terrorism/insurgency. The implication is that WAR means indiscriminate force and counter insurgency would mean adequate force. In addition the emphasis must be on isolating the terrorists/insurgents from their support base and NOT destruction of supporting people. An insurgent without the support of the local population is, like a fish out of water. To achieve this we must also take advantage of political intervention and economic tools. Unfortunately as far as India is concerned, more than 50% politicians are criminals themselves.

7. A year ago, in Goa, the local Muslims chased out a Maulavi from UP who began to preach hate in peaceful Goa! In the end community opinion is the best check on extremism- either Christian, Hindu or Muslim. Insurgents or terrorists both attempt to gain the support of the local population through an appeal to an overarching ideology and by demonstrating their ability to overturn the status quo through violence. When the activity becomes worldwide we tend to call it as terrorism. It is definitely never an act of war.

8. While military action is necessary, it is not a sufficient condition for success. “A counter insurgency effort that does not respond to legitimate internal socio-political concerns and deals only with military capabilities is ultimately destined to fail.” Your Honor are you listening? How about doing something about this and kicking some political arse? There is also a risk that too much military action (particularly if it is indiscriminate) can be counterproductive. A theme running throughout discussions on counter insurgency operations is that “smaller may be better” when it comes to the actual employment of military forces. Unless the situation is beyond control like in J&K, then probably declaring an emergency out their and putting the whole state under martial law under the Army is probably the only solution left. Then Your honors will see how this state is amalgamated in the Indian Union once and for all. Yet their will be massive collateral damage but so be it.

9. Most importantly, India's Manipur, J&K and Naxal problem is a politico cum socioeconomic issue that is aggravated by bad politics. The affected regions are highly corrupt and have pathetic infrastructure. While there is no justification for an armed struggle, it will be equally stupid to use the extreme option of Army deployment, without paying attention to fixing the ground realities. For a social and political problem doesn't have a military-only solution. Yet the Supreme Court has squarely declared Manipur Problem as a total Failure of the army along with the Government, so also they can say the same for J&K.

10. It is an unfortunate fact that our police and paramilitary forces don't have the necessary Leadership, training, equipment or weapons to effectively fight this menace. They are being used as cannon fodder. Army, CRPF and police personnel die every other week fighting the terrorists or Naxals. But nobody gives a damn. A couple of washed up politicians get shot, or a bollywood Divorce or affair and it is front page news.

11. Running Counter Insurgency ops with Army can be very expensive in terms of cost as well as Morale of troops. An Army doesn't move like a picnic party. Formations are deployed, camps established, access routes created, supply lines maintained, communication centers, HQs, Hospitals and a huge list. Billions of dollars worth of additional expense. Can the country afford that? A large amount of money is going to the IPS and Police Forces including Paramilitary guys anyways, plus they are paid better than the Army with the 7CPC, Why can't they do it?

12. If the Supreme court wishes to intervene and question AFSPA and also the Government please leave the Army out of it. It would be far better to castrate sorry castigate the Governments of the last 60 years and give them a road map as to how to handle this problem.

Monday 4 July 2016

Valley Simmering, An Impotent Centre gets Security Alert from State: 65 % spurt in infiltration: Urologist is the need of the hour !!!!

Good Morning India..........

This morning news paper The Indian Express's Headline caught my eye. "Valley Simmering, Centre gets Security Alert from State: 65 % spurt in infiltration." My mind drifted back to History of Partition and that of accession of J & K by the Maharaja of Kashmir as the Pakistani raiders were nearing Shrinagar. The conversation Between India's weakest, most Egoistic Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Patel came to my mind.
Even as Pakistani raiders were within 7 km of the Srinagar airport on 26 October 1947, and Sardar Patel prevailing upon Nehru. Manekshaw, then a Lt Colonel in the Directorate of Military Operations, presented an assessment to the Defense Committee of the Cabinet that Kashmir would be lost for good if troops were not flown immediately.
"Nehru hesitated (even after the Maharaja of Kashmir acceded to India). He was concerned about the world opinion(aka Looking Good) and talked about consulting the UN, until an impatient Sardar Patel wrested the initiative from him. "Jawahar, do you want Kashmir or do you want to give it away?" "Of course, I want Kashmir," was Nehru's indignant response. The Sardar turned to Sam and said, "You have your marching orders".

"At 11 am from Delhi's Safdarjung airport with six IAF and fifty Dakotas requisitioned a few days earlier from private airlines. A total of 800 sorties were flown for a fortnight. By 16 November the raiders had been repulsed from the valley and Srinagar and the airport were secured although engagement with infiltrators in the rest of Kashmir and along the border continued for another 14 months,"
The family saga continues even today...

Now switch to today and Modi. A PM and his Government which is increasingly behaving like an impotent forcibly subservient husband, who cant get it up, towards its wife the IAS and other babus, the policemen and their likes. It has allowed these babus to take zilch experienced, ill informed decisions concerning matters military. May it be The Partition, Post 71 behavior of down grading the Indian Armed Forces in their dignity, pay and allowances, pensions vis a vis the civil services and the IPS, by Indira Gandhi. Or come up to Pathankot, CRPF Ambushes, Naxal trouble. Allowing Pathankot to be royally screwed up by a policeman, the NSA by removing the Command from a local Army Brigadier, throwing him out, and bringing in and deploying the NSG under the Home Ministry, in a game of oneupmanship putting in jeopardy the security of this country. This continues  right up to the present day. This NSA an ex IPS has made India and its Defense Forces a laughing stock of the world, this NSA.

The worst was allowing the plight of the veterans to aggravate to such an extent, that they had to sit in protest and undergo hunger fasts at Jantar Mantar a public place, to fight for their just, legal and promised dues, something I as a veteran never even dreamt in my worst dreams, though I started my career in the Army at Rs. 400 per month. To top it all unleashing the Delhi police with a lathi charge, beating up and roughing up highly decorated veterans, some more than 90 years old, to tearing their clothes and assaulting them to the ground. All on the orders of the Impotent Ministry of Home Affairs running the show on the advise of the policemen and the Babus. 
Due you think The Army will harbor goodwill for these IPS hooligans who allowed this to happen? Believe me the Kukris are out and at the appropriate time blood will flow on the roads of this country. 

The damage at the hands of these babus continues as we see the 7CPC. This PM has reduced the standing and the Izzat (pride) of the Indian Army to unimaginable depths and sunk its morale to the worst cesspits of morass in Indian History.

Unfortunately for this PM there are very few or no Sam Manekshaw's left in the Indian Army, because of him and his babus effectively castrating this once awesome, brilliant, disciplined organization, which was ready for any sacrifices at the drop of a hat. Nor are there any any Sardar Patels in his ruling party, of the opposition the lest said the better. A bunch of anti nationals and criminals calling themselves politicians, playing on religion and peoples sentiments for votes and power.
It is time Mr. PM you had a rethink as to what you want to do with, and to, this country. History is a mute spectator Mr. PM, soon you will be one. If you wish to leave a mark in the sands of time with your 56 inch chest, the time is now Mr. PM lest the sands of time run out for you. India is a great country, it will come out like burnished gold as it has from times immemorial. The Nehru topiwalas had their chance and they blew it, and blew it with terrible consequences to this Nation. Now it is the turn of you the BJP, I really hope there are some Sardar Patels in the ranks of the Khaki chaddi walas and some sound advise comes through before the last of the Manekshaws of our brilliant Army fade into the mists of time.