Saturday 18 February 2017

This is with reference to the Editorial page 8, left hand editorial column of the Indian Express of 18 Feb 2017

Good Morning India.........
People interfering with anti-terror operations in Jammu and Kashmir will be considered anti-nationals and will face action, army chief Bipin Rawat said on Wednesday, acknowledging and adding that the hostile conduct of locals was causing higher casualties in the Valley.
“If they become a problem in our operation and if that causes losses to our soldiers, we will not hesitate to use weapons,” Rawat said in no uncertain terms.

Very blithely the editorial condemns what Gen Rawat said and from it I quote “He speaks for a Nations policy and so must choose his words with care.”
I think this person who wrote the editorial and the one who vetted it has got things wrong, either deliberately or due to sheer knowledge famine, the latter I doubt. The COAS does not have the luxury nor the authority to speak about this Nations Policy. 

This is not Pakistan here, it is India at its best (hic). In this instance he purely speaks his concerns about the Security Forces trying to clean up the poop of Physically, Intellectually, Morally and Emotionally Corrupt Indian politicians and in competent to boot at that, piled up since this country attained its Independence, right from the days of Jawaharlal Nehru. He is neither responsible for what followed since 1947, nor is it his responsibility to lay down policy to clean up the mess. He can only follow the orders of his Political Masters.

So also at the same time, the Chief of the Army Staff, is duty bound first and foremost, as per the oath we all took while passing out from the portals of the Indian Military Academy's Chetwoode Hall, to look after the welfare, the well being and the safety of the men we Command. Specially so when his soldiers are ready to lay down their lives for whatever he stands for, at the drop of the hat. Here the Security of Nation is not involved persey, as this is not a battle against an aggressor enemy across the boarders threatening the integrity of this Nation. If that be so, it would certainly come first. 

I think I would be right to say that resolving any internal threat to this Nations integrity is not the job of the Indian Armed Forces, there are others who have been raised, earmarked and trained for that. If those have failed in their duty, then first take to task those nincompoops responsible for this state of affairs, before you prestitutes start chucking mud balls on our faces.

The COAS cannot morally justify tying back the hands of his troops when they face death and defeat for no fault of theirs. The sooner the nation and the prestitutes understand this fact the better it will be.

The ratio of Indian soldiers getting killed during counter-insurgency procedures to the number of terrorists neutralised are steadily going up. According to data from South Asia Terrorism Portal, 41 soldiers sacrificed their lives in 2015 as opposed to 113 terrorists getting killed. A year later, 88 security force personnel were killed while 165 terrorists were executed. 

In less than two months this year, eight soldiers have already laid down their lives. The number of injured is obviously many more.

In several recent instances, the army has withstood huge interference from civilians acting as cover for the terrorists. That interference frequently lapsed into severe provocation in some situations where soldiers, under siege from terrorists, had to hold their fire due to a battery of local youths forming a cordon and pelting stones and non-lethal missiles at them. This gives enough time for the militants to escape.

On Tuesday a Pakistani terrorist from Lashkar-e-Taiba managed to give security forces the slip at Hajjin in Bandipora. Terrorist sympathisers came out with lathis, rods and threw stones on the security forces. In south Kashmir's Frisal, counter-insurgency forces came under attack from locals so that the terrorists could escape from the hideout.

In another instance, three soldiers faced heavy stone-pelting at Parray Mohalla of Bandipore on Tuesday when they were about to launch an operation, reports Hindustan Times. The terrorists took this chance to fire hand grenades and automatic rifles leaving three troopers dead and some injured.

Lt General Syed Ata Hasnain (retired), former GOC of India’s Srinagar based 15 Corps, explains this relatively new operating procedure of terrorists in his column for Swarajya magazine. He says "paid rabble rousers in villages use the local mosque's public address system and social media to generate a flash mob" as soon as their intelligence networks bring information about an impending army operation.

He writes, "This does three things to the situation: Prevents the army from closing on the target hideout, obviates CRPF from being effective in the cordon, and diverts attention from focus of operations. It makes an already difficult situation far more challenging. Momentary loss of focus leads to casualties as exposure from cover is liable to make troops easier targets."
There are two arms to this asymmetric battle, funded and planned from across the border.

The first part involves, as has been described, pushing through terrorists who take advantage of local support to implement a shoot-and-run strategy. So far, the army has been exercising "maximum restraint" during counter-terrorist operations to avoid civilian casualties. But clearly, this has emboldened the terrorists and resulted in higher fatalities for our security forces.
It is in this context we must place General Rawat's statement on Wednesday.

The Communist Seema Chisti and her Government of India and specially the Indian Army bashing paper and Communist thinking supporter “The Indian Express” virtually appears more and more like a paid prestitute from the wrong side of the International Border.

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