Sunday 20 December 2015

India - Service Chiefs Complain about Pay Panel Proposals.

Good Morning India.
As I was browsing through this mornings Newspaper This one caught my eye. So I share this piece of most satisfactory news. At last I can see that the three present Serving Chiefs have something called as OO under their zippers. smile emoticon smile emoticon
So finally.... A small step for the three serving Chiefs but a big step for the Indian Defense Forces. Moving from Pickwick papers, a chota hazri, chota peg and pipers traditions of the wake up call for the Commanding Officer to the reality of Modern India. Finally I think we the Armed Forces of India, have got out of our comfort zones of Colonial intellectual, cultural, emotional bindings called traditions and are now woken up enough to face reality to understand which traditions to maintain and which to be given a go by to deal with the menace of malfeasance of corrupt Babus and politicians vis a vis the Indian Armed Forces. 

Nehru wanted to disband the army and on being
asked how the country would be defended had 
responded that he had the police!! Nehru and his lineage that followed (pseudonym Gandhi) – military kept away, arms mafia flourishing, money in billions of dollars. Whether the ‘actual’ ancestral lineage led the way to an anti-India agenda can be conjectured but then giving up 38,000 sq kms with “not a blade of grass”, gifting Fishtails to China, arbitrary imposition of Article 370 in J&K without reference to Home Minister Sardar Patel, perpetrators’ of rigging 1987 J&K elections that set in motion an insurgency to Pakistan’s advantage going Scot Free.

Inaction on subsequent ethnic cleansing in J&K 
rendering 3,50,000 Hindus refugees in their own 
country; deliberate enactment of the infamous 
IMDT Act in Assam and institutionalized illegal immigration from Bangladesh (made legal by providing Indian identity on crossing over to India) that changed the demography of not only the northeast but even the NCR, arming and training Bodos, criminalizing Punjab politics, move to vacate Siachen are events that can hardly be accredited to ambivalence.
But the most damaging part was the deliberate campaign launched to keep the military ‘subdued’ by not only keeping them under equipped but through hitting at their status, pay and allowances, and vilification.

With this action of the three Chiefs, hoping that the era of Neheruvian politics of screwing the 
Defence Forces is  coming slowly but certainly to an end. Its a small start but I an sure it must be sending Tremors in the corridors pf power in South Block. Yet whatever happens hence forth the stage has been set for future dealings with The Armed Forces. I am sure it must be sending shivers down the right spines of the shape of things to
come, and possibly kindling small fires under the ass**** of
Babus and politicians sitting in South block.

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