Monday 20 March 2017

The Communist Seema Chisti and her favoured columnist the Anti National Pratap Bhanu Mehta are at it again.

If you read today’s IE you will find his article on centre page. These commies and pseudo seculars have nothing better to do.
Modi is practically saying India is a Hindu country and shall remain so. Personally I feel let us stop this hypocrisy of pseudo secularism. We have had enough of it during the long useless and wasteful rule of the hypocritical Congress. If as time progresses India becomes a Hindu Rashtra, let it be so. As a matter of fact in a true Hindu Rashtra all religions, social and cultural systems will be safe to coexist and prosper, but within the tenets of Hindu philosophy of non violence and tolerance. I am sure once this happens people like Adityanath will no longer require being violent in their approach of protecting their religion and culture looking for extreme measures. So also Islam and Christianity will definitely prosper within their own, without muscling into Hindu culture and Philosophy. If they still try to do so then they will be taken care of by the state, no need of individuals taking the law in their own hands. So by and large if this Congresee idea of tolerance /intolerance is rejected by the people of all religions and cultures in India then Sab ka vikas is sure to follow.

Adityanath, elected five times to the federal parliament from Gorakhpur in eastern Uttar Pradesh, has been magnanimous in victory, pledging to uphold Modi's slogan of 'sabka saath, sabka vikas' ('all together, development for all').

'Everyone who is prejudging the decision is doing it at their own peril - these arguments were also used in the case of Prime Minister Narendra Modi,'
'Almost three years down the line there is no departure from 'sabka saath, sabka vikas'; there is no let up in providing governance and improving delivery to the poorest; and there can be no distinction between citizens on the basis of their faith, region or identity.

Further it is trumpeted that he faces criminal cases including attempted murder; intimidation; promoting religious enmity; defiling a place of worship; rioting; and trespassing on burial places. This is the common chant of pseudo sekulars and commies. So why are the likes of Congresses Sonia bhakts and Communists crying foul when their own brethren 30% of MP’s and more of MLA’s are facing criminal cases of rape, molestation and murder? In fact since Independence Congress has a string of Scams and criminal cases to its name with serious ones attached to the Nehru Gandhi family? If you look closely it starts from Jawahar Lal Nehrus imported jeep scandal for the Army post Independence !!

Adityanath has been elected through a process that has a Constitutional sanctity, and our Constitution is sufficiently resilient to take care of anything that goes against it.
Ours is democracy wherein Hindus are in majority, and the collective will of the majority will naturally prevail. The minorities in India should be thankful for the fair treatment they are receiving in India. Its too early to pre-judge and start calling names. Let him deliver on the people's mandate, till that time hold on to your guns (and yes, your tongues!). The minority-appeasement card has played itself to its eventual death (as evident in the UP elections); let his deliverance as a CM prevail upon the final judgement and not his religious background.

One of his first tasks may be to fulfil an election manifesto pledge and close slaughter-houses that are mostly operated by Muslims. So what is wrong in that? Scientists in western Countries are yelling their heads off to stop beef and meat consumption. Why? In fact meat farming, is one of the most serious causes of emission of Bio gasses and global warming.
Of the 95 million tons of beef produced in the world in 2000 (it has nearly doubled today), the vast majority came from cattle in Latin America, Europe and North America.
1.3 billion tons of grain is consumed by farm animals each year — and nearly all of it is fed to livestock in the developed world and in China and Latin America.
The highest total of livestock-related greenhouse-gas emissions comes from the developing world, which accounts for 75% of the global emissions from cattle and other ruminants and 56% of the global emissions from poultry and pigs.

Above all else, the study underscores that while meat production will need to change in the future, so will meat consumption. It’s difficult to get a full and proper accounting of the total environmental impact of livestock production. A 2006 report from the Food and Agriculture Organisation estimated that livestock were responsible for about 18-25% of human-caused greenhouse gases. So let us reduce or stop meat consumption, it will be good for the earth as well as your heart.
Livestock also serves a different function in the developing world. “Cattle and poultry can be walking banks in the developing world,” says Mario Herrero, an agricultural-systems scientist at CSIRO and a co-author of the paper. “They provide manure to small-holder farmers in addition to many other products without killing them. There’s a tremendous social role for livestock that can’t be ignored.”
At age 44, Adityanath is eight years younger that Amit Shah, the party’s hardliner president, and 22 years younger than Narendra Modi, the prime minister. He is a new type of face among the younger generation of BJP leaders, and presumably could rise to the top if he succeeds in his first task of ensuring that the party does well in the 2019 general election, with UP returning at least if not more than the state’s current 71 MPs, and is then re-elected as chief minister UP in 2022.
The UP victory shows he has now won the support of the poor, who want to move on from the Congress Party’s sops and corrupt aid schemes, mostly named after the Gandhi dynasty, to positive development policies and an attack on the rich and powerful – epitomised (wrongly) in their view by Modi’s demonetisation note-ban project. Why do the likes of Pratap Bhanu Mehtas feel uncomfortable when the word intolerance is linked with Islam? Every time the word 'intolerance/tolerance' is used with respect to Islam and Christianity, it raises the hackles of Congees and Commies.

Actually Islam tolerates nothing, especially other religious groups. Islam undermines and tries to control other ideologies and in the same breath screams out for the same tolerance it refuses to give others. So do the Christians. The Christian missionaries as well as NGO’s who have and are still striving to spread Christianity keep shouting about religious intolerance, when in actual fact successive Congress Governments have given both a free hand to do what they wish. 

When the Hindus start talking of Hindu intolerance in a land where the Hindu population is more than 80%, it gets their goats?

Look at the Attitude of Muslims in any certain area:
0-10%- We are minorities here. Let's live peacefully. No religion teaches hatred. Let's Coexist. We are secular.
10% - 30%- We want special rights. You must safeguard us because we are minorities otherwise you are communal. We want reservations in Govt job and Separate law code.
30-50%:- We want freedom to practice our religious rites even if law of your land doesn't allow it. We have right to practice our religious rites anywhere. If you don't allow, You are a human rights violator.
50%-80%- We are the fastest growing religion. We can't let kafirs to blossom in our land. Allah ho Akbar. We will conquer the whole world. It's Jihad time baby.
80%-100%:- All religions except Islam are blasphemy. Our Lord Allah has instructed to Kill all kafirs until there is no disbelief left. All religions except Islam are banned. Secularism can go to hell. Whole world will be Islamic. Insha Allah.

I am neither a Christian nor an Islam hater. In fact being from the Army I have wined and dined from the same mug and plate with Muslims, Christians and all others. The best times of my life were spent with them. I have trusted my Muslim and Christian brethren with my life. Some of my best and lifelong friends are from among them. Therefore it is my prayer that all religions, cultures and social systems should have a bit of faith on the oldest known way of life which is "Hinduism". It will also be well to believe Adityanath to have enough wisdom and maturity to do what is right. As is rightly said different strokes for different folks and different approaches for different situations.

After reading Mr Pratap Bhanu Mehta's article in the Indian Express today I thought I must comment on it with what I feel.