Wednesday 18 May 2016

Burying Hemant Karkare......

Burying Hemant Karkare......

This is what a Policeman Julio Ribero spoke exactly a year ago as a Christian....
”Today, in my 86th year, I feel threatened, not wanted, reduced to a stranger in my own country. The same category of citizens who had put their trust in me to rescue them from a force they could not comprehend have now come out of the woodwork to condemn me for practicing a religion that is different from theirs. I am not an Indian anymore, at least in the eyes of the proponents of the Hindu Rashtra".

Today at age 87 he writes in the Indian Express an article 
"Burying Hemant Karkare".
The only thing I like about Julio Ribero and admire him for in his article, is that he has stood up all the way for his brother officer. He has not sold Hemant Karkare down the drain like it happened with Col Purohit. Col Purohit being from the Indian Army Corps of Intelligence should have been kept away from all including Cops. Possibly untold damage may have occurred as quite a few cops are traitors and they would have got hold of Top Secret Inner workings of Military Intelligence so also knowledge of military assets. Specially after hearing that Col Purohit was subjected to 3rd Degree torture by Hemant Karkare and his band. Like Hanging him upside down from a hook in the roof and heavy and brutal beatings, he being a human being may have divulged sensitive information. Now this is why I am upset at the superior officers of the Indian Army.

After having served close on to 26 years in the Army, I can say with certainty, no Army Officer moves or does anything without the orders and knowledge of superiors. If one has a look at the movement Order on which he moved from his unit to Delhi, it is absolutely correct and above board and for any soldier to move anywhere in India on duty it is sacrosanct. Unfortunately within this travel period Col Purohit was whisked away by Mr. Riberos blue eyed boy to destinations unknown, I believe from his home in Pachmari, it also appeared to be with the connivance of his bosses.

Julio Ribero is all praises for Karkare, and rejects out of hand, all evidence faulting Karkare in Malegaon blasts probe. Irrespective of the fact that NIA was heading a new probe. For him Karkare "Enjoyed an unsullied reputation for integrity, both financial and intellectual" So Hemant Karkare in Julio Ribeiro's eyes, could do NO wrong. I think senility is slowly catching up with him.

He talks of Hemant Karkare as being a highest upper cast Brahmin yet being impartial in his approach to all castes and religions. That I think is an insult to my clan. In effect he says that the Brahmin caste in general look down upon other castes in their professions? So somewhere in his heart he is biased towards other casts and religions? He further goes on to say that in our land the governing creed was "Hindus killing Muslims will be dealt with equally sternly as Muslims killing Hindus". Dear Sir, you are an acknowledged Congress Dupatta, do you really think the latter is true. May be old age has magnified his obsession with his Christian identity, which hopefully is a present trend due to approaching senility and was not there during his service in senior positions, because that in itself would have been a cause for worry.

I am not denying that Hemant Karkare may have been a very good Policeman and a good Police Officer, half of your article consists of your praise for him. Yet it must be remembered, the way you accuse the present "Hindutva agenda government" of sullying and burying Karkares good name. So also you accuse the NIA "under directions" of diluting the case made by Karkare. Exactly the same could be said of Karkare and his ATS. You refuse to believe that the NIA has some substance and evidence to reframe charges against the accused. Yet you believe without an iota of doubt that Hemant Karkare and his ATS could do no wrong and their presented case was gods own truth? 
Yet it is well known Mr Julio Ribero, that how the IPS who come under the command of State Governments are so unceremoniously treated like the politicians shoe shine boys. So it is quite possible that your blue eyed boy while investigating the case, had to bend to the pseudo secular pseudo pro minority Congress Government in power in Maharashtra at that point of time, as you now accuse the NIA? So also at that time it was common knowledge which minorities, the Nehru topiwalas were talking about. 

No Mr Julio Ribero I think you need to do a re think on your thoughts. As an upright policeman who rose to the highest ranks, you cannot have 2 standards to measure the same square. I have utmost respect for you, yet sometimes old age makes us treat our beliefs as if they were gods own truth.

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