Tuesday 25 July 2017

Army officer’s legal notice to Centre over free ration

Good Morning India.....

The proverbial pot of sins of these Babus and the Government is now at the point of overflowing as far as the Defence Forces of India are concerned. There is a likely hood of serious outcomes having local and world wide repercussions. These corrupt, criminal entities think that we are still an Army just out of Pickwick papers and will always do their bidding, irrespective of illegal and other injustices heaped upon us. 

Like the British trained the old British Indian Army to think in terms of asking questions of their rulers as being very close to mutiny.. It is important to recall what happened to the finest Fighting Force in the world during the Indian Rebellion of 1857.

The Defence Forces of India are the only entity which are not corrupt, do not ask for more than what they had been promised legally as terms of service conditions while joining. The Armed Forces do not have a majority of a bunch of criminals with registered cases for dacoity, loot, thuggery, rape and molesters roaming around in the garb of politicians ruling this country, where the EC and judiciary are afraid to ban them from elections for a lifetime.

These bunch of babus which form the GOI on which illiterate politicians and part time Ministers are dependant for running day to day governance, embezzling tax payers money are whittling away our Izzat (respect), facilities and what have you at every opportunity. 1857 in a different form is now in the making. Youngsters may not join the Army, the Navy or the Air Force looking at the state of affairs. In the near future there may be plenty of Sukhois but no pilots to fill the cockpit seats nor technicians to maintain them, or no naval personnel to sail the destroyers and submarines, or soldiers to man weapon systems and fight a ground battle.

This stark reality does not appear to bother this Nation nor its Government, which is so callous that it does not even appoint a Minister of Defence. This is the start, that a Senior Army Officer is on the way to lodging a case against the Babus and the GOI for reneging on the terms of service legally promised for citizens joining the Forces. What can be more shameful. Fit case for everybody concerned to drown them selves in a fistful of water.

"Attend now, my braves. I have mustered ye all round this capstan; and ye mates, flank me with your lances; and ye harpooners, stand there with your irons; and ye, stout mariners, ring me in, that I may in some sort revive a noble custom of my fisherman fathers before me. O men, you will yet see that - Ha! boy, come back? bad pennies come not sooner. Hand it me. Why, now, this pewter had run brimming again, wer't not thou St. Vitus' imp - away, thou ague!
"Advance, ye mates! Cross your lances full before me." Amen".


Army officer’s legal notice to Centre over free ration

The Centre's decision to stop free rations to military officers in peace postings+ has sparked off a legal battle with a senior Army officer sending a notice to the government through defence secretary Sanjay Mitra, seeking a reversal of the order within 60 days.
Deputy Judge Advocate-General of Headquarters 12 Corps Col Mukul Dev has threatened to move court after this period if the order is not reversed. A copy of the letter is with TOI.
In his notice, under Section 80 of the Civil Procedure Code, Col Dev states that he joined the Army in 1988 after going through an UPSC advertisement/notification in a leading newspaper regarding the Combined Defence Services examination.

"Besides other terms and conditions of service clearly spelt out in the notification, there was the provision of free rations. There was no mention of the provision of cash in lieu of free rations. It was only after weighing all the conditions of service that I applied for a commission in the Army. It has now been intimated that officers of the Indian Armed Forces posted in peace areas won't receive any free rations with effect from July 1. They shall be paid a paltry sum of Rs 96.03 as ration money.

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