Wednesday 30 December 2015

Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding.

Good Morning India............
The job of journalists is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
Throughout the year I have been wondering where is India headed to and what for?
Mehedi Hasan's column in the Indian Express of the last day of this year, sheds some light on my thoughts.

Many issues have surfaced in India this year, some positive and some negative. There are camps of people who have taken an extreme position on most of the issues. Extreme right or extreme left.
Very few learned have sought the middle ground of rationality, specially adhering to the age old principle that all people are always good. If karma really exists, why do good things happen to bad people and good people suffer? A question always asked or which is in the mind of probably the entire human race. Yet it thunders in the head of every Indian when he looks at the corrupt, rogue, self interested politicians, similar so called gurus and babas, which Independent India has spawned over the last 65 years or more. These politician scoundrels with their personal agenda of power, egos, dynastic ideas have ripped apart the fabric of this great country of the Vedas and the Puranas and The Golden age Kings of yore.
If we have to face reality and be rational at the same time, then probably our nation has to look back into our checkered history. The answers to our questions as to what we want our Nation to be today and in the next 100 years, probably lie there. Mr. Modi if you want to go in the right direction, you have to take the Nation along with you. I am sure you have read history. It is time you make up your mind, whether to create India as a new entity, an India of the aspiring masses, the aspiring youth which is predominant now or to build a regressive India on its old foundations with foregone results. Our History is replete with such examples. The Golden Age of India during the Maurya dynasties, our fall from this pedestal and the reasons thereto, Alexander's invasion of India and so many other interesting up and down events. One thing strikes me though, that when Alexander defeated Porus, the world said he has conquered India!! Just a small principality in the North West and yet historians claim it to be a conquest of our great Nation. There are a whole lot of lessons to be learnt from here if we have to make India of our dreams come true.
We cannot build new buildings on old foundations. The fact is very simple. Howsoever good the old foundation, the new building would have to take the shape of the old one. Walls will have to be made on the old foundation beams, pillars on the old foundation pillars, though the pillars and walls could go up to 8 stories. Yet the shape of the brand new building would just be like the old one and may not be in order of the new owners need. Spanking new plaster of Paris interiors, new design exteriors, may be plastic paints would make the new building unrecognizable compared to the old one. Yet the culture, philosophy and flow of the new structure would be ditto same as the old one. This may not fulfill the “Vision” of the new owners, so the extra money and time spent in uprooting and ripping out the excellent foundation would be well spent for future happiness.
I think let the new generation have a free hand once a “Vision” is created. Let them be the designers of a new foundation along with the new buildings. Let them learn from old mistakes and their own. Let them close gaps to the front and not to their rear. Let us not keep making them look into rear view mirrors all the time in terms of our righteousness, vanity, cultural, social and religious bindings. I think the first step would be recognizing the fact, that “What was good for us in our times may not be good for them in theirs”. After all how the world occurs to us, make our contexts and these contexts drive us. Similar is the case with the new generation. Let us not make their contexts. It would be the same as creating new buildings on old foundations, howsoever much we may feel that our foundations are the best.
Going a bit wider and looking at the state of our Nation, the above facts hit us like a sucker punch. Let the dinosaurs remain extinct in the mists of time. Let us build India of our dreams, let this be our new years' resolution Mr. PM.
Mr Prime Minister Modi, perhaps it is time to decide and delink if required.


Sunday 20 December 2015

India - Service Chiefs Complain about Pay Panel Proposals.

Good Morning India.
As I was browsing through this mornings Newspaper This one caught my eye. So I share this piece of most satisfactory news. At last I can see that the three present Serving Chiefs have something called as OO under their zippers. smile emoticon smile emoticon
So finally.... A small step for the three serving Chiefs but a big step for the Indian Defense Forces. Moving from Pickwick papers, a chota hazri, chota peg and pipers traditions of the wake up call for the Commanding Officer to the reality of Modern India. Finally I think we the Armed Forces of India, have got out of our comfort zones of Colonial intellectual, cultural, emotional bindings called traditions and are now woken up enough to face reality to understand which traditions to maintain and which to be given a go by to deal with the menace of malfeasance of corrupt Babus and politicians vis a vis the Indian Armed Forces. 

Nehru wanted to disband the army and on being
asked how the country would be defended had 
responded that he had the police!! Nehru and his lineage that followed (pseudonym Gandhi) – military kept away, arms mafia flourishing, money in billions of dollars. Whether the ‘actual’ ancestral lineage led the way to an anti-India agenda can be conjectured but then giving up 38,000 sq kms with “not a blade of grass”, gifting Fishtails to China, arbitrary imposition of Article 370 in J&K without reference to Home Minister Sardar Patel, perpetrators’ of rigging 1987 J&K elections that set in motion an insurgency to Pakistan’s advantage going Scot Free.

Inaction on subsequent ethnic cleansing in J&K 
rendering 3,50,000 Hindus refugees in their own 
country; deliberate enactment of the infamous 
IMDT Act in Assam and institutionalized illegal immigration from Bangladesh (made legal by providing Indian identity on crossing over to India) that changed the demography of not only the northeast but even the NCR, arming and training Bodos, criminalizing Punjab politics, move to vacate Siachen are events that can hardly be accredited to ambivalence.
But the most damaging part was the deliberate campaign launched to keep the military ‘subdued’ by not only keeping them under equipped but through hitting at their status, pay and allowances, and vilification.

With this action of the three Chiefs, hoping that the era of Neheruvian politics of screwing the 
Defence Forces is  coming slowly but certainly to an end. Its a small start but I an sure it must be sending Tremors in the corridors pf power in South Block. Yet whatever happens hence forth the stage has been set for future dealings with The Armed Forces. I am sure it must be sending shivers down the right spines of the shape of things to
come, and possibly kindling small fires under the ass**** of
Babus and politicians sitting in South block.

Tuesday 15 December 2015


Good Morning India...

Lord Acton said: “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” This aphorism is widely acknowledged as true. William Pitt, the elder, a British Prime Minister, echoed similar sentiments when he said “unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it.”

If organizational structures provide greater and illegitimate influence with the rise in status within institutional hierarchies, then loftier titles and higher ranks mean illicit power. Power will attract those who seek to use and misuse such license for their own ends. The IAS and The IPS are perfect examples in India.

Power and corruption seem to have a complex and bidirectional relationship. In societies which accept corruption as part of life, power appears to attract the corrupt and those in power encourage corruption. These associations seem to work on the whole. If someone chooses to stand up then woe betide him.

Corruption in its broadest sense is not restricted to financial irregularities. The abuse of religion, language, ethnicity, kinship, privilege and position also comes under this rubric. Such misuse is also a form of moral fraud. However, these may be in the form of “softer” violations which, though equally fraudulent, are much more difficult to recognize, quantify, track and document. While moral corruption may be universal, it tends to spread like wildfire when it is accepted as the norm at the top of an organizational hierarchy and within institutions and populations.

The abuse of public power, office and resources for personal gain is common. A culture, which declares conflicts of interests and institutes systems to assess them and take action accordingly, is rare and yet to take hold in India. The CBI raiding Kejriwal's Principle Secretary's office and finding pointers to him being corrupt, plus using Government Machinery for his own and his families gain, was a perfect chance for Kejriwal to stand up and throw him out of Office. This was an opportune moment for him to set up an internal machinery to attempt to set right this malaise of absolute corruption, which could have been an example to the Nation. However he chose to divert the issue to politics and also calling the PM of this country a coward and a Psychopath. He has violated the very grounds on which he was elected to power. This action also throws aspersions on his Mr Clean image.

Corruption does not necessarily imply financial fraud. All of us need to examine ourselves as individuals to identify, minimize and eliminate double standards and hypocrisy. We need to audit our systems and institutions to change the culture, which breeds such corruption. To illustrate. On encountering a red signal on the cross road, we look left and then right policemen not in sight? we take off, then suddenly round the corner there is the cop. Now we bargain about the fine for crossing a red light. He says Rs 800 with receipt or Rs. 400 without one. We hand over rupees 400 to him and are on our way. We conveniently forget our lofty talks and declarations on corruption, not only that we blame the cop that he remained out of sight to make money. We are a nation of hypocrites. Then we smugly blame everybody for being corrupt other than our own selves

No organization is immune to the abuse of power. The intense desire to leave lasting legacies and to make significant changes in institutional direction and function often result in decision-makers short-circuiting standard procedures. The culture of sycophancy, common in our culture and society, aids and abets in such corruption. Double standards in public life are accepted; hypocrisy is tolerated and is the norm.

Looking at things in a larger perspective the existing governance architecture of Parliamentary Democracy is NOT suitable for India. Both Parliament and Cabinet have ceased to play their intended role as checks on personal aggrandizement, power gain and corruption. The GOI Cabinet has become the poodle of Party bosses. The sanctity and effectiveness of Parliament is eroded by the behavior of lumpen elements, more familiar with brute force than reasoned argument or moral persuasion. Corruption vitiates executive decision making to the extent that the judiciary becomes the aam admi’s “de-facto government” for seeking redress.

Monday 14 December 2015

Don’t get killed, slay the enemy: Parrikar tells Army

Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar on Sunday said that the new government’s advice to Army men was “not to get killed for the country but to kill the enemy of the country.”
Addressing a huge crowd that gathered to mark his 60th birthday celebrations here, Mr. Parrikar said it was quite common in India to make an emotional appeal to the Army to sacrifice their lives for the nation.
“I have told them (Army men), don’t get killed, you kill the enemy so that a befitting lesson is taught to the enemy who dares to invade India’s borders,” the Defence Minister said, explaining the change in the motivational strategy for the Armed forces fighting insurgency on the border.
“The change in approach has brought handsome results in the last over a year if you compare the figures of casualties on both sides of the border in the previous 10 years or so,” Mr. Parrikar said.
Responding to speculations about his retirement, Mr. Parrikar said some people were “clearly hoping that he would retire”, reiterating that he had no such plans and would not do so without completing the “responsibilities” bestowed on him.
George S. Patton said "It is a popular idea that a man is a hero just because he was killed in action. Rather, I think, a man is frequently a fool when he gets killed." He also said ". " No bastard has ever won a war by dying for his country, he's won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his" . . .

"So our Esteemed Defense Minister in trying to imitate General Pattons Lines rephrased them in a most foolish manner. This gentleman appears on his way of becoming a nut case. Or is it in answer to questions being raised for the 7th CPC discontinuing funeral allowance for martyrs?

What ever this IITian is making a fool of himself.Really his oratory beats me specially being a very senior Defense Minister of this great country. How the hell is he going to look after our welfare if this is his knowledge of elementary military tactics and these are his ideas of motivation? 

My god Suntz Su must be squirming in his grave listening to this strutting peacock talking poppy cock. Quote "“I have told them (Army men), don’t get killed, you kill the enemy so that a befitting lesson is taught to the enemy who dares to invade India’s borders,” the Defense Minister said, explaining the change in the motivational strategy for the Armed forces fighting insurgency on the border." Unquote.

How about explaining this from the 7th CPC report Mr Raksha Mantri instead of telling soldiers not to get killed in war.
The Siachen Glacier, which has the highest degree of both risk and hardship, brings soldiers posted there an allowance of Rs 31,500 per month. In contrast a civilian bureaucrat IAS and any civil service, from the All India Services draws 30 per cent of his salary as “hardship allowance” when posted anywhere outside what officials regard as a comfort zone. 

For example, a senior IAS official posted in Guwahati will draw Rs 70,000 per month as “hardship allowance”, compared to Rs 31,500 per month drawn by military officers in Siachen. So Mr Rakshamantri when and where is this SHAM going to stop? Once the Pakistani Armored Corp divisions are well on their way to your house in Delhi Mr. Raksha Mantri? If you advise soldiers not to get killed why would they risk their lives to save Delhi Mr Raksha Mantri? They will just steer their Tanks away in to the fields of Punjab and Haryana.

“Kaante se kaanta nikaalte hain (you have to extract a thorn with a thorn) "Terrorists have to be neutralised only through terrorists and India would take pro-active steps to prevent 26/11 type..."
His statement seemed a palpable endorsement of the culture of violence having echoes of extra-judicial killings and vigilantism.Through his impolitic remarks Parrikar managed to communicate that India, like Pakistan, distinguishes friendly terrorists from those implacably hostile to it. No wonder, in a misguided attempt to establish parity, Pakistan pounced on Parrikar’s statement to declare that India should be dubbed a state sponsor of terrorism.

 In the late 1970s, as students at IIT Powai, they were forced to travel ticketless as they could not wake up the man behind the counter at 4 am. At Dadar, a ticket examiner fined Parrikar Rs 10 plus an additional 40 paise for the fare. A furious Parrikar travelled ticketless for the next semester, as he thought it was unfair. "One day he found his free trips had cost the government Rs 11.20 paise. So he bought stamps from a post office and tore them up. Now, the Government of India and I are square,' he said."

"Parrikar might be feeling frustrated in Defence ministry as he has no effective role to play, except to act as a postman of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his cabinet," Congress leader Shantaram Naik 

On RTE Act: "RTE Act (Right To Education)is Kapil Sibal's absolutely foolish policy. "

On Perceived Loss of Respect of the Indian Armed Forces: “40-50 years, we have not fought a war. I am not saying we should go to war. I am saying that because we haven't fought a war, the importance of the army in our minds has dwindled.” My dear sir, it is the likes of Nehru, Indira Gandhi and your political cronies, operating through the IAS Babus who have over the years, who have slowly but surely whittled away the honor, respect, pay and allowances and heirarchy of the Indian Armed Forces. 
Mr. Parrikar,"Nations respect their armies for maintaining peace, not for going to war. The presence of soldiers, suitably armed, is supposed to guarantee peace. It’s the imperialists who talk of war in a language that encourages the army to be proactive and provocative." Parrikar erroneously believes war-mongering is the best way of maintaining peace.  He forgets the lessons of Chanakya given to King Chandra Gupta Maurya a thousand five hundred  years ago.

On India’s population problem: “He (Parrikar’s father) went to the extent that he used to tell everyone, his friends, “Idhar ek atom bomb girna chahiye, aur aadhe log jalke khaak. (An atom bomb should fall here, half the population will be burnt to ashes.)”

On the problems industrialists encounter: “When an industrialist wants a permission, he has to face 16 inspectors, but a rape victim has to face only one inspector. (italics mine)” (It had many women organisations gasp in disbelief at this comparison.)

On the issue of China invading the Indian market: “I found that nowadays the eyes (of Ganesha’s statue) are becoming smaller and smaller. One day, I finally turned around the statue and found Made in China written on it.”

On India as a Hindu nation: "India is a Hindu nation in the cultural sense. A Catholic in Goa is also Hindu culturally because his practices don't match with Catholics in Brazil except in the religious aspect, a Goan Catholic's way of thinking and practice matches a Hindu's.”

Parrikar belongs to an all-boys’ club, where racist, anti-women remarks invite guffaws, not ridicule, and tough talk evokes admiration. This was precisely the response of the audience at a function of the Vivekanand International Foundation, a rightwing think-tank, where Parrikar made some of the statements quoted above.
Parrikar simply symbolises the time we live in and the political culture his party is drafting on India.


Sunday 13 December 2015


Good Morning India....
One of the BJP fans and my friend wrote to me this morning..Quote "Sir, for last few months you are writing on OROP. I admit that I know nothing about OROP, this question was kept pending for 42 years but in these 42 years veterans never thought of demonstrating/ hunger strike then why only after May 2014. Is it similar to returning the awards. Please appreciate that present government has taken some decision may not be as per your expectation however they thought of solving this question rather that keeping it pending." Unquote.

Actually this subject is to vast to cover it in a few lines here. However I will just pen a few  brief comments on this, hopefully the feelings of my brethren will be conveyed. One must remember that todays soldier is savvy as to what is going on on civvy street thanks to the Media Explosion and Anchors like Arnab and Raajdeep. Till date the soldier was isolated and never thought of things money wise or the hardships he or his family experienced, nor did he think about where his next meal is going to come from. He had complete faith in the organization he was serving in. CO saheb hai na dekh lenge (my Commanding Officer is there I will tell him he will see into it) was his answer to all problems he faced in life. The CO was the maybaap (father and mother) for him while being away from his family.
He had total and absolute faith in the Army that he will be protected on all fronts, so was ready to die for his units izzat (honor) first, then for his God and then for the country. Those times have changed now. When he sees in the media corrupt politicians getting away with corruption, murder, extortion and what all and amassing wealth, sees the IAS babus, Police (in his daily life he does get pinched because of them) of this country skimming from the exchequer, may be from what was his due. 

Then he starts questioning about his dues and what he deserves and what he is getting and why. He questions why should he die for this corrupt system, a system of politicians and Babus who will not give his just dues while getting fat on his maintaining the integrity of his country, that he has to do the job of Civil authorities because of their incompetence which in any case was not his job in the first place? That he has to sit in agitation after retirement for his just sanctioned dues? After retirement he finds that their is no may baap CO the eternal problem solver for him, but he has to deal with slime. This is the flash point my friend.

If you really go into the depth of what the PM has done and understand the whole issue in entirety, then you will not write what you have written. Entirety meaning the ethos of the Armed Forces, the sense of Izzat, the sense of obeying orders implicitly without question, being totally apolitical, being taught  to be a notch above the common citizen  and petty politicians and not to question as to how they run the country, (this in bred emotion of superiority allows the soldier to be less corrupt and allows him to make the extreme sacrifice without hesitation), then possibly you might see a glimmer of light in the whole issue. OROP I feel is just a flash point, something like the last straw on the camels back. 

One might say the Cancer OF ANTI ARMY FEELINGS IN THE POLITY AND THE BABUS has spread so much that  an immediate surgery is required to save the patient, if not done this patient dies and if that happens the whole country will die with this patient. If this patient, (you have made the Armed Forces into a patient by neglecting its health since Independence), is kept healthy then and only then the polity of this country as well as its path to prosperity and development can survive. Unless you have a very Strong Defense Force your country can count for Fuck All in the International Arena.


If you couple the recommendations of the 7th CPC, about granting OROP to IAS, IPS, IoFS and other civil services and elevating them beyond the Armed Forces vis a vis pay and allowances and Heirarchical protocol. By the pay commission removing certain benefits exclusive to the Armed forces, including the removal of Funeral Allownace for Martyrs, you will definitely understand the pain of a soldier in the Indian Armed Forces.

"When you talk of the present Government has taken some decision may not be as per your expectation however they thought of solving this question rather that keeping it pending", you don't appear to understand what they have done, it is like a patient who is under the surgeons knife in the OT and the surgeon removes a part of the cancer and tells the patient, look I have removed a bit of it today, will do the other part next time.

Unfortunately by next time the patient could be dead and the country along with it. In this respect I will quote Chanakya, though he his History, the fact remains he gave this advise to Chandra Gupta Maurya during the Golden Age of India, and the present PM of this country who is genuinely trying to bring back India's Golden Age must heed what Chanakya wrote may be a 1500 years ago, otherwise he and this country is doomed.

“The Mauryan soldier does not enrich the Royal treasuries nor fills the Royal granaries. He does not carry out trade and commerce nor produce scholars, litterateurs, artistes, artisans, sculptors, architects, craftsmen, doctors and administrators. He does not build roads and ramparts nor dig wells and reservoirs. He does not do any of this directly."

“The soldier only and merely ensures that the tax, tribute and revenue collectors travel forth and return safely; that the farmer tills, harvests, stores and markets his produce unafraid of pillage; that the trader, merchant and financier function and travel across the length and breadth of the realm unmolested; that the savant, sculptor, maestro and mentor create works of art, literature, philosophy and astrology in quietude; that the architect designs and builds his Vaastus without tension; that the tutor and the priest teach and preach in peace; that the rishis meditate in wordless silence; that the doctor invents cures and medicines undisturbed; that the mason and bricklayer work unhindered; that the mother and the wife go about their chores and bring up children in harmony and tranquility; that the cattle graze freely without being lifted or stolen."

“Pataliputra reposes each night in peaceful comfort, O King, secure in the belief that the distant borders of Magadha are inviolate and the interiors are safe and secure, thanks only to the Mauryan Army standing vigil with naked swords and eyes peeled for action, day and night, in weather fair and foul, all eight praharas (round the clock), quite unmindful of personal discomfort and hardship, all through the year, year after year."
“While the citizenry of the State contributes to see that the State prospers and flourishes, the soldier guarantees it continues to EXIST as a State! To this man, O Rajadhiraja, you owe a debt: please, therefore, see to it, on your own, that the soldier continuously gets his dues in every form and respect, be they his needs or his wants, for he is not likely to ask for them himself.”

Then Kautilya, known also as Chanakya gave his king this blunt warning: “The day the soldier has to demand his dues will be a sad day for Magadha for then, on that day, you will have lost all moral sanction to be King!”. Looking at this Mr Modi may have lost all moral sanction to be Mr PM.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Here we go again... CHENNAI FLOODS

Good Morning India....

2008 - I was in Chennai during December 2008 en route to Singapore. More or less similar conditions were existing at that time in Chennai. Heavy rains had shut down all roads, public transport and every thing. I managed to secure the services of a 3 wheeler to get to the Airport to catch my flight due to depart at 1.30 PM. I started out at 8 AM in the morning thinking that this was enough time to reach the airport and check in. Three wheeler up to a point, then a kilometer walk through knee deep water carrying my suitcase on my head and my camera gear on my back. Then a 4 km boat ride courtesy Madras Sappers boat 
assault Mk 3 , and finally a ride in a 3 ton truck again of the Madras Sappers to the airport. Just managed to reach the check in counter before it closed.

Chennai frequently experiences flooding due to heavy rain associated with depressions & cyclones. Of which a few serious and catastrophic floods during 1943,1976, 1985, 1996, 1998, 2005, 2008 and 2010 caused heavy damages. Chennai is not starving for rain; it is starving for water which is due to mismanagement of water storage. In 2010, Chennai received about 760mm rainfall  during October – December period. Recent highest rainfall in a day was 423 mm on 27.10.2005. This year 2015 appears to be heading for the highest rainfall in Chennai in the last 100 years. The 2015 flood pictures, the latest, show that Chennai is not prepared to drain these flash flood waters causing periodic hindrances in day to day life. Closing of schools due to flooding every year is common in many parts of Chennai. Since this is a frequent and dangerous problem year on year why effective Flood Disaster Management is yet not in place even given today's advance technology and resources??

2015 - Not a sign of a single Babu or his rescue machinery anywhere. Though History repeats itself here in Chennai, who is to learn lessons and sweat in peaceful times to prepare for these war like rain and flood conditions? No Sir not the Babus they are busy amassing wealth and skinning the exchequer!!! Only SEEN are the Combat dresses of Army Sappers and 2 Infantry battalions deployed and the OG and Sand Painted vehicles of the Army and occasional Choppers of the Army aviation or the IAF on rescue duty.

Does not the Nation need to re-evaluate the need of a defunct Civil Administration, which fails at the first instance!!! And does not learn lessons to boot? They call them selves the exalted INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES? CANNOT EVEN ADMINISTER EFFICIENTLY A SINGLE TOWN? THAT TOO AFTER MORE THAN 65 YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE? About the slimy corrupt politicians the less said the better.
Should the Services of the Armed forces be sought for, without any responsibility of the bureaucracy, for the failure in providing basic amenities after almost seven decades of their poor Planning & Management, which is the real burden on the Exchequer!!!
The nation must ask some tough Questions!!!

The Armed Forces seem to be the First and the Last resort to any disaster ..... man made or natural!!!! If their is a nuclear disaster God help this Nation!!!
And the icing on the cake: when it comes to pay commissions the babus feel insulted when the pay scales of the IPS, The IFoS and IRS etc are brought at par with them. They write and represent to the pay commission that we are superior beings by virtue of their being in the upper part of the UPSC merit list, with respect to the other services. They forget, that people learn with experience and grow. Albert Einstein was always at the bottom of his class. As for the Armed Forces for them, For them Army people "Army? what Army?"They manipulate these CPC's and the GOI, to trample into the ground Finance as well as the Honor and respect of Soldiers of the Armed Forces. The shameless, corrupt and uncouth babus of this country. Mera Bharat Mahan........

Thursday 12 November 2015

A story from the Chhandogya Upanishad.

In a hermitage deep in the forest lived the learned sage, Uddalaka Aruni with his son Shvetketu. When Shvetketu came of age, his father sent him to an Ashram for his education as was customary in those days. When Shvetketu returned home after twelve years of education, Uddalaka asked him, "What did you learn while in the Ashram, my son?""I learned everything that can be known, father," Shvetketu answered.When he heard this, Uddalaka became silent and thought, "What pride! Such conceit is born only out of ignorance. My son has not yet grasped the essence of the supreme knowledge of Brahman which brings humility."Shvetketu observed the change that came over his father and inquired, "Why did you become so quiet, father?"

"Dear son," replied Uddalaka, "You say that you know everything that can be known. Then you must know that knowledge or wisdom by which what is unknown becomes known and what is unseen becomes seen?"
"No, I don’t," replied Shvetketu. "But please, father, tell me about it."
Uddalaka lovingly said, "Well son, look at those pots and toys. They are made of clay. The potter takes a lump of clay and makes all kinds of different shapes out of it. So by knowing one lump of clay, one can know everything that is made of clay!"
"This is true for everything, son," continued Uddalaka, "If you know the fundamental structure of gold, you will also know all the ornaments made out of it. If you know a piece of iron, you know all the utensils made of iron."
To make things clearer for his son, Uddalaka headed towards the river while continuing his conversation, "Therefore, my child, you must get to know the essence of all things, the One that exists in everything in this Universe, the great power of Brahman."
"It is that same power which guides the river from the hills to flow into the ocean. That power then causes the water in the ocean to evaporate and form clouds which will produce rain to replenish the river, thus completing the cycle."
Pointing towards a tree which was chopped down by a woodcutter, Uddalaka said, "Take for example that tree over there. The sap, which is it’s life and enabled it to draw sustenance from the earth, is leaking out of it."
"Can you tell that one of the branches of the tree is dead?" questioned Uddalaka. "Each branch of that tree if deprived of the sap, which is it’s life, will dry up. And when the entire tree is drained of the sap, the whole tree will die."
While Uddalaka and Shvetketu were talking, they saw a dead body carried by a group of people for cremation. Uddalaka pointed towards the dead body and spoke to his son, "Similarly, my son, when life forsakes the body, the body dies, but the life itself does not die."
The son looked puzzled when Uddalaka explained, "My son, that which does not die is called the Atman and you are that Atman. The Atman is all pervasive and is present in everything that you see, living or nonliving."Uddalaka Teaching His Son the essence of Knowledge
"Why can’t I see this Atman which is all pervasive and in everything?" Asked Shvetketu.
To explain this, Uddalaka asked his son to bring a fruit which was hanging from a Banyan tree (a tree common in India which gives plenty of shade and bears small fruits).

Shvetketu picked a fruit from the tree and brought it to his father.
"Break it, son, and look inside," suggested Uddalaka.
"What do you see?" Uddalaka questioned.
"Tiny seeds, father," replied Shvetketu.
"Do you see anything inside?" asked Uddalaka.
"No! There is nothing there" responded Shvetketu.
"If there is nothing inside," said Uddalaka, "Then how can that tiny seed gives rise to this huge Banyan tree? That, Shvetketu, is the Atman, the essence of all things. The Atman pervades the universe, and, my son, you are a part of that universe."
"Well father, if we cannot see the essence, how do we know that it exists?" said Shvetketu with a puzzled mind.
"I shall explain that to you, my son" affirmed Uddalaka. "First put some water in that pitcher."
"Now bring some salt and put the salt in the water," instructed the father. Shvetketu did as his father asked.
"Keep the pitcher aside for now," said Uddalaka, "And bring it to me tomorrow morning."
Early the next morning, Shvetketu went to his father with the pitcher of water.
"Can you see the salt?" asked Uddalaka.
Shvetketu searched, and of course, the salt was no longer visible.
Shvetketu said, "No, father, it must be dissolved in the water."
"Now taste it from the top," instructed Uddalaka.
Shvetketu dipped his finger into the water and tasted the water from the top.
Uddalaka blessing his son Shvetaketu"It is salty," Shvetketu said.
"Now taste the water from the bottom," said Uddalaka.
"It’s salty there too, father" answered Shvetketu.
"Similarly, Shvetketu, as you cannot see the salt, you cannot see the essence. But it is always present everywhere."
Finally Uddalaka concluded, "My son, this omnipresent essence is called the Atman, which pervades everything. You too are that, Oh Shvetketu."
"I am grateful father," said Shvetketu and touched his father’s feet. "You have helped me gain the knowledge with which the unknown becomes known, the unseen becomes seen." ......................................

I have read a lot and tried to read into some deeper meaning of the stories from Chandyoga Upanishada and our past. Except for the Maruti Stotra nothing comes close to a scientific angle. Unfortunately my learned friends and teachers have been too dogmatic to their approach of oblique thinking. Now I feel these stories do not go to the root of the actual answers. Answers which can be validated by scientific fact and thinking out of the box. They are mostly philosophic expositions of intellectuals. When I related some of our epics to the translations of the Hieroglyphic stone tablets of Sumer, more than 30 thousand years old, so also the tribal evolutions in the bowel of civilization which is Kenya, I found startling similarities in the basic line around which these stories were woven.............................. ...............................


To create a Primitive Worker, by the mark of our essence to fashion him! (Genetically Engineer)So was Enki to the leaders saying.The Being that we need, it already exists!Thus did Enki to them a secret of the Abzu reveal.With astonishment did the other leaders Enki's words hear; by the words they were fascinated.Creatures in the Abzu there are, Enki was saying, that walk erect on two legs,Their forelegs they use as arms, with hands they are provided.Among the animals of the steppe they live. They know not dressing in garments,They eat plants with their mouths, they drink water from lake and ditch.Shaggy with hair is their whole body, their head hair is like a lion's;With gazelles they jostle, with teeming creatures in the waters they delight!The leaders to Enki's words with amazement listened.No creature like that has ever in the Edin been seen! Enlil, disbelieving, said.Aeons ago, on Nibiru, our predecessors like that might have been! Ninmah was saying.It is a Being, not a creature!Ninmah was saying. To behold it must be a thrill!

To the House of Life Enki led them; in strong cages there were some of the beings.At the sight of Enki and the others they jumped up, with fists on the cage bars they werebeating.
They were grunting and snorting; no words were they speaking.Male and female they are! Enki was saying; malehoods and femalehoods they have,Like us, from Nibiru coming, they are procreating.Ningishzidda, my son, their Fashioning Essence (DNA) has tested;Akin to ours it is, like two serpents it is entwined; (DNA structure)When their with our life essence shall be combined (genetic Engineering), our mark upon them shall be,A Primitive Worker shall be created! Our commands will he understand,Our tools he will handle, the toil in the excavations he shall perform;To the Anunnaki in the Abzu relief shall come! Remember Kunti and the Pandavas? Heres an extract from the stone tablets of Sumer as to how our race was enginered from Homus Erectus. From the ME formulas of Nibiru's essence only bit by bit could be attempted!In a crystal vessel Ninmah an admixture was preparing, the oval of a female two-leggedshe gently placed,With ME Anunnaki seed containing, she the oval impregnated;That oval back into the womb of the two-legged female she inserted.This time there was conceiving, a birth was indeed forthcoming!The allotted time for birth-giving the leaders awaited, with anxious hearts they resultswere seeking.The allotted time arrived, there was no birth-giving!In desperation Ninmah a cutting made, that which was conceived with tongs she drewout.

A living being it was!With glee Enki Shouted.
We attained! Ningishzidda with joy cried out.In her hands Ninmah the newborn held, with joy she was not filled:Shaggy with hair all over was the newborn, his foreparts like of the Earth creatures were,His hindparts to those of the Anunnaki more akin they were.They let the two-legged female the newborn nurse, with her milk him to suckle.Fast was the newborn growing, what on Nibiru a day was, a month in the Abzu was.Taller the Earth child grew, in the image of the Anunnaki he was not;His hands for tools were not suited, his speech only grunting sounds was!We must try once more! Ninmah was saying. The admixture needs adjusting;Let me the ME's assay, with this or that ME make the endeavor!With Enki and Ningishzidda assisting, they repeated the procedures,The essences in the ME's Ninmah carefully considered,One bit she took from one, one bit she took out from another,Then in the crystal bowl the oval of an Earth female she inseminated.There was conception, at the appropriate time there was birth-givingThis one more in the likeness of the Anunnaki was;
They let his birth mother him suckle, they let the newborn to a child grow.Appealing he was by his looks, his hands to hold tools were shapen;His senses they tested, they found there deficient:The Earth child could not hear, his eyesight was faltered.Again and again Ninmah rearranged the admixtures, of the MEformulas she took bits and pieces;One Being had paralyzed feet, another his semen was dripping,

One had trembling hands, a malfunctioning liver had another;One had hands too short to reach the mouth, one had lungs for breathing unsuited.Enki by the results was disappointed. A Primitive Worker is not attained! to Ninmah hewas saying.What is good or is bad in this Being by trials I am discovering!Ninmah to Enki responded. To continue for success my heart prompts me!Once more an admixture she made, once more the newborn was deficient.Perchance the shortfall is not in the admixture! Enki to her was saying.Perchance neither in the female's oval nor in the essences is the hindrance?Of what the Earth itself is fashioned, perchance that is what is missingNot of Nibiru's crystals use the vessel, of the clay of Earth make it!So was Enki, with great wisdom possessed, to Ninmah saying.Perchance what is Earth's own admixture, of gold and copper, is required!Thus was Enki, he who knows things, prompting her to use clay of the Abzu.In the House of Life Ninmah made a vessel, of the Abzu's clay she made it.As a purifying bath she shaped the vessel, within it to make the admixture.Gently into the clay vessel the oval of an Earth female, the two-legged, she put,The life essence from an Anunnaki's blood extracted she in the vessel placed,By the ME formulas was the essence directed, bit by correct bit was it in the vesseladded,

Then the oval thus fertilized into the womb of the Earth female she inserted.
There is conception! Ninmah with joy announced. The allotted birth-giving time theyawaited.At the allotted time the Earth female began to travail,A child, a newborn, was forthcoming!With her hands Ninmah the newborn extracted; a male it was!In her hands she held the child, his image she examined; it was the image of perfection.In her hands she held up the newborn; Enki and Ningishzidda were present.With joyful laughter the three leaders were seized,Enki and Ningishzidda were backslapping, Ninmah Enki embraced and kissed.Your hands have made it! Enki, with a gleaming eye, to her was saying.They let the birth-giving mother the newborn suckle; quicker than a child on Nibirugrows he was growing.From month to month the newborn progressed, from a baby to a child he was becoming.His limbs for the tasks were suited, speech he knew not,Of speaking he had no understanding, grunts and snorts were his utterings!Enki the matter was pondering, what was done each step and admixture he considered.Of all that we had tried and changed, one thing was never altered! to Ninmah he wassaying:Into the womb of the Earth female the fertilized oval was always inserted;Perchance this is the remaining obstruction! Thus was Enki saying.Ninmah at Enki gazed, with bewilderment she him beheld.

What, in truth, are you saying? Of him she an answer required.Of the birth-giving womb am I speaking! to her Enki was responding.Of who the fertilized oval nurtures, to birth-giving carries;In our image and after our likeness to be, perchance an Anunnaki womb is required!In the House of Life there was silence; words never before heard Enki was uttering!They gazed at each other, about what in each other's mind they were thinking.Wise are your words, my brother! Ninmah at long last was saying.Perchance the right admixture in the wrong womb was inserted;Now where is the female among the Anunnaki her womb to offer,Perchance the perfect Primitive Worker to create, perchance a monster in her belly tocarry?So was Ninmah with a trembling voice saying.Let me of Ninki, my spouse, of that inquire! Enki was saying.Let us her to the House of Life summon, the matter before her lay outHe was turning to depart when Ninmah put her hand on his shoulder:No! No! to Enki she was saying.The admixtures by me were made, reward and endangerment should be mine!I shall be the one the Anunnaki womb to provide, for good or evil fate to face!Enki bowed his head, gently he embraced her. So be it! to her he said.In the clay vessel the admixture they made,The oval of an Earth female with Anunnaki male essence they put together;The fertilized egg into the womb of Ninmah by Enk was inserted; there was conception!138The pregnancy, by an admixture conceived, how long will it last? toeach other they wondered.Will it be nine months of Nibiru, will it be nine months of Earth?Longer than on Earth, quicker than on Nibiru, travail came; to a male childNinmah birth was giving!Enki the boy child held in his hands; the image of perfection he was.He slapped the newborn on his hindparts; the newborn uttered proper sounds!He handed the newborn to Ninmah; she held him up in her hands.

My hands have made it! victoriously she shouted.Now this is the account of how Adamu (Adam in the Bible) by name was called,And how Ti-Amat (Eve in the Bible) as a counterpart female for him was fashioned.The newborn's visage and limbs the leaders carefully examined:Of good shape were his ears, his eyes were not clogged,His limbs were proper, hindparts like legs, foreparts like hands were shaped.Shaggy like the wild ones he was not, dark black his head hair was,Smooth was his skin, smooth as the Anunnaki skin it was,Like dark red blood was its color, like the clay of the Abzu was its hue.They looked at his malehood: Odd was its shape, by a skin was its forepart surrounded,Unlike that of Anunnaki malehood it was, a skin from its forepart was hanging!Let the Earthling from us Anunnaki by this foreskin be distinguished! So was Enkisaying.The newborn to cry was beginning; to her chest Ninmah closely drew him;Her breast to him she gave; the breast he began to suckle.139Perfection we did attain! Ningishzidda with elation was saying.Enki at his sister was gazing; a mother and son, not Ninmah and a Being, he was seeing.A name will you give him? Enki inquired. A Being he is, not a creature!Ninmah cast her hand upon the newborn's body, with her fingers his dark red skin shecaressed.Adamu I shall call him! Ninmah was saying. One Who Like Earth's Clay Is, that will be his name! (Adam in the bible part of genesis 1 where he did not have the power ofcreation)...........................................

The Seventh Stone tablet of Sumer they go on to say how this power of Procreation was given to Adamu. (The Bible Genesis 2) Kunti in the Mahabharata? More learning and reading is required....

Homo sapiens were Genetically Engineered? Striking Resemblances Mahabharata and The Stone Tablets of Sumer

The birth of Dronacharya from the Mahabharata
The birth of Dronacharya, the Guru of the Pandavas and Kauravas in the Mahabharata, is very interesting. It would not be wrong to say that Dronacharya is the first test tube baby in the world. Rishi Bharadwaja is the father of Dronacharya and mother is an Apasara name Krithaji. One evening Rishi Bharadwaja was getting ready to do his evening prayers. He went to the Ganga River to take his usual bath but was amazed to find a beautiful woman bathing at his usual spot in the river.On seeing Rishi Bharadwaja, the beautiful Apsara Krithaji got out of the Ganga River wearing a single loin cloth. Rishi Bharadwaja was moved by the heavenly beauty of the Apsara. Overpowered by the moment, the sage involuntarily emitted his semen. The Rishi collected this sperm in a clay pot and stored it in a dark place in his Ashram. Drona was born in this pot. 'Dronam' means pot and 'Dronar' is one who was born from the pot.

The Birth of the first genetically engineered male on Earth (Adamu or Adam) as Decsribed in the Sixth Hieroglyphic Stone tablet (Translated by Dr Ezra Sitchin) found in Sumer which is more than 30,000 years old.

In the clay vessel the admixture they made,
The oval of an Earth female with Anunnaki male essence they put together;
The fertilized egg into the womb of Ninmah by Enki was inserted; there was conception!
The pregnancy, by an admixture conceived, how long will it last? to
each other they wondered.
Will it be nine months of Nibiru, will it be nine months of Earth?
Longer than on Earth, quicker than on Nibiru, travail came; to a male child
Ninmah birth was giving!
Enki the boy child held in his hands; the image of perfection he was.                        
He slapped the newborn on his hindparts; the newborn uttered proper sounds!
He handed the newborn to Ninmah; she held him up in her hands.
My hands have made it! victoriously she shouted.
Now this is the account of how Adamu by name was called,
And how Ti-Amat as a counterpart female for him was fashioned.
The newborn's visage and limbs the leaders carefully examined:
Of good shape were his ears, his eyes were not clogged,
His limbs were proper, hindparts like legs, foreparts like hands were shaped.
Shaggy like the wild ones he was not, dark black his head hair was,
Smooth was his skin, smooth as the Anunnaki skin it was,
Like dark red blood was its color, like the clay of the Abzu was its hue.
They looked at his malehood: Odd was its shape, by a skin was its forepart surrounded,
Unlike that of Anunnaki malehood it was, a skin from its forepart was hanging!
Let the Earthling from us Anunnaki by this foreskin be distinguished! So was Enki
The newborn to cry was beginning; to her chest Ninmah closely drew him;
Her breast to him she gave; the breast he began to suckle.
Perfection we did attain! Ningishzidda with elation was saying.