Monday 14 December 2015

Don’t get killed, slay the enemy: Parrikar tells Army

Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar on Sunday said that the new government’s advice to Army men was “not to get killed for the country but to kill the enemy of the country.”
Addressing a huge crowd that gathered to mark his 60th birthday celebrations here, Mr. Parrikar said it was quite common in India to make an emotional appeal to the Army to sacrifice their lives for the nation.
“I have told them (Army men), don’t get killed, you kill the enemy so that a befitting lesson is taught to the enemy who dares to invade India’s borders,” the Defence Minister said, explaining the change in the motivational strategy for the Armed forces fighting insurgency on the border.
“The change in approach has brought handsome results in the last over a year if you compare the figures of casualties on both sides of the border in the previous 10 years or so,” Mr. Parrikar said.
Responding to speculations about his retirement, Mr. Parrikar said some people were “clearly hoping that he would retire”, reiterating that he had no such plans and would not do so without completing the “responsibilities” bestowed on him.
George S. Patton said "It is a popular idea that a man is a hero just because he was killed in action. Rather, I think, a man is frequently a fool when he gets killed." He also said ". " No bastard has ever won a war by dying for his country, he's won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his" . . .

"So our Esteemed Defense Minister in trying to imitate General Pattons Lines rephrased them in a most foolish manner. This gentleman appears on his way of becoming a nut case. Or is it in answer to questions being raised for the 7th CPC discontinuing funeral allowance for martyrs?

What ever this IITian is making a fool of himself.Really his oratory beats me specially being a very senior Defense Minister of this great country. How the hell is he going to look after our welfare if this is his knowledge of elementary military tactics and these are his ideas of motivation? 

My god Suntz Su must be squirming in his grave listening to this strutting peacock talking poppy cock. Quote "“I have told them (Army men), don’t get killed, you kill the enemy so that a befitting lesson is taught to the enemy who dares to invade India’s borders,” the Defense Minister said, explaining the change in the motivational strategy for the Armed forces fighting insurgency on the border." Unquote.

How about explaining this from the 7th CPC report Mr Raksha Mantri instead of telling soldiers not to get killed in war.
The Siachen Glacier, which has the highest degree of both risk and hardship, brings soldiers posted there an allowance of Rs 31,500 per month. In contrast a civilian bureaucrat IAS and any civil service, from the All India Services draws 30 per cent of his salary as “hardship allowance” when posted anywhere outside what officials regard as a comfort zone. 

For example, a senior IAS official posted in Guwahati will draw Rs 70,000 per month as “hardship allowance”, compared to Rs 31,500 per month drawn by military officers in Siachen. So Mr Rakshamantri when and where is this SHAM going to stop? Once the Pakistani Armored Corp divisions are well on their way to your house in Delhi Mr. Raksha Mantri? If you advise soldiers not to get killed why would they risk their lives to save Delhi Mr Raksha Mantri? They will just steer their Tanks away in to the fields of Punjab and Haryana.

“Kaante se kaanta nikaalte hain (you have to extract a thorn with a thorn) "Terrorists have to be neutralised only through terrorists and India would take pro-active steps to prevent 26/11 type..."
His statement seemed a palpable endorsement of the culture of violence having echoes of extra-judicial killings and vigilantism.Through his impolitic remarks Parrikar managed to communicate that India, like Pakistan, distinguishes friendly terrorists from those implacably hostile to it. No wonder, in a misguided attempt to establish parity, Pakistan pounced on Parrikar’s statement to declare that India should be dubbed a state sponsor of terrorism.

 In the late 1970s, as students at IIT Powai, they were forced to travel ticketless as they could not wake up the man behind the counter at 4 am. At Dadar, a ticket examiner fined Parrikar Rs 10 plus an additional 40 paise for the fare. A furious Parrikar travelled ticketless for the next semester, as he thought it was unfair. "One day he found his free trips had cost the government Rs 11.20 paise. So he bought stamps from a post office and tore them up. Now, the Government of India and I are square,' he said."

"Parrikar might be feeling frustrated in Defence ministry as he has no effective role to play, except to act as a postman of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his cabinet," Congress leader Shantaram Naik 

On RTE Act: "RTE Act (Right To Education)is Kapil Sibal's absolutely foolish policy. "

On Perceived Loss of Respect of the Indian Armed Forces: “40-50 years, we have not fought a war. I am not saying we should go to war. I am saying that because we haven't fought a war, the importance of the army in our minds has dwindled.” My dear sir, it is the likes of Nehru, Indira Gandhi and your political cronies, operating through the IAS Babus who have over the years, who have slowly but surely whittled away the honor, respect, pay and allowances and heirarchy of the Indian Armed Forces. 
Mr. Parrikar,"Nations respect their armies for maintaining peace, not for going to war. The presence of soldiers, suitably armed, is supposed to guarantee peace. It’s the imperialists who talk of war in a language that encourages the army to be proactive and provocative." Parrikar erroneously believes war-mongering is the best way of maintaining peace.  He forgets the lessons of Chanakya given to King Chandra Gupta Maurya a thousand five hundred  years ago.

On India’s population problem: “He (Parrikar’s father) went to the extent that he used to tell everyone, his friends, “Idhar ek atom bomb girna chahiye, aur aadhe log jalke khaak. (An atom bomb should fall here, half the population will be burnt to ashes.)”

On the problems industrialists encounter: “When an industrialist wants a permission, he has to face 16 inspectors, but a rape victim has to face only one inspector. (italics mine)” (It had many women organisations gasp in disbelief at this comparison.)

On the issue of China invading the Indian market: “I found that nowadays the eyes (of Ganesha’s statue) are becoming smaller and smaller. One day, I finally turned around the statue and found Made in China written on it.”

On India as a Hindu nation: "India is a Hindu nation in the cultural sense. A Catholic in Goa is also Hindu culturally because his practices don't match with Catholics in Brazil except in the religious aspect, a Goan Catholic's way of thinking and practice matches a Hindu's.”

Parrikar belongs to an all-boys’ club, where racist, anti-women remarks invite guffaws, not ridicule, and tough talk evokes admiration. This was precisely the response of the audience at a function of the Vivekanand International Foundation, a rightwing think-tank, where Parrikar made some of the statements quoted above.
Parrikar simply symbolises the time we live in and the political culture his party is drafting on India.


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