Saturday 23 February 2013



Often times my better half keeps telling me “Your behavior with people is awful including me”. On asking the why of it, her answer always is, that I do not care for people, that I do not stop to think  whether my behavior makes them happy or not. I always do what I want to or have to. Then off course long one sided arguments, which always end because of my silence. Over a long period of time, I have seen that people have a lot of expectations from me, as to how I should behave and what I should do to make them feel happy. Unfortunately their expectations are based on their own world view or their own notion of reality as they see it through their own perspectives. Well mine don’t always match, end result I do what I want to or have to which results in internal peace and joyfulness. Further I do not hold out any expectations from any one, including my near and dear ones, not even for a cup of tea, which always adds to my happiness. My wife terms it as being selfish. I sometimes do try to explain that  people have to experience what comes their way, the good or the bad, to grow spiritually and intellectually. However many times we interfere in their lives by trying to make them “Happy”, so also this behavior adds to their expectations from us which becomes instrumental for further unhappiness for them.
I have heard in many homes and hearths including mine, between husbands, wives, children, relatives “Why don’t you make me happy, you do not want to see me happy?” Somebody wants me to become a vegan, prohibits me from bringing fish into the house, preventing me from ordering beer and a chicken when out on a family dinner, this to the point of distraction, by telling me how drinkers and meat eaters are bad. Why because I am a near and dear one to them, my becoming a vegan will make them happy otherwise not. Someone wants me to stop my pleasure of a glass of beer or wine, else wants more of my time, to change my behavior patterns for their personal happiness and on and on. Sometimes I am shocked that people’s personal happiness always depends on someone else. How different the world would be if all of us can find true joyfulness within ourselves independent of others.
We reached home a few days ago from our Africa trip, unfortunately my aunt died on that very day of our arrival. My aunt (my fathers’ younger brothers’ wife) has always been like a second mother to me with all the love and affection that goes with it. Oftentimes she had stayed on with us if she faced any problems (whenever we were present at home). So without even unpacking we set out for the crematorium to pay our last respects. There at the crematorium my wife kept insisting that I should touch the feet of the dead body. I flatly refused and asked why? Wifee answered that she loved you so much, her soul and her 3 sons in attendance will feel happy, so also I personally will  feel happy and you too, if you touch her feet. I was not about to argue on that, though she very well knows my views on this. Though I knew the poor women spent her last few days in an old age women’s home in spite of her 3 sons now performing her last rites. However the point remained that I should do something in spite of my beliefs to the contrary to make others happy and feel good even in some ones death.
During my experiences with counseling and the practice of Dr. Bach’s Flower remedies (mentioned elsewhere), I would like to share my experience of a friend from Mexico City (South America). We had met on chat over a decade ago and have become very close friends. She used to discuss her problems with me. I found that they all centered on trying to look good, or make others happy and tragically to become happy herself only if others behaved in the way she wanted them too. The net result was she was always unhappy and stressed. In one of my net sessions I told her:
It’s a great pity that all your happiness depends only on what your husband does. If he is a good husband (in your perception), if he treats you the way you think you should be treated, if he spends time with you - then you find some happiness. But when he lets you down (again in your own perspective), you have nothing left. Your whole life and joyfulness depends on the actions of your husband. That is why you are always unhappy. So I sent her my presentation on “The higher Objectives of Spiritual Growth”. I told her to study this and implement the thoughts contained therein. This presentation appears on my blog as the "Higher objectives of spiritual Growth"
For a long time I did not hear from her. Then one day about a year on, I received a mail from her - just 2 lines. She said Ajay I am very happy and joyful now thank you. Ajay I would have said thank you for all you did for me to make me joyful, but I have learnt my lessons well: So I just say “Thank you” because now I know that no one can “Make” me Joyful and Happy “I am Joyful”. She had also attached a small presentation for me, of her “Enlightenment” which I now bring to you. She put it up on the net, so many of you might have read it. Originally it was written in Spanish, I post the translated to English version. I hope that all my friends who read this blog will attain Joyfulness as my Mexican friend did. I feel that nothing matters more in life than being “Joyful within ourselves” at all times. 

The presentation is no longer available to embed so I have uploaded all slides to be seen serially.

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