Sunday 10 November 2013

Health and fitness an oblique thought…….

1.      During my undergraduate and post graduate studies in Microwave Engineering, I remember my Professor dancing around the class like a Bharat Natyam Dancer, a hand raised to the sky another perpendicular to it and a leg perpendicular to the plane of both hands, trying to explain the Theory of EMT. EMT means Electro Magnetic Transmission. It was really amusing to watch. I truly appreciate the sincerity of my professors in trying to make us students understand. They always said “if you understand the  EMT theory then you can understand anything in this world”.
2.      If one looks at the human body and concentrates on the nervous system following facts come to light:
(a)    The brain or the central processing system is connected to all parts of the body for command and control. Like if you step on a nail barefoot, a signal is sent to the brain about an injury occurring, so the brain sends a communication signal back through the nervous system for the calf muscle to contract lifting the foot and saving the person from further severe injury.
(b)    There are millions of electrical signals emanating from the brain and going back to it. Some are involuntary (reflexive) and some are deliberate and some we do not have any conscious control of. Specially the house keeping functions of our body and organs like the lungs, heart and Kidneys and others.
(c)    Suffice to stay that there is a continuous flow of current from the brain to the body and from the body to the brain. Therefore we can state that a total current represented by a vector sum of currents flows out of the brain and into the brain at any given time. This current is always varying depending on the state of our bodies. 
   Applying Fleming's left and right hand rules (a bit unconventional) and the theory of EMT we can establish that our physical body is a Radio transmitter of a certain frequency and certain modulation which is unique to every person. The body acts like an omni-directional radio antennae transmitting in a solid angle of 360 degrees or in the shape of a sphere.
(d)    The mechanism of energy transport through a medium involves the absorption and re-emission of the wave energy by the atoms of the material. When an electromagnetic wave impinges upon the atoms of a material, the energy of that wave is absorbed. The absorption of energy causes the electrons within the atoms to undergo vibrations. After a short period of vibrational motion, the vibrating electrons create a new electromagnetic wave with the same frequency as the first electromagnetic wave. While these vibrations occur for only a very short time, they delay the motion of the wave through the medium. Once the energy of the electromagnetic wave is re-emitted by an atom, it travels through a small region of space between atoms. Once it reaches the next atom, the electromagnetic wave is absorbed, transformed into electron vibrations and then re-emitted as an electromagnetic wave. While the electromagnetic wave will travel at a speed of c (3 x 108 m/s) through the vacuum of inter atomic space, the absorption and re-emission process causes the net speed of the electromagnetic wave to be less than c. Therefore theoretically this signal can continue travelling to infinity. We do not have instruments sensitive enough to receive this signal over large distances. However it can be measured with present technology at closer distances.
3.      In the history of Science, developing of a new instrument has always resulted in new understanding of Reality. Microscope, telescope, X-rays, camera, laser, computers - without these instruments modern science is powerless. Recently a new instrument came to being - a solid state computerized Gas Discharge Visualisation (GDV) camera for bio-electrography.
The GDV technique is based on the Kirlian effect, named after Semion Kirlian and his wife, who first recorded and studied stimulated electro-photonic images around various objects. Kirlian Aura seems to be able to serve as an extremely powerful and comprehensive medical diagnostics tool, capable of showing malfunctions of the body and mind long before any physical symptoms become evident. It seems that using Kirlian diagnostics, we may be able to take preventive measures, rather than wait until emergency treatments and surgery are required. A logical conclusion one can arrive at is that, if some of our organs are malfunctioning or just starting to malfunction then the modulation of these radio waves aka energy fields radiating from us can give us a clue to that. Kirlian or aura Photography does exactly that. The pictures of auras of healthy people and people suffering from specific diseases are taken individually and studied. Then conclusions can be drawn regarding how the kirlian pictures look for healthy people and for those with specific diseases.  Conversely if we can repair our auras and get our pictures compairable again to those of healthy individual pictures then the disease can be said to be eradicated. This repair of our Auras can be carried out by various means. After a lot of experience and studies by me I personally feel that Sitting silently/Meditation, Pranayam and Luk Tung Kuen exercises are some of the leading instruments to remain healthy mentally and emotionally.  It is interesting to note that there are various explanations to the formation of these auras. Some totally debunking it some giving this phenomenon a lot of credence. Another system is the Polycontrast Interference Photography or PIP. This too is a recent development to take aura pictures.
4.      Lastly if we are a source of a radio transmission with person specific parameters, then if some entity has the receiver in his brain to receive and decode our person specific transmissions then the possibility of Extra Sensory Perception Exists.

Just a thought to ponder upon……….

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