Saturday 5 March 2016

The Beauty of sedition : Modern India

Good Morning India......
Reading the transcript of a lecture/blog by Iftar Reheman a Begusarai student was like a breath of fresh air for me. Was
tired of the poop filled bilge being pumped out by wimps and
Prestitutes for the last month. 

All talking about freedom of thought and speech to the point of declaring that the Indian Constitution has granted an Indian National the liberty to vent  anti National rhetoric supporting Terrorists and the enemies of this nation.

If somebody responded to them, these SOB's called us as Facists.

An approximate translation from the Hindi.
Iftar Reheman a student from Begusarai in Bihar, replied to Kanhaiya Kumars rantings at the JNU rally. He said: Are you not free? Do you again want freedom? Along with some politicians, MP's and Ministers who seek to advance their own interests want freedom? Stop this bloody drama.

I think it is too much now, this drama of  Independence, independence, independence in every sentence you utter, you treacherous bastards, traitors, enemies of this country. If your sons and daughters had  been martyred to obtain independence for India, then I would have appreciated your words. But you bastard was not even worth sparing a drop of water for, when this country got its independence, you unworthy sod. 

To get independence from the  English brave hearts of this country gave their lives to run the English out. You do not consider that Independence which was obtained after such sacrifices as your very own Independence and freedom? You 2 bit worth disgraceful man and your peer politicians still see slavery in India? If this is not just a drama then what is it? You and your likes and supporters should be ashamed of yourselves who do not recognize the independence we have got and are asking for it again.

I as an Indian of an Independent India ask you, did freedom fighters like Shahid Bhagat Singh, Subhash Chandra Bose, Chandrashekhar Azad, Abul Kalam Azad, who fought for freedom for their country from the British and sacrificed their lives and obtain that freedom at great cost were they stupid fools? They must be turning in their graves hearing some people like you asking for freedom again and observing your drama. My blood boils when I see you performing this bloody drama and hear you speak.

The limits were crossed when on seeing this drama a bastard in his glee and happiness gave out a prize of  0.2 million rupees. Further some politicians, political leaders, Members of Parliament and Legislatures, those selfish to gain their own ends, called you Kanhaiya Kumar, their son. What a bloody shame. In fact one of the political Leaders called your JNU address, which was full of antinationalism and sedition as the best speech he has ever heard, what the bloody hell is happening?

Sons of this soil, after shedding their blood for our country had called themselves leaders of freedom. Yet today you and people like you call yourself leaders to divide and hack this country into pieces. I feel friends that you still consider yourselves as slaves in an Independent India, you and your likes are definitely a danger to this Nations well being.

Right now I do not want to say anything, but remember you traitors, the day I feel you and people like you to further their personal and political interests, put my Country in danger, make it weak and try to bring disgrace to its good name, on that day I shall wear a shroud on my head. Even if my own my very own try to endanger my country even they will not be spared by me and I shall behead them by chopping off their heads.

To defend the well being, Integrity and welfare of our Nation, is the first duty of all the youth of this country. I will not allow those Martyrs who have laid down their lives to obtain freedom for our country to be disappointed. I request the youth of this country not to pay attention to the drama creators and defend our country from such people. If these kind of traitors and anti nationals are given a free hand then the day is not far off, when an Independent India will soon really lose its independence.

Will you put India again into slavery? If not then get ready to join the movement of "Save India" from these traitors and anti Nationalists. My "save India movement has started today"

Iftar Reheman

Another Character some Mr. Tunku Vardarajan who is a Fellow of Virgin Hobbs Carpenter at Stanford University sorry Virginia, also hails Kanhaiya "if not for his politics, then certainly for the eloquence of his language." Hails his speech as "Pure protest poetry". He further clams that "Incurring the wrath of an obtuse Home Minister and a dopey but pernicious Police Commisioner of Delhi; and of a tinpot Nationalist news anchor who disregarded the truth in a peerless display of hysteria." A British citizen, Varadarajan lives in Brooklyn with his wife Amy Finnerty and their three children. He was born in India, attended Mayo College Ajmer, went to Oxford University UK, became a British Citizen and is now settled in the US. So what Nationalism can this gentleman understand?

I think such people who are far removed from the reality of what India is and stands for, should remain in the hallowed portals of the Hoover Institution of a hypocrite Country.This country forced exodus of Africans to the Americas during the brutal Middle Passage of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, and the voluntary migration of Black residents who moved from southern farms and towns to northern cities in the early 1900s in search of “the warmth of other suns.” A third African-American migration story–just as epic, just as grave–hovers outside the familiar frame of our historical consciousness. The iconic tragedy of Indian Removal: the Cherokee Trail of Tears that relocated thousands of Cherokees to Indian Territory (now Oklahoma), was also a Black migration. Slaves of Cherokees walked this trail along with their Indian owners.

In 1838, the U.S. military and Georgia militia expelled Cherokees from their homeland with little regard for Cherokee dignity or life. Families were rousted out of their cabins and directed at gunpoint by soldiers. Forced to leave most of their possessions behind, they witnessed white Georgians taking ownership of their cabins, looting and burning once cherished objects. Cherokees were loaded into “stockades” until the appointed time of their departure, when they were divided into thirteen groups of nearly 1,000 people, each with two appointed leaders. The travelers set out on multiple routes to cross Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri and Arkansas at 10 miles a day with meager supplies.

At points along the way, the straggling bands were charged fees by white farmers to cross privately owned land. The few wagons available were used to carry the sick, infant, and elderly. Most walked through the fall and into the harsh winter months, suffering the continual deaths of loved ones to cold, disease, and accident. Among these sojourners were African Americans and Cherokees of African descent. They, like thousands of other Cherokees, arrived in Indian Country in 1839 broken, depleted, and destitute. After all this the US has the gumption to tell us about freedom of speech and thought? A country which is now going for "Haaz" to redeem the sins of its forefathers?

Let me see this gentleman holding a rally in Stanford University and shouting. ' Death to America, Long live Al Kaida, let us celebrate Osama bin Laden's martyrhood.'' I think the FBI will chop his head off or whisk him away to unknown destinations. Afzal Guru the enemy of India a criminal a terrorist got a fair trial in India. Whereas a hit team was used to kill Osama bin Laden. Now when I say this these hypocrites turn around and say" No that was different you don't understand". I don't understand indeed.....

What pride what nationalism? A pseudo political parade of Orators and their spoons under guise to dislodge a government voted into power by the people of this country.

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