Tuesday 12 April 2016


Good Morning India.....

When as a second Lieutenant after the India Pakistan War of 1971, our unit had yet to be be pulled back in 1972, from our war zone deployment. After early breakfast as usual in our underground bunker mess at Patti in Punjab, all 4 of us youngsters in the Signal Regiment used to gather around a small transistor (Radio receiver as it was then known). Without fail every day as a prayer. Why? First to listen to the news in the early morning BBC service for we did not believe All India Radio as it dished out a lot of crap. Second to listen to the Voice of America breakfast show host "Pat Gates". She was truly amazing. What made our day was the way she would end the program so lustily "If you see somebody without a smile today give them one of yours", and that truly made our day............

Celebrated Voice of America Breakfast Show host Pat Gates Lynch died after a struggle with cancer on 04 Dec 2011 at her home in Fort Belvoir retirement community. . From the mid-50s until the seventies then later again after a small gap, Pat served as host and interviewer on the VOA Worldwide English Breakfast Show, The daily news-and-interview program was heard by tens of millions of listeners around the world. . She interviewed presidents, prime ministers and many famous figures in the arts and music during those years. Long-time VOA listeners will remember Pat Gates' signature sign-off. She'd thank you for listening, and then remind you, "if you see someone without a smile, give him one of yours." This is Pat Gates signing off.

Sometimes one remembers things which happened years and years ago from the mists of time as if it was just yesterday. I am sure Techie Anand, Pandit Sharma (no more) and Viru Sareen will always remember those days of being subalterns, and the sweet voice of Pat Gates which filled us with total positivity to face the grind of a war torn unit every day..

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