Saturday 23 September 2017

Indian Woman Arrested for Slapping Army Officer in Viral Video

Good Morning India...
The response of the Army Officer.
"Without any provocation from our side, the woman started hurling abuses and slapped me and my driver for 5-7 minutes. We were very angry but we did not utter a single word as we respect civilians, especially women," JCO Mahavir Singh said.
I read a lot of trolls against the Army from civilians and others, some ran like this ".

One woman slaps a fauji. Faujis cry on social media. She gets arrested. Faujis celebrating as if they captured ISLAMABAD. Faujis only proving they are jokers. Hundreds of faujis commit suicide due to frustration because of attitude of civil administration. Faujis relatives in connivance with civil administration marow their property. SUICIDES KILL MORE FAUJIS THAN PAKI TERRORISM
Road accidents kill more faujis than PAKI TERRORISM . Ie civilians killing more faujis than PAKIS
Faujis are such idiots that none of them takes up these issues and are busy celebrating arrest of one woman who slapped a fauji. This woman will apologise in court and get away.
And faujis will look like fools"

I have this to say to such fools:
I think all of you mistake a faujis patience as cowardice or foolishness, and tend to make fun of him. I can assure you none of us is foolish or Naive. Thank your stars that we have the patience of Job, a mythical biblical character. We have an immense and unyielding degree of patience and conviction, especially in the face of problems or difficulty. Quoting a reference to the biblical figure Job, whose absolute faith in God remained unshaken despite the numerous afflictions set upon himself, his family, and his estate by Satan. This field of work demands that you have the patience of Job.
If you're looking for immediate results, you're in the wrong profession. If it was otherwise the heads of criminal politicians and government officials would have rolled a long time ago. The buggers would not have known what hit them. Our veterans protesting at Jantar Mantar for OROP is a fine example. You know a whole lot of them are expert snipers, gunsmiths commandos and what have you. Had they not respected civilians and democracy, they could have made execution squads and made hits, No civilian fuckker would have known what hit them. All the criminal babus and politicians and the police who slapped and manhandled retired veterans at Jantar Mantar, would be wearing diapers to stop their daily diarrhoea from staining their trousers.

So be grateful and happy that we are there for this nation whatever civilians do, misuse us, deride us, or fool us. We always remember the oath which we administered to ourselves while passing out of the portals of The IMA Dehradun and ensured it was followed by every mother who wore a uniform of the Indian Army. Do not wake a "sleeping giant", do not provoke or arouse someone that is more powerful than yourself. "إياك أن توقظ الأسد النائم". If that happens there will be hell to pay my friends.

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