Friday 31 October 2014

An answer to a comment on my status “ The Trouble Tree”

Quote : Priyanka Nale Nice article Ajay Uncle! Would love to share. But what about the corporates like us we take their laptops & blackberries home? Should we be hanging them on the trouble trees as well... ? Just a thought, now that we are expected to answer emails on phones, even at odd hours ...

@ Priyanka:

Two things: 

Firstly: Is it laid down in your terms and conditions of service that you have to carry your Laptop and Cell phone home to attend to calls?
Secondly does your job description entail you to work from home? If the answer is no then there is no need to hang your Black berries and LT’s on the trouble Tree, because you can lock them up in your drawer on your cube farm.

1. The three major behavior patterns of work that interferes with personal life are unhappiness with the amount of time for non – work activities, followed by missing personal activities due to work and finally putting personal life on hold because of work. 

2. The two major factors impacting the work-life balance of employees are, feeling exhausted at the end of a days work and quitting their jobs or taking a career break because of work-life balance issues. 

3. Major work related factors interfering with personal life, are carrying company cell phones/Laptops home so that the employees can be reached after normal business hours, and checking e-mail or voice mail at home after returning from work. 

Do you always quote “On any given day, I never leave office before 7 PM and so does everybody else”, “We can be expected to work on weekends as well, and nobody refuses. It’s just how it works or that is how things are done out here.” Well then think some more. Remember the 5 monkey story? 

An experiment was conducted in which five monkeys were placed in a cage together with a banana hanging high on a rope outside the reach of the monkeys. A step ladder was placed in the cage that would enable the monkeys to reach the banana. Whenever one of the monkeys attempted to climb and reach for the banana, ALL monkeys were sprayed with freezing cold water.
After a few attempts, all the monkeys learned the association between reaching for the banana and the group collective punishment of being sprayed with freezing water. There was no longer need for the water; no monkeys would attempt to reach the banana.
The researcher then replaced one of the five monkeys with a new monkey. The new monkey, not aware of the icy water treatment, tried to reach for the banana. Within a fraction of a second the other four monkeys attacked him again and again, until he no longer tried to reach the banana. One by one, the monkeys who had experienced the original icy water treatment were replaced by a new monkey. With the introduction of each new monkey, the other monkeys would attack him until he quit trying for the banana.
Eventually, the cage was populated by five new monkeys, none who had experienced the icy water treatment. The experimenter then introduced a new monkey to the cage. When this monkey tried to reach for the banana, all five monkeys attacked him.
The story goes that even though none of these monkeys knew about the collective punishment of icy water, as they had never experienced it, somewhere along the way they learnt that reaching for bananas is not allowed. They become the guardians of this rule without knowing its origin and purpose.
Culture is created over time, and often habits and practices are instilled and repeated without anyone knowing the origin of the behavior. But just to be accepted, most people diligently follow these behaviors, or the others in the group will work to reinforce and maintain the current culture. If “That isn’t how we do things here,” ask the question “Why?”
A normal day’s work should be from 9 AM to 5 PM but that rarely works for a good percentage of employees. Most work beyond the office hours, and leaving office two hours late appears to be the norm in many organizations. Alternately the boss stays on so we have to.
It is no secret that professionals do work hard, with heavy workloads. This kind of overtime takes its toll on employees. Employee burnout due to work overload and overtime is a common phenomenon.
Working longer hours than what the contract stipulates may become a part of life but it does lead to burnout, and the suffering only aggravates when there is no reward in cash or kind.
Generally employees work longer than their contracted hours. In fact statistically one in four works overtime every day of the week in any multinational. Working a few extra hours when required should be an acceptable proposition for employees, the problem arises when it becomes the norm rather than exception.
Nevertheless, time-management has a big role to play here. The problem can largely be contained if employees are efficient and smart enough to finish their work on time. Salaried workers should be able to complete their work in the allocated time outlined in their contract. Of course, there are times when employees would be expected to work overtime to manage spikes in workloads, and most employees would be happy to oblige.
Employees have to look at their efficiencies, how can they get their job done in less time? If employees are honest with themselves about their own productivity and put in place time-saving processes, one may find overtime is unnecessary. Overtime should not be grudged if it’s once in a while. Most companies expect their employees to be a little flexible when it comes to working a little extra and beyond the standard hours. Employers don’t like clock watchers.
But if employees believe the quantum of work is increasing beyond their scope and longer days have become the norm, they need to sit down with their boss and thrash the issue out before it becomes too frustrating for them and starts affecting their productivity.
In such a situation, employees should raise this with their boss and explain that either an increase in salary is fair to compensate for additional hours or additional support is required.
I remember my daughter Manorama, who used to work for Schneider Electric out of Grenoble, France, saying that while working in France she used to feel a bit frustrated as nobody would wait even a minute more than the stipulated time after office hours, carrying work home was a far cry, unless it was an emergency. Further on Friday evenings preceding the week end, all employees would literally disappear from the “Face of the earth”. Beaches mostly.
I have seen Vietnam a very poor developing country, very closely and for long periods of time. I find even though being a Communist Country, the private life of employers is highly respected vis a vis work. In short even they have got their Life-Work Balance right. Sometimes I feel something went wrong in our typical Indians Psyche while trying to adjust to cultures of a new age company.
It is we Indians I find, who tend to carry work home, mix up private time with work, so also carry an emotional chip on shoulders regarding performance. Our ideas about
Ambitiousness, Integrity and looking good are I think totally misplaced. It is also my observation that sometimes, Indians carry work home in terms of Lap Tops and Cell phones to escape from too many joint family members their complications and rituals, which to them become unbearable at times, so work affords a good escape route.
Lastly I also find that Indians always bring emotions into play all the time. Meaning whatever they do, work, family, looking after parents dealing with subordinates and bosses, it is always looked at from an emotional plane or very close to carrying out emotional blackmail. Maybe with their own selves or with others.
Bringing emotions into everything is never a good idea. No doubt that emotions are an intrinsic part of our biological make up, and every morning they march into the office with us and influence our behavior. They play a significant role in the kind of work an employee produces, and the relationship he or she enjoys in the organization. Yet one has to have a pragmatic view of Work/life balance. In its broadest sense, Work/life balance is defined as a satisfactory level of involvement or ‘fit’ between the multiple roles in a person’s life. In this climate managing the boundary between home and work is becoming more challenging. Organizations have to ensure they not just encourage but mandate a practical and workable work/life balance policy, benefiting and meeting the needs of both the organization and its employees. Organizations not providing real opportunity for employees work/life balance are opening themselves up to increasing numbers of dissatisfied and unproductive employees and hence increased attrition rates. Merely creating a work/life policy framework is not enough; fostering an organizational culture that supports the use of available policies is also of great importance. Further there is a need for employers and employees alike to find flexible and innovative solutions that maximize productivity without damaging employees well being, their family relationships and other aspects of life.

We have to move beyond all the above and think what could make our life more meaningful to us and our near and dear ones. We have to change our thinking from our present day restrictive mode which, coupled to our learned/programmed nature and behavior patterns, produces an inner being or state which we are totally dissatisfied and frustrated with. Ultimately to think in a way which goes way beyond our present patterns and reflects in a total paradigm shift in our total Being.

Our endless sufferings
are the roots of  illness.

When mortals are alive,
They worry about death.
When they are full,
They worry about hunger.
Theirs is the great uncertainty.

But one must not consider the past.
And not worry about the future.
Nor should we cling to the present.
From moment to moment
We must follow our inner selves or the voice from within.

If you haven’t awakened
To this great Truth,
Then your time on this earth is likely to be 
like a guided missile which has lost its guidance system.

Lastly but most importantly, one must remember that if one can achieve an inner sense of joyfulness, of contentment and solitude, there will never be a reason to prove anything to anyone including your own self. 
I am sure when you come home to roost every evening, your loved near and dear ones will like to see you serene,contended and joyful.....

Contentment is like a serene lake
That reflects the sun, the moon,
The stars, the trees, the birds ,
Everything that comes near it.
It is totally within itself
And also reflects the beauty
of nature.

As calm as it is in its equipoise,
It allows the water creatures
To move about
Without being disturbed by them.
The fish move, the weeds move,
Yet the lake is very calm.

It also offers its own nature,
Contentment to those who are disturbed
Or anguished or simply lonely
And who find solace in the company
Of its still waters.

A seeker too,
Must cultivate
The stillness of contentment.

Contentment is the garment
Of one who has become
Completely established
In the heart of all hearts.

A person cannot see his own image in flowing  water
But sees it in water that is tranquil.
Only that which remains at rest itself
Can become the resting place
For all those who wish to seek rest.

For us to achieve this we must practice sitting in silence


1. This is the art of doing nothing.

2. Can be done very easily by everybody. It does not take up too much time. It is required to be done 3 times a day for 20 minutes at a time.

3. Benefits : Relaxes the body, the brain/intellect and helps to alleviate all kinds of Stresses. This sitting silently allows the body to get rid of stress producing hormones and proteins like Cortisol and DEOH. Plus it also helps in producing Serotonin which is the chemical which makes us feel happy and joyful. Most importantly it gives rest to the mind. Meaning it carries out maintenance of our thinking mind. Further you will find that over a time you will require less sleep at night. Importantly you will train your thinking mind to let go of thoughts ( let thoughts come and go), and not react every time. So in your day to day life you will not react to negative experiences, those are also finally thoughts. These thoughts will come again but now you will not react but respond logically.

4. While sitting silently for 20 minutes we will not focus on 
anything, or on any thoughts. It is simply an art of doing nothing.

5. Remove your belt so that you are comfortable. Remove your glasses. Sit in a straight backed chair your buttocks touching the back of the chair. You must have support for your back.  Ankles crossed. Sit straight. However your head should be slightly bent forward from the neck to attain a comfortable position. Keep your hands in your lap, palms facing upwards, the palm of your right hand sitting in the palm of your left. If the chair has arm rests you may rest your elbows on the rest if you feel comfortable otherwise need not. Now close your eyes. Please tell your family members or friends not to disturb you in any way for 20 minutes. If anything is urgent they must only tap you on the head. You may come out of silence as explained later.

6. Relax your feet and toes, then your ankles, then calf muscles, then your thigh muscles, then your stomach, chest, shoulders, neck, arms, wrists and hands. Sit silently in this state. Let your thoughts come and let them go. Do nothing, do not try to stop your thoughts importantly do not get involved in your thoughts, let them come and let them go. Even sounds or smells from outside are thoughts let them come and let them go. Example a thought comes to you that you have to ring up your boss at 8 o clock about an important client message, now don’t start thinking what will the boss say, can you keep the client happy etc. That is getting involved, let that thought come and let it go. Similarly you hear a motor cycle horn outside don’t get involved in the sound by thinking who must it be now in the morning etc. let it come and let it go. Just do nothing. 

In the beginning there will be hundreds of thoughts coming and going gradually they will reduce and you will have periods without any thoughts. Starting maybe 10-15 secs you will have no thought periods, slowly over the days , weeks, months, years these periods without thoughts will increase. We have to achieve nothing, nothing will happen, do not have expectations as to this will happen or that will happen. Just continue 3 times a day for 20 minutes. If your head bends forward more let it. No problems. But do not let it bend backwards and take support/rest against a wall or something, the moment your head gets support/rests against a wall you might fall asleep. You may fall asleep initially if you are too stressed. Do not worry when you wake up don’t get up suddenly you may feel groggy, continue sitting silently till your 20 minutes are up.

7.  Coming out of silence. Initially you can set your mobile or clock alarm for 20 minutes. After some practice you will automatically know that 20 minutes are up. For coming out of silence, do not open your eyes. Move your hands first, rub your palms against each other, wipe your face with your hands, then wipe your arms and wrists, stretch your hands to the front once or twice. Then slowly blink your eyes 3-4 times, close them again for a few seconds then again open them very slowly. If you feel like sitting sit there for 3-4 minutes before getting up do sit.

8. Conditions. There are’t too many conditions. You must be a little bit hungry and a little bit tired that’s all. Therefore the right times are just before you have breakfast, before lunch and before dinner in the evening. You can practice this type of silence in a train, a bus or anywhere. There are no conditions except you must have some support/rest for your back. People at home or in office may make fun of you, do not worry. In the office you can easily spend 15- 20 minutes of your lunch time for meditating before lunch. It does not take more than 15 minutes to have lunch. This will be time well spent than just gossiping. Others will soon follow you.

Music for sitting silently 

The shadows of evening grow deep
While love comes in
To sooth every mind and body.
Look out towards the West 
And see the fading light of the sun.
Look within yourself
and  see an endless  sky of light.

Drink the nectar
From the petals of your heart
And let the waves
Sweep through your body.

What glory in the ocean !  Listen !
The sound of conches!
The sound of bells ! Kabir says,
“ O brother, listen! The Lord of all
Is playing  His song within you”

Friday 10 October 2014

Gandhi Used His Position To Sexually Exploit Young Women. The Way WE React To This Matters Even Today

  Click above link to read full extract

"Understanding Mahatma Gandhi..............
Just short of a sexual Psychopath.....
In male sexual psychopaths within this capacity, there is a preoccupation with sexual deviance, sex crimes and promiscuity. Within a heterosexual domestic violence relationship their female victim may slowly lose who she is, feeling pushed and made to engage in situations she may find risky, illegal or dangerous. These situations may include, fetish, group sex and humiliating rituals where the victim may be defecated or spat on, sexual or other torture, and being socially isolated from those who are close to the victim by being encouraged to only socialise with his friends. The sexual psychopath is ultimately looking for better and better highs or levels of gratification which serves his sense of grandiosity and supports his lack of respect for the law or for those who may be vulnerable in the community such as children, disabled people or older adults. This behaviour also highlights his inability for intimacy in a healthy relationship.
There are many psychopaths among us - friends, family members, partners, neighbours and colleagues and it is significant to remind ourselves of the traits which psychopaths have in order to develop an awareness that will protect us from becoming victims as once the psychopath has made you his victim your life will very quickly start to fall apart as he convinces your friends and family that you are the one who is in the wrong, and he is merely trying his best to support and help you. This is an incredibly dangerous situation to be in, but if you survive you will never trust again but you are damn lucky to be in one piece."

However if we look back in time and see our social, cultural and religious perversions, then it would be hyppocritic to only blame Mahatma Gandhi. Our religious writings (I will not delve into these so as not to hurt religious sentiment) plus old ideas, art and craft like the Sun Temple of Konark, The carvings of Khajurao all point to a highly predatory and promiscuous past. Even today we can see the vestigial remains of this culture in the sexual molestation and rape cases that abound in India. We see starkly that this perverse streak runs right through the poorest to the richest of this society.
The point here is for all of us to learn from our past and try to engineer a better and more healthier future for the coming generation. I am not a psychologist so I cannot comment on the shared article. However I do feel and see the rumbles of this nascent predatory behaviour where I teach in a University. All under the guise of the "In thing", don't be "a square", "Its fun" and many etc etc......
The shared letter is an excerpt from a collection of Gandhi’s letters which have been compiled into a book titled “Mahatma Gandhi’s Letters on Brahmacharya, Sexuality and Love” by Girja Kumar (Vitasta Publishing, 2011).
More detailed citations and references on the chapter on Gandhi in Rita Banerji’s book “Sex and Power: Defining History, Shaping Societies,” [pages 265-281, Penguin Books, 2009].

Saturday 4 October 2014

This is The US of A.....

In the recent past I have had a lot of arguments with my dear American friends, specially of Indian origin, on human rights. The way the Americans pose about these issues is quite flabbergasting. The position generally taken is that they are as pure as a new born baby's pink ass. Very good friends at that. How ever it becomes impossible to hold a decent and intelligent conversation with them, when it comes to human rights issues in India or elsewhere in the world. Such a high horse stand, almost unbelievable. The US of A'ians very conveniently forget what their ancestors did to the beautiful Americas in terms of human rights while they pose as today's Messiahs. I do not condone any form of human Rights Violations, I also agree that we Indians are the biggest born out of wedlockians (to use the B word) along with some others in this world. How ever the Americans are no better and some times worse. In fact it is not even their country to begin with, in the strictest sense of the word. How ever we have to grow Intellectually, Spiritually and Emotionally to understand the compulsions of civilizations and try to address some needs which may result in some positive actions. So this small extract is for those of my American friends, who think they are God's own people. 

An interesting read.

Courtesy Col Ajay Vir. Via Col Anil Kaul.....
USA & Human Rights --- A Joke !!!

Here is SOME historical information on the United States with respect to Human Rights.

1. First, since the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission is so worried about the religious minorities in India it needs to request the State Department to provide these minorities with permanent visas to migrate to the US. It is the Congress Party that ruled India since independence. The Congress Party must be held responsible for the poor economic condition of religious minorities in India. It has betrayed and neglected the religious minorities by practicing vote bank politics. Also, the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission needs to question Sonia Gandhi, the President of the Congress Party and Chairperson of the United Progressive Alliance, on how she amassed so much wealth in such a short period to be listed in Business Insider as the fourth richest world leader. Hopefully, Sonia Gandhi can provide these poor and oppressed religious minorities with a roadmap to become wealthy like the Gandhi-Vadra dynasty.

2. The Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission needs to address why the US government subjected more than 110,000 Japanese American citizens to internment camps during WWII? Why did the US Supreme Court upheld this Unconstitutional Executive Order? Also, why were approximately 14,500 people of German and Italian ancestry, and another 2,200 ethnic Japanese deported from Latin American countries subject to the United States' wartime confinement program during WWI?

3. The Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission needs to look right in their own backyard and examine why a segment of Americans were questioning the religious background of the late President, John F. Kennedy, the first Catholic President of the US.

4. The Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission needs to address why a large percentage of African-Americans are incarcerated, unemployed, poorly educated, living under the poverty level, etc. The Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission needs to address why the US Congress and State Legislatures have no reservation for African-Americans similar to how the Scheduled Castes (SC) or Dalits, (formerly called untouchables) are guaranteed a minimum of 84 seats in the Lok Sabha (Indian's Parliament). Also, Schedule Castes have reservations in the labor force, schools, colleges, and other public institutions.

5. The Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission needs to address why so many Mexican-Americans are unemployed, poorly educated, living under the poverty level, etc. The Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission needs to address why no Mexican-American has ever become the President of the US, or the Leader of any Political Party, etc. although most have lived here prior to the coming of the Pilgrims (actually invaders and plunderers from Europe). On the other hand, Sonia Miano Gandhi, a native of Italy and a Roman Catholic, is the President of the Congress Party and Chairperson of the United Progressive Alliance which ruled India for the past ten years.

6. The Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission needs to address why no Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Jain, Buddhist, Parsi, etc. has ever become President of the US, Leader of any Political Party, or a US Senator, etc. Similar to how Sonia Gandhi has become the President of the Congress Party and Chairperson of the United Progressive Alliance. Zakir Hussain, Mohammad Hidayatullah, Ali Ahmed Fakhruddin, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, and Giani Zail Singh have become President and Manmohan Singh has become the Prime Minister in India. K. R. Narayanan, a Dalit or untouchable was elected the President of India. Indira Gandhi was elected numerous times to govern India. Pratibha Devisingh Patil was elected the first woman President of India unlike the US that has never elected a woman President. Also, the Lok Sabha (Indian's Parliament) has two seats reserved for members of the Anglo-Indian community. India is home to his Holiness, the Dali Lama. Some of the most influential and famous Indians were/are from the Parsi community, the least populated minority community in India. However, they refused to accept minority religious status.

7. The Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission needs to address why Sikhs and Hindu Americans were beaten and killed in the US after they were mistakenly targeted as Muslims.

8. Since the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission is so concerned about the rights of minorities in India it needs to address why the US government confiscated the property of some Japanese's citizens to build US military bases in Japan after WWII. The Tom Lantos HRC needs to address why did the US government in collaboration with the British expell the indigenous inhabitants i.e., Chagossians, from the island of Diego Garcia, to build a US military base. Also, what about the Human Rights of the innocent Japanese civilians who were nuked by the US military during WW II?

9. Where was the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission when close to three million minorities, mostly Hindus were raped and killed in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) by the Pakistani Military in operation "Searchlight"?
10. Where was the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission when millions of Vietnamese civilians were carpet bombed and exposed to weapons of mass destruction i.e., Napalm and Agent Orange by the US military?

11. The Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission needs to look right in its backyard and ask why approximately after 200 years of independence from Britain, African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, and other Minorities were denied the most basic of human rights until the signing of the Civil Right Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 by President, Lyndon B. Johnson. The Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission needs to address why African Americans were lynched, denied voting rights, forced to attend segregated schools, bus, and other public accommodations in the Southern and Western US. The Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission needs to address why African Americans were beaten in Howard Beach, Bensonhurst, Rodney King Police Brutality, etc. . The Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission needs to address why African Americans were massacred in Rosewood Central Florida, Colfax and Thibodaux Louisiana, Tulsa Race Riot, etc.
12. The Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission needs to address why a federal court found the New York City Police Department’s highly controversial stop-and-frisk practices unconstitutional. It needs to address why African, Latino and Asian Americans in New York had their Fourth Amendment rights to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures and Fourteenth Amendment Rights of Equal Protection violated.

13. The Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission needs to address why no native American has ever become the President of the US, leader of any Political Party, etc. The Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission needs to address why no native American is included in this Human Rights Commission or making laws in the US Congress. The home of their ancestors who had welcomed the Pilgrims to the Americas, who were being prosecuted and denied religious freedom in their former homeland in Europe. 
14. The Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission needs to address why the US Congress and State Legislatures do not have any reservation for Native Americans similar to how the Scheduled Tribes (ST) or Adivasis in India are allocated a minimum of 46 seats in the Lok Sabha (Indian's Parliament). Also, Adivasis have reservations in the labor force, schools, colleges, and other public institutions. The Tom Lantos HRC needs to address why the US government has broken all the treaties with the Native Americans.
The Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission hearing is another example on how the US government wasted a golden opportunity to extend an olive branch to Prime Minister Candidate Narendra Modi, the Bharataya Janata Party (BJP), and other Indians. India has an excellent record for protecting the Human Rights of religious minorities. Very few other nations can match her record when it comes to rights of religious minorities. India should be seen as a model nation for protecting the Human and Civil Rights of religious minorities.

Patanjali Rambrich

The best part is when I try to point out some more similar things to my American Green Card/Citizen Indian friends when they were shouting "the killer of Godhra Minorities is to become the Indian Prime Minister, shame on India". The reply is always "why do you go into our past to justify your today, we are talking of today". Wonderful! Godhra happened more than 12 years ago, and most of the culprits have been brought to book. Not only that Modi was not involved as per the Different courts which gave judgement, yet in the American eyes whoa! The chipmunks are not even US citizens yet but talk of "we and our past" The building up of a nation of Hippocrites....

Foot Note 
Mission Statement of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission
The mission of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission is to promote, defend and advocate internationally recognized human rights norms in a nonpartisan manner, both within and outside of Congress, as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other relevant human rights instruments. In particular, the Commission shall:
• Develop congressional strategies to promote, defend and advocate internationally recognized human rights norms reflecting the role and responsibilities of the United States Congress.
• Raise greater awareness of human rights issues among Members of Congress and their staff, as well as the public.
• Provide expert human rights advice to Members of Congress and their staff
• Advocate on behalf of individuals or groups whose human rights are violated or are in danger of being violated.
• Collaborate closely with professional staff of relevant congressional committees on human rights matters.
• Collaborate closely with the President of the United States and the Executive Branch, as well as recognized national and international human rights entities, to promote human rights initiatives in the United States Congress.
• Encourage Members of Congress to actively engage in human rights matters.
What can you really expect from a nation of hippocrites? If you go into a line by line analysis of the above mentioned write up, it goes way beyond human rights. It gives you a glimmer of the true nature of the United States of America. Mind you, I have some very very good American friends males and females. As persons they are amazing, cant ask for anything more from friends. However when it comes to defending what their country stands for, in the face of absolutely just criticism, these very same people take recourse to being stupid on all counts. But I know they are not stupid but being stupid for that moment in time, just so hey hey. . Anyway I agree we are a Nation of bigger "Out of wedlockians" if I may use the B word, no doubt in that. However sometimes the old proverb holds. "Those living in glass houses should refrain from throwing stones". Reminds me of a famous gazhal by Jagjit Singh. I always listen to it on long drives in my Indi. This one is dedicated to those Indian, Mexican, American Indians and those Indians who deem them selves to be ...........
"Yaad nahi kya kya dekha, sare manjar bhul gaye;
Uski galion se jab laute, apna hi ghar bhul gaye.
Khub gaye pardesh key apne diwaaro dar bhul gaye,
Shish mahal ne aisa ghera mitti ke ghar bhul gaye;
Uski galion se jab laute apna hi ghar bhul gaye.
Tujhko bhi jab apni kasme apne vade yaad nahi,
Hum bhi apne khawab teri ankhon
mein rakh kar bhul gaye;
Uski galion se jab laute apna hi ghar bhul gaye.
Mujhko jinhone katla kiya hai, koi unhe batlaye najeer,
Meri lash ki pahlu mein wo apna khanjar bhul gaye;
Uski galiyon se jab laute apna hi ghar bhul gaye.
yaad nahi kya kya dekha tha sare manjar bhul gaye,
Uski galiyon se jab laute apna hi ghar bhul gaye. "
Amen to that